Tuesday, December 7, 2010

How Do I Draw On Bamboo Pad

Mickey: History of a hectic night. (7) vs Marco

ordered all foreign staff to residents march to the streets to end management and elsewhere and fulfilled. The one with the monkey and the brother stayed together to me with two policemen and the head foreman of the ECSC, the front door of the building, until you decide what to do with the monkey, as they knew them and they were informed, if not, that the possession of such animals was absolutely prohibited. The foreman said to be impossible to move to municipal offices, as put a new animal at night, in cages with other unknown would be a safe war with some low. So I chose to extend an act of intervention with a clause that allowed the temporary holding of the animal by his master, until the administrative authority came from the seizure and subsequent delivery of the institution macaque appropriate. By going to sign the document, the owner gave a hand to it and the monkey, I think that thinking they were going to leave, began to scream in despair, while trying to jump on the "wedge" that was next . As there was loose on the other hand, the monkey was hanging in the air, held by one of his arms, making spring up and down, until he held it with genius said:

- " do not be scared pussy, that does not happen ná "

And pulling it forcefully put it under his jersey, which was quiet and still.
I said then:

- "Come all and, before it later, still worse than the thing
and contacting the owner:

-" While he decides who delivers you to Marco, you please buy a combination lock that needs opening, monkey, solve a differential equation. When I tell this I need to do by hand on the Bible.

- "Goodbye"

We retired there were three in the morning of October 4, 2009.

The night continued with occasional performances with jolt and several accidents, fights and common things. Although nothing comparable to the previous episode, which left us all exhausted by anxiety.

was time to leave and took in my release with unusual joy. He asked whether there had been some relevance in the turn and I said no talking, everything was solved, but did not think or say "mu", that "cachondeítos" and would be best. Add he left the city in quiet and ill besieged by police, to try to stay well and quietly for at least three hours, which was calculated as I was able to sleep after coming home followed. Then I handed the telephone, radio and the summary and walked briskly from the office.


On the way home, at seven twenty, at the height of the entrance to Avenida del Campo de la Verdad by Plaza de Santa Teresa, I stood, as usual, to buy chocolate and churros boiling it warm. He did it often when working in third shift, "five chocolates and two and a half servings of" needles "which is what we call here the wheel-shaped fried. The clerks, neat and dressed in pure white, with cap and apron included large circles cut up groceries with a skill and astonishing regularity of segments, introduced the "horns" in a large paper cartridge, which then were stained with oil and chocolate served in a small plastic pot with lid red, then put everything in a plastic bag. So I gave the purchase I would run to the car, which always left up at the door, hook bags on the handle of the passenger door and went whistling to home, in order to reach it before it cools the "needle" because in doing so loses much of its flavor, while the chocolate keeps the temperature much.

This morning my stomach was ravaged, the affair with Marco, which began just begun the turn, it allowed me to take a miserable coffee, after midnight and used in his capture everything that happened was done by spoil your appetite, get hoarse throat and disrupt the entire body. Now, back to my house, newly acquired, with the satisfaction of my job well done, hunger beset me, so instead of going to all get caught in the grocery, I went slowly toward the vehicle, hooked up the bags and start driving before I caught and ate in two bites, a good piece of churro. I put him in the mouth, holding it with his teeth and hanging out of her mouth as six inches, engulfing with relish as a pig rude, oil soaked my lips and mustache. Imagined the face that I must have the food in that position and wide-eyed and red from lack of sleep and overdose of emotions. To establish my own joke went down and grabbed the mirror another piece of syringes, even bigger, I placed in the same position, then looking in the mirror.
was right to represent me in my mind, an anteater was much more pleasant to look at that myself, so I started to laugh at myself and the laughter, dream and buttery hands for oil churros are I slipped behind the wheel of one another and I almost give a header to a stoplight. All
and I did not care if I come crashing colleagues, I would test positive for alcohol and give a "churro excess blood, and as aggravating uncontrolled intake of" psychotropic olive oil. " Great, how I was having nothing but thinking about it.
Of course, while still eating at a fast pace. On the sixth piece began to feel heavy, the food seemed to sputter in my stomach as if she were saying again and unexpected burp was about to break the cervical vertebrae. I did not mind too much, when he came home all this would go down to the basement with a glass of chocolate.

Soon I reached my street, parked and went promptly to prepare the quotas for chocolate and clubs and take them to the bedroom, with lots of paper napkins, then stained beds and I blamed myself. Had to please the mother, which had invited a few days. I opened the front door and ...

My wife was there, standing behind the door, and waiting. It was cold now and had the shoe removed cloth left foot, holding his right hand menacingly as if to send a mandoblazo zapatillero; that foot, the left, on tiptoe to avoid stepping on the ground with the plant. Still had on her nightgown, which had been with slight twisting slightly to one side and a quilted coat over it. The hair had been an attempted hairstyle, but for what I could see, had been a failed coup, because some crepe rebels on the hairy protruding general hairy surface. As she looked, without speaking, a profound grief is taking over from me was not sorry for anyone but myself, because that had all the earmarks of having octave.

I looked at the face, to see if there was signs that relieved me a bit ... Buffff, glasses subject just the tip of the nose and tilted, tempered glass and red-eyed and sleepy, all with the mouth "engurruñía" and trumpeters, while he could take a knot. I went as meekly as I could and instinct advised me, speaking softly and showing me this chocolate and kissed her and said

- "Good morning, honey"

"She responded with the stream and the aggressiveness of an explosion.

"Good morning, good morning? Pos will be "pa" you that "pa" Not me, I've been since half past five standing here I can not sleep. "Ea."

He stopped and left me staring at her stupid face numb. Knowing her, I knew I was hoping that he asked him about his troubles. I did, with more delicate still, and my suspicions were confirmed prewar.

- "Tell me precious. What happened? "

(Next week ends this funny and exciting story ...)


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