Thursday, December 2, 2010

Fireball Travel Trailer Information

Mickey: History of a hectic night. (6) vs Marco

I asked the foreman if those were the specialists who were on their way because the man had in his hands a loop they themselves used to collect stray dogs, asking whether I thought with that contraption to solve the problem.
I said no, that Fermin CECA chief foreman had gone for the owner, because he had found out where he was and that there would come a short time. Then I asked him why he had come to him, if he really came to help or just to snoop. He looked at me winking at me and I understood.

not to like the monkey must have been what I was seeing so many people wearing colored agglomerated and hallucinogens, and decided to go where I feared most, the roof with two slopes that could not get, although some of the police asked me to let him go after him, to have controlled, to which I refused flatly as we already had committed many atrocities for three short hours.

and were approaching two o'clock. The night was very dark, new moon, and as he left the animal was trying to find his cubicle, I suppose, because he never stopped to inspect all of the roof dormers. Off the pace, down to the terrace, looked, and, not recognizing it, rose again, to get away from something else.

In the second of the attic, as the animal walked in their flight, they really are tricked urban zones to be used as a bedroom, came out two women, probably attracted by the circus that had assembled, and looked where we were us to investigate what happened.

primate At that time amounted to the roof from the first and was shocked to see them, giving a shrill wail of fear without pause was answered by the like of the ladies, who took a huge leap, hugging while screaming. So the monkey ran away from there, but later returned to continue his exploration.

About a quarter of an hour later came Fermin, the head foreman of the ECSC accompanied by two men in their veintantos years.
was presented and asked if any of his companions was the owner of the macaque, nodding and saying the other one was "cradle" of the owner.

I told the police patrol COPRA-ALFA (fellow officer), which proceed in the data collection and Fermín owner to give a thorough account of the facts. Both gave their ID to police and asked the owner:

- "Let's see, how can you explain me where you live and how you got that monkey up here?

He told me a bit bewildered:
- "Absolutely ... is that what brought me the monkey France, with documentation and everything, of course, since then I have locked in a cage to which I have put a lock up those who use a combination of four numbers to open.
But Marco, who is his name, has learned the combination and opened the lock, because a few days ago I saw him messing around and I realized what I wanted, so I thought to change the lock but between one thing and another I have not had time today, I've been a longer time away from home, has done, because I remember perfectly well that it shut after feeding, and put the combination lock. Once
has escaped getting here is not difficult, all the roofs are connected in my house is two streets.

- "We will talk in greater detail" - I said. "Now let's see if you can catch it."

We approached, the owner's brother and I, to the edge of the roof with the roof and said pointing:

- "There is"

- "Where?" replied in unison

- "Do not you see? They do not see the white diaper trying to get into the attic? Do not you see, pussy? Pa'rriba and pa'bajo moves.

- "No, I do not see" - said one

- "Well, me neither," said the other, "

my God! With the night so dark I did the only thing missing was the monkey not identify them and were not able to attract. I told them at least speak and call him if recognized their voices and deigned to come to put an end to such a horrifying story. So began, in turn to call.

- "Marco, Marco, Sue, come little one," encouraged one-

"Come to Daddy little, walk Marco, do not be evil"-requiring the other

As night I was teasing, a group of neighbors said aloud
- "At this rate did not you catch or" p'al "next year. Let's see If you hear that Marco was the kid that called Amedio mono and you have to speak with a South American accent that were "pa" Argentina a "season."

The thing gets out of hand in the crew and the decibels of laughter went up to the maximum. Bicharraco owner asked me, please, that would separate the group, who left the roof to the attic floor and I withdrew to the door of the roof itself, because Marcus would be stressed and not seeing much closer fuss . That's what I did and grumbling about missing the outcome, residents obeyed me all the policemen accompanying them except me.

The owner did not seem to do much if the monkey, but the brother continued persistently calling again and again:
- "Marco, Sue, come, oh my Marquito, how beautiful and how cool it is. Come "over here" bully "

And a hundred times with similar phrases.
Finally, after about fifteen minutes, the monkey began to walk towards those who require very slowly, suspiciously looking around at each small step that was upturned.

They gave me a hand signal telling me that I come down from the roof, by the spiral staircase to the mezzanine floor of the attic, as they followed my direction as ten meters and monkey with them. When I came down I found that this was a fair, everyone who had been on the roof there were now awaiting the outcome of the parody.
I could not but that scare me, thinking about what could happen to the animal trapped there and all those people doing bulk. So I said, very quickly and without further explanation, that the monkey was following his owner that he will not scare him.

Then the door opened and two men appeared, one of them down while the other held open the door, which entered the monkey following them, lowering the three into the corridor. Everything was calm and all expectant, the animal continued his distrust of the environment, but not about them, which seemed to submit without a doubt. Missing the peak, ie physically arrest him because, although the rough seemed delivered not approach within a meter and now there was no escape, he was cornered.
So the brother, talking, tried to lay hands and the beast jumped like a spring, soil halfway up the wall of the gallery, gathering momentum, to move against the opposite and coupled to a wall light electric community that immediately gave the shank with an explanatory "craaaack", leaving dangling wires.

Just thinking that might have been a short circuit and the blackout at the time, made my pupils dilate. The next move was from the point of light to the rail of the spiral staircase and from there to the general steps of the block, all in hundredths of a second with a remarkable agility and vigor and without even a diaper moviese him at gave us no time or see the manufacturer's brand.

railings on the second sat. Except the owner and his relatives were all dumb, some, police and other guests in the middle of the gallery, the residents of the house with the body inside the apartment and heads leaning out, as in vertical series, through the door, the child, ie child, higher, adult. So the bug is moved to one side or another abruptly along the rail, their heads they got quickly to their homes, accompanying the movement of escape to close the door of the house, a few seconds it opened the series again and poked his nose stubborn.

The brother, who curiously had obeyed before the beast, preferably the owner, made two or three scores to put his hand on the monkey who, each retired a little more, jumping to ground and walking away to a corner of corridor, increasingly on the defensive, the owner, suddenly said:
- "Let me wedge" - taking from one hand in front of himself,

and marching decision to the animal, with sharp voice, high pitch and an angry face, addressing the animal, spoke

- "I shit on the mare that gave birth to you Marco, I have already" cabreao "today "so" asshole. Come with me and so cocoon

And immediately extended his right hand, grabbed the monkey on the left and the animal jumped him and clinging to the raft sank, giving some signs of affection to her caregiver that we humans struggle to understand, brushing his mouth against the cheek of the fork and then crushing his face against him.

The hall burst into loud applause, as a happy epilogue uncertain work, while I uttered a sigh of relief, so profound that it seemed to me the soul collapsed after so much tension.


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