Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Whippets Effect On The Brain

About Marco vs Mickey

is difficult to give a unique and precise definition about what is and what intelligence consists of the human being, but its obvious manifestations are evident and we witness daily achievements and progress across the spectrum of human activities that demonstrate the existence of such intangible capabilities. I think, without going into greater depths indecipherable, you can find a common meeting point in understanding how individual aptitude to move further from a particular experience. The most intelligent individual, starting from the same point another, get a glimpse beyond, will be able to envision future events with certainty.

Each person has their own intellectual level that is manifested in different areas of knowledge: linguistic, manual ... Whatever the field in which they are dealing with the mental process developed by the individual, to prevent such future event, we can see that the aim is obtain an "objectified" the subsequent event. Thus, the abstract, concept, tend to have one's own body for the thinker who can grasp it, manage it and study it from different perspectives, later, to choose the more appropriate way to solve the problem. It is plausible that this "intelligence cognitive" is used repetitively by the "rational" Throughout his life, arriving in a particular case, to acquire a level of knowledge according to their own understanding.

It would be a huge mistake if they relegate the role of that other atavistic form of intelligence, "instinctive intelligence" that man, by the mere fact of being an animal, has impressed on his genetic code over thousands of generations of selective evolution. Has only one purpose, the survival of the individual, through two acts: the reproduction and the struggle for survival. We

therefore find two different forms of perception of reality, on one hand the "cognitive intelligence" leads us to investigate, on the other the "instinctive", which leads to individual self-preservation and species. The first will try constantly to capture the concept, the idea, to understand the abstract and to predict with certainty what will happen next ... The second lies dormant waiting to receive adequate stimulation. Naturally accompany both the individual and coexist in apparent harmony, because their functions are diametrically opposed, and therefore perfectly distinguishable, however this does not happen really well, but the confluence of the two may create a traumatic situation in the individual, if the constant search for logical answers, in different situations you are facing is oriented in a certain direction.

The "rational intelligence", "cognitive" in their perpetual quest for understanding is an "experience" occurred in other living fully verified, the "death" every Live is the beginning and end. The body dies without more, is extinguished. Their "survival instinct", developing his task, he urges further survive, the struggle for living itself. The clash between the two is inevitable, front and very painful, because of having to accept a reality that another part of the human object. Seek such a collision the thinker a state of anxiety which can hardly live, the questions will be going without a break, what will happen when I die? Will there be all over? What is the meaning of the struggle of life? It is indispensable to finding a solution to the inscrutable labyrinth that has led to the confrontation between "cognitive intelligence" and "instinctive intelligence."

As always, the "rational" ramble about the solution, and once more try to grasp the idea, only this time not try one more, but the "Idea" supreme, taking for granted thinking that it will contain the size problem resolution . Thus, as an answer that satisfies both "intelligence" arises, how could it be otherwise, the clear and distinct perception of the existence of a "higher" unfathomable, not analyzable in its essence, absolute and irrefutable. In him condense all the powers and qualities, will be our model of perfection. Could not be otherwise, we argue satisfied this being all-embracing in its unimaginable vastness could not let "me" and I perish blur in the "nothing", there is a design "post" when "I" die, because then my instinct tells me: "you will not die, survive. " This "being" excellent, I'll call "God" I can not give an explanation, which I can not track or sign, because its powers beyond all human knowledge, has developed a "parallel world" to the physical, there living part of our being that is not purely physical, there live the "souls" which are those that support the weight of ethereal suffering for our presence alive and then once found that the dead body decomposes, remain intact for its entry in the "parallel life."

We have made "God", our reasoning is perfect and although I can not prove its existence empirically, no one can do otherwise in the same system, it will be, in any case, a conflict of opinions on who will win the best speaker, although prone to the existence we have a very positive asset to know that our replicant, with certainty, has the two "intelligences" Like everyone else, so, somehow, be on the same side, waiting to hear a convincing argument to embrace our own creed.

The basic qualities of "higher" match in the minds of all and for all are so ineffable and inexplicable, because: how to explain that something existed, exists and will exist for all eternity? How to account for his omnipotence? Impossible to be content with knowing of its existence. But that "Divine Idea," even though soothe our spirit, "soul", it fails to fully satisfy us, we need "reify" like all others, mentally, and we bring the "God" distant and incomprehensible to our daily lives, making our "particular god", starting with a "tribal god" Allah, Yahweh, Yehová, Buddha ... that favors our group , which clearly is in possession of the truth, once established as indisputable truth, we will bring the personal level, my "god", my own, which is always different from another, which helps me when I need it Soper to obfuscate and stop believing in it, which acts against others when I ask him: "God has punished him." It is clear that "I I'm better, because he / she is bad but alas I do not wish harm on anyone, it is well sought. "

is not the intention to convince or dissuade anyone from their religious beliefs, all, whether in the sense that they are, are intimate and valid, undisputed, for it and because, moreover, are unprovable in either direction. Unquestionably, the social component plays an important role in shaping the individual convictions, but in my view, the process "intellect" that leads to acceptance of the idea of \u200b\u200b"God" without other connotations, and is printed in our own essence, to have occurred in the evolutionary development that transcendental qualitative change in kind made us capable of abstraction. In certain cultures choose to believe in a so-called "reincarnation", far from downplaying what I have been saying it is in its ratification, as there remains a different version of the process, guaranteeing a life sentence.

Far from being harmful, I understand that the discovery of "God" is beneficial, as is a solution to the "distress" that would result from the assertion of a total death inevitable and unpredictable, also the "perfect Idea" is often result in standards of living that are often helpful in general. The problem arises as soon as you start the "multiple" interpretations, forming a "god", the other, besides solving beyond what is proper, the world of spirits, assist with the resolution of practical problems and If possible, take part in our side, since its partial involvement is synonymous with victory and corroborating the veracity of our claims about its existence. And, finally, each created a "god" as far as we can. Predictably, a perfect being could not be accommodated in a world as imperfect, and this is not going to stop being ... ever, so be content with setting the "Idea" a reality, because trying to do the reverse might cause the loss of certain privileges that are held and safely, "My God does not want that for me

wallers Juan Rodríguez (Córdoba November 19, 2010)


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