Sunday, December 12, 2010

Book Of Genesis Chart Templates


For a while I realized that education was a part of my life ... Little by little I realized that education is not only taking pen and paper and books, a teacher is not just chalk and eraser always carry in your pocket ...

I watched all teachers and teachers around me, unconsciously studied gestures, ways of being and teaching, to be forming in me a prototype of the ideal teacher that I would find my body along the primary and secondary education ... So believe in my imagination a great puzzle of different but compatible parts to form in my mind that almost perfect teacher to cover all my expectations ... But tired and a bit discouraged by the difficulty of finding it in reality, I decided to do something more important ... stop looking, and take me the way to approach these qualities as far as I could.

So I formed my ideals, those which are foundation of everything as one can be proposed, and in the way of my dream was just starting, I saw the injustices of the world and mostly the man ... of us supposedly perfect of all animals, humans ...

was there that I first aware of the things that are wonderful human beings, thinking ... A thought that things can go fine and the lowest occurring because of our guilt in the world ... a think me and not others, thinking that it is not imposed, is not responsible for anyone but himself ...

was there, and no doubt by a multiplicity of causes that would not give me a whole sheet to write, where I realized that my place was education, education children and young people, my support for the exercise of reason ... To be clear, especially the education of philosophy.

And speaking of philosophy as one that wants to impose a to memorize all authors, concepts and themes, but as one that goes beyond ... to complicate what we know or what we know, they do reflect on who we are and what we pretend to be ... a philosophy that speaks of "a" history, "a" world or "the" human beings, but to talk to us and that is our world, because we no longer serves to open the window and watch what happens ... have to leave, included, encouraged to look at the outside be aware that I too am part of it!

To all this, I realize that all and each of us are part of a system, a system that sometimes or some included and others that many times I get back to me or others ... how many times we feel that the world gives us the spathe or we put stones in the way forward! The problem is that the world, the system that I call, no more than a world created for us all, we feed and harvest every day without even thinking ... And thus exclude many right? to think differently, the color of skin, very young or very old, being or too fat or too skinny or too tall or short, for not knowing about or being unable to see because you are a man or woman, determinadaorientación sexual, ways of dressing ... to bring certain type of blood in the veins ...

Now, who are outside of it? Is there a perfect and better than all of them having the right to exclude others? ...

We, each and every one of us who create differences who feed them and give them the power to follow established in society ...

With all of this together and hand my great interest in education and philosophy is the fact that motivates me to help others, ie to contribute to what is in my power to those who every day we do feel different, lonely ... so I began my interest in learning sign language.

There is a world apart to "us" that we hear and issue oral words of "those" who can not, our world is ours, there should be no difference and boundaries that separate us between one and another, as well as who is ...

That's how I began my biggest dream or rather goal-no sleep as I like to call it seems almost unattainable and distant, which is education, education, philosophy and more specifically, which I I've driven this year, the idea of \u200b\u200bspecial education philosophy. How I said before, I think I have a big, long and difficult road ahead to meet these goals that are just surfacing in me and I started step by step in my career, but I think worth the effort and the hard way but important for me to wait ...

Join special education philosophy and it seems of utmost importance in every way ... Not only help make the world more as we cover new differences every day but as I've said, we know that p ara thinking and philosophizing spoken words are not needed, but simply a human being is understood, accompanied and included a world that although he belongs, yet he refuses to do so confident and free use of his reason.




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