Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Milena Velba Back In The Office Avi

not shut up and talk but it's amazing ...

There are silences that hurt like daggers in my soul,

others prefer silence to empty it before the words ...

I know a silence that says more than a million voice and looks,

those silences that do not shut and although talk is incredible ...

is these silences that are dark and intriguing,

silences that while it may seem, never lead to mistrust ...

I prefer silence, your silence,

before the world was giving me all your words ...

Your silences are like those musical notes that fail to harmonize my soul,

are pure and complete silence, silences that speak louder than all the books tell ...

I know a silence that is clear and perfect as the soul,

a silence which is composed of an alphabet, not letters, but the dawn. ..

only know a silence that speaks louder than voice and words,

are those Silence is not silent and although it is unbelievable, speaking ...

Stefanie Riani

(Thought so tiny babies so much yet to tell us when we speak, so and in my concern for people deaf mute ... Anyway, the interpretation of my text is at the discretion of each one of us, if you prefer silence before millions of words)

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Adult Footed Pajama Pattern

Bye bye 2010!

Building your own computer: D I will write the post uuuuuuuuuultimo a year that at least for me it was like an earthquake, strong, scared and left the shit! : S
super excited I started it, had gone to school, everything was fine, I was making the money I wanted and I had already stabilized the economic catastrophe that I had left the lady Dysautonomia life ... and I said: Epaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa "Where do you see? ud. has Cancer, so I returned, it must be operated and freezing all AH .... and hopefully a face full of laughter, do not you see that is proven to have a good attitude is paramount pa 'heal?. Freeze
all ... PUAAAAAAAAJ! Guacal! ¡¡¡¡¡¿ ?!!!!!!! AGAIN I was very angry! Especially because I tasted the feeling of believing that it was so good ...
remember that at the end of 2008 (year that began dysautonomia for me) someone asked me if I could change anything in that year and answered the pretty words that do not, that it would not have learned what I learned this year and I think so sorry ... but if you ask me now if I could change one thing about this year, blindly answer yes I think it was little bit far!
But as I suffer from chronic optimism: D I'll take the positive balance: people know that true story, on the road were people I swore that they would be batting cri cri there and listen to crickets pure jajajajajajaja ... tb life gave me new people who came to enrich and change the word "friendship" and the unconditional love you more than ever before (if that is possible): D this is priceless (pA else is Mastercard jajajajajaja .)
this year created this blog that has given me pure satisfaction! feel that we are a community that size does not matter, but we understand, we recommend, we profit, we call: P. .. at last! Was GREAT!
So I wholeheartedly support them having a wonderful year, kind, generous in good times in laughter, health, peace of mind, in money, labor and love!

love and a big hug to all (you)!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Whippets Effect On The Brain

About Marco vs Mickey

is difficult to give a unique and precise definition about what is and what intelligence consists of the human being, but its obvious manifestations are evident and we witness daily achievements and progress across the spectrum of human activities that demonstrate the existence of such intangible capabilities. I think, without going into greater depths indecipherable, you can find a common meeting point in understanding how individual aptitude to move further from a particular experience. The most intelligent individual, starting from the same point another, get a glimpse beyond, will be able to envision future events with certainty.

Each person has their own intellectual level that is manifested in different areas of knowledge: linguistic, manual ... Whatever the field in which they are dealing with the mental process developed by the individual, to prevent such future event, we can see that the aim is obtain an "objectified" the subsequent event. Thus, the abstract, concept, tend to have one's own body for the thinker who can grasp it, manage it and study it from different perspectives, later, to choose the more appropriate way to solve the problem. It is plausible that this "intelligence cognitive" is used repetitively by the "rational" Throughout his life, arriving in a particular case, to acquire a level of knowledge according to their own understanding.

It would be a huge mistake if they relegate the role of that other atavistic form of intelligence, "instinctive intelligence" that man, by the mere fact of being an animal, has impressed on his genetic code over thousands of generations of selective evolution. Has only one purpose, the survival of the individual, through two acts: the reproduction and the struggle for survival. We

therefore find two different forms of perception of reality, on one hand the "cognitive intelligence" leads us to investigate, on the other the "instinctive", which leads to individual self-preservation and species. The first will try constantly to capture the concept, the idea, to understand the abstract and to predict with certainty what will happen next ... The second lies dormant waiting to receive adequate stimulation. Naturally accompany both the individual and coexist in apparent harmony, because their functions are diametrically opposed, and therefore perfectly distinguishable, however this does not happen really well, but the confluence of the two may create a traumatic situation in the individual, if the constant search for logical answers, in different situations you are facing is oriented in a certain direction.

The "rational intelligence", "cognitive" in their perpetual quest for understanding is an "experience" occurred in other living fully verified, the "death" every Live is the beginning and end. The body dies without more, is extinguished. Their "survival instinct", developing his task, he urges further survive, the struggle for living itself. The clash between the two is inevitable, front and very painful, because of having to accept a reality that another part of the human object. Seek such a collision the thinker a state of anxiety which can hardly live, the questions will be going without a break, what will happen when I die? Will there be all over? What is the meaning of the struggle of life? It is indispensable to finding a solution to the inscrutable labyrinth that has led to the confrontation between "cognitive intelligence" and "instinctive intelligence."

As always, the "rational" ramble about the solution, and once more try to grasp the idea, only this time not try one more, but the "Idea" supreme, taking for granted thinking that it will contain the size problem resolution . Thus, as an answer that satisfies both "intelligence" arises, how could it be otherwise, the clear and distinct perception of the existence of a "higher" unfathomable, not analyzable in its essence, absolute and irrefutable. In him condense all the powers and qualities, will be our model of perfection. Could not be otherwise, we argue satisfied this being all-embracing in its unimaginable vastness could not let "me" and I perish blur in the "nothing", there is a design "post" when "I" die, because then my instinct tells me: "you will not die, survive. " This "being" excellent, I'll call "God" I can not give an explanation, which I can not track or sign, because its powers beyond all human knowledge, has developed a "parallel world" to the physical, there living part of our being that is not purely physical, there live the "souls" which are those that support the weight of ethereal suffering for our presence alive and then once found that the dead body decomposes, remain intact for its entry in the "parallel life."

We have made "God", our reasoning is perfect and although I can not prove its existence empirically, no one can do otherwise in the same system, it will be, in any case, a conflict of opinions on who will win the best speaker, although prone to the existence we have a very positive asset to know that our replicant, with certainty, has the two "intelligences" Like everyone else, so, somehow, be on the same side, waiting to hear a convincing argument to embrace our own creed.

The basic qualities of "higher" match in the minds of all and for all are so ineffable and inexplicable, because: how to explain that something existed, exists and will exist for all eternity? How to account for his omnipotence? Impossible to be content with knowing of its existence. But that "Divine Idea," even though soothe our spirit, "soul", it fails to fully satisfy us, we need "reify" like all others, mentally, and we bring the "God" distant and incomprehensible to our daily lives, making our "particular god", starting with a "tribal god" Allah, Yahweh, Yehová, Buddha ... that favors our group , which clearly is in possession of the truth, once established as indisputable truth, we will bring the personal level, my "god", my own, which is always different from another, which helps me when I need it Soper to obfuscate and stop believing in it, which acts against others when I ask him: "God has punished him." It is clear that "I I'm better, because he / she is bad but alas I do not wish harm on anyone, it is well sought. "

is not the intention to convince or dissuade anyone from their religious beliefs, all, whether in the sense that they are, are intimate and valid, undisputed, for it and because, moreover, are unprovable in either direction. Unquestionably, the social component plays an important role in shaping the individual convictions, but in my view, the process "intellect" that leads to acceptance of the idea of \u200b\u200b"God" without other connotations, and is printed in our own essence, to have occurred in the evolutionary development that transcendental qualitative change in kind made us capable of abstraction. In certain cultures choose to believe in a so-called "reincarnation", far from downplaying what I have been saying it is in its ratification, as there remains a different version of the process, guaranteeing a life sentence.

Far from being harmful, I understand that the discovery of "God" is beneficial, as is a solution to the "distress" that would result from the assertion of a total death inevitable and unpredictable, also the "perfect Idea" is often result in standards of living that are often helpful in general. The problem arises as soon as you start the "multiple" interpretations, forming a "god", the other, besides solving beyond what is proper, the world of spirits, assist with the resolution of practical problems and If possible, take part in our side, since its partial involvement is synonymous with victory and corroborating the veracity of our claims about its existence. And, finally, each created a "god" as far as we can. Predictably, a perfect being could not be accommodated in a world as imperfect, and this is not going to stop being ... ever, so be content with setting the "Idea" a reality, because trying to do the reverse might cause the loss of certain privileges that are held and safely, "My God does not want that for me

wallers Juan Rodríguez (Córdoba November 19, 2010)

Monday, December 20, 2010

Milena Velba - Doctor Velba

Loneliness ... Special Education and Philosophy

nights were born in sunny or perhaps dark days

grew up believing that we are unique and perfect

that no one shall be equal to each us.

We took the world of things and men,

yearn for a world of prestige, objects and people they may never reach .. .

We have it all, be included in a family, society,

but neither it, nor have thousands of loved ones takes away the loneliness that haunts us.

We are alone, alone in a country in a world we think we know,

tiny in a universe in which my existence has neither the minor ...

We're just a thousandth part of what we want to be and what they want us to,

we are not even a star visible in the sky,

just a grain of sand or a drop of water from the Pacific Ocean ...

We're so alone, alone and abandoned, we seek friends, love,

hugs comfort and solitude that fills our souls every day and we do not know deal with it.

Alone, alone ... lonelier than a man stranded in the desert,

missed a shooting star in the sky ...

I, my loneliness, just my thoughts, my shadow and me in a sad agony,

a loneliness that comes over me and imprison me soul every day ...

I can have it all, but loneliness is always my only company.

Stefanie Riani

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Cervical Mucus A Day Before Expected Period

God: History of a hectic night. (And 8 Part) vs Marco

-" What do I have "passed", that what I have "passed"? "" She always repeats the words twice when very angry, "Pos" na ", which I" Arise "" pa "make breakfast the boy, who was leaving, and have seen a bug" asynchronous "big" - to tell the size put the forearm left at right angles to the arm and index finger extended as much as he could, using the shoe to mark the distance from fingertip to mid-forearm "and black as my heart, I was running around the room" .

As I was telling put half of disgust face mixing with the voice of whining that I did not believe me, because I knew which caught the bug that would give him about a chancletazo going to fix it forever.

- "Pa me that a rat is larger than a cat, I do not know by" flying "hell has come, the house is new and we have visitors. And if you do not believe me call your child and ask him, that he "had" to get the boy to the stomach "revuerto" to see the black bug that and since then I have "closed" the door of the room, which must hold to anger, "- then made another feint forced llantina unbelievable-" bububuuuuuu. "

I tried to reassure her hugging a bit, firmly believing that everything was an exaggeration, as do common with vermin. In doing so she snuggled in my arms, and had held the shoe, his hands were between my chest and his, so that while he did as he was crying, the shoe was the tip in my mouth and I endured without complaint. With gun in hand, the most trivial movement imperceptible shadow, my wife desenfundaría, and once cocked the slipper no guarantee me not getting a couple or three well-fueled babuchazos, anywhere in the body. ... Then come the mitigating, "which if you forgive, if I got nervous, I can these bugs ... "

I said

-" I think it's as big or as dangerous as you say, are the eight least ten morning and night I had a pretty complicated. I'm going to sleep for a while, keep the door closed, pretty, and when I got the bug look. "

- "Quéeeeeeeee? What will you go to sleep and you'll leave me with the monster walking around my house? No way, not "ha-Blar", "masters" man, that you seek right now that if not when you wake up is "ate" "cough" furniture, which are "mu" harmful rats and the fat that is. " "She said tartly in the same line and explosive, trying to keep fictional llantina. "Bububuuuuuuuuuuu"

the thing I was going from dark brown and a little pissed said

- "I shit on the mother who gave birth to cough four-legged mammals, three , two and a "stopgap" that does not escape the lame. That night will dawn I'm going through. At least let me take my chocolate, is not it, I have the "syringe" swell in the stomach and of course I drink some liquid will clog the esophagus "- shut up a few seconds and with redoubled courage and anger, wanting to make me stronger, let go of an outburst," Hostias now. "

My wife took even more, the role of victim:

"Bububuuuuuuu, ujum, ujum, ujummmmmmmmmm."

finished the chocolate and said

- "Let the second safari of the day" - and grabbed a peg as a half meter that was subtracted from the last home repair interest.

A woman was dazzled my eyes, whining became sinister smile and without hesitation ventured to me in the lounge. Then close the door to prevent escape the bug ...

Slowly I began to rummage through all the corners, slowly removing each of the small pieces of furniture, first a miniature wooden chair that I have since I was small, then plug the tangle of the tank, as all the many, they form a nest anywhere. I half kneeling, crouching with the stick raised in his left hand, my wife behind me, standing by copying each of my paths. There were not many hiding places in the room, if there was a small animal I would suddenly there with their bones. Now a wicker basket that served as a wood store for chips ...

I went to move the basket and the beast did not hesitate, he jumped from the pieces of wood pushed by the devil, as soon as I raised my club to give him his due, while I cried startled

- "There's the bastard"

not give me time to say more because my wife, who was standing better perspective than I had seen before and with the accumulated bad blood had launched a deadly blow, if not because I was involved, was over, certainly not with the mouse, that's what it was, but a dragon that had been intrusive. The point is that, as I mentioned, I was between aggressor and victim and the speed and aggression should not have to be very refined look and as I was, with one knee on the ground and the other up, trying to beat the monster, I received a chancletazo across the back of the neck that left me number thirty-seven of the piece indelibly engraved below the neck. When he was hit in the position where I was, while painful exclaimed: - "I shit on the mare that gave birth to what hostión m'as got!" I threw the blow with the stick, and wandering, of course, in my quick goal, but not in the basket of chips that turned like a circus trapeze artist, scattering its contents across the room.

cranky enough I went to my wife and severely reprimanded for his action, as I touched the neck and red. She pretended to pout baby, but I am convinced that if it had not been in front of me have broken out laughing mercilessly.

firmly, determined not to get another violent attack, sought or accidental, I ordered the battlefield, he said,

- "You stay there, standing in front of the door "pa" not escape with your shoe on the little or the little foot, but far from me that if you miss a shot not get me Understand? If you see the mouse move quietly tell me, not pissed again, my mother, my body and emotions no longer stand. Okay?

She nodded without conviction and was placed where I had indicated, we never put on the slipper.

rebooted again and move one of the co chairs of the sofa, the fugitive SAIIA from under him, my wife began to jump wildly, giving huge screams:

- " There, there it is. Ayayayyyyyy, gross, gross, kill him, kill him "" So careful not to attack you, they have rabies. "

God, the rage! ... If the mouse would have had human understanding to discuss the scene we were composing.

The rodent, dead as he must be scared and ran screaming banshees as a desperate and took a few seconds out of sight again. There was no choice but to remove everything disassembled. I put up two sofas, an armchair inside-out, I opened the extension table, the fireplace sprayed with insecticide and other crap I do not know how many more. Trace. So I removed the seat of the chair, then a sofa, the other ...

By removing the second stayed put, as a pointer to a partridge in a hunt, there smelled a mouse, but not a little mouse, a mouse a lot, which is well known that emit the characteristic odor and accumulates in the place where your living quarters. I moved very slowly, one of the cushions of the sofa and saw him there, crouching on the wooden cross, gray, beautiful, with extremely long whiskers and tiny black eyes staring at me asking for compassion. Too bad I did! I decided to help him escape, so I cheated on my partner:

- "This is no longer here, half an hour ago has escaped, to to watch that we have given the animal is gone to take a" orfidal "p'al" anxiety syndrome. Come on, beautiful, open the door to enter a little air I'm choked.

All this without looking, because my wife knows me better than myself and was going to realize he was trying to unravel. I heard the door open and thought

"Well, you dive!" - And then, Mickey sugar-flee "goofy Run, run!", "I said, inviting voice and shaking the sofa violently to scare him.

The animal seemed to understand me and went the hell out of his lair, going straight to the door was open. Before I had time to turn your head I heard a muffled "plafff" when I looked I saw the mouse sprawled on the floor with a line of blood that came out of his ears and the body of carpet. My mother was with my wife, with one sandal in his hand, and said very succinctly:

- "Sa'cabo to"

Hearing all the commotion had come from its bedroom, with the net start and soul is still filled with anger for having awakened. Had entered the room and waited, with her bud, waiting to consummate the heinous murder, what he accomplished without the slightest compunction and with unusual agility.

I looked at the body one last time, realizing the pain he must have felt, because I had experienced just before, then looked at the couple, sit in the living room door, I said to my wife,

- "I go to sleep. As a break tomorrow, if I wake up in twenty-four hours, do not bother calling, call directly to the forensic and we do an autopsy on it and me in the same maneuver ... "" Good night in the early morning "

I left, I lay down and lost consciousness ...

Juan Rodríguez wallers

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Book Of Genesis Chart Templates


For a while I realized that education was a part of my life ... Little by little I realized that education is not only taking pen and paper and books, a teacher is not just chalk and eraser always carry in your pocket ...

I watched all teachers and teachers around me, unconsciously studied gestures, ways of being and teaching, to be forming in me a prototype of the ideal teacher that I would find my body along the primary and secondary education ... So believe in my imagination a great puzzle of different but compatible parts to form in my mind that almost perfect teacher to cover all my expectations ... But tired and a bit discouraged by the difficulty of finding it in reality, I decided to do something more important ... stop looking, and take me the way to approach these qualities as far as I could.

So I formed my ideals, those which are foundation of everything as one can be proposed, and in the way of my dream was just starting, I saw the injustices of the world and mostly the man ... of us supposedly perfect of all animals, humans ...

was there that I first aware of the things that are wonderful human beings, thinking ... A thought that things can go fine and the lowest occurring because of our guilt in the world ... a think me and not others, thinking that it is not imposed, is not responsible for anyone but himself ...

was there, and no doubt by a multiplicity of causes that would not give me a whole sheet to write, where I realized that my place was education, education children and young people, my support for the exercise of reason ... To be clear, especially the education of philosophy.

And speaking of philosophy as one that wants to impose a to memorize all authors, concepts and themes, but as one that goes beyond ... to complicate what we know or what we know, they do reflect on who we are and what we pretend to be ... a philosophy that speaks of "a" history, "a" world or "the" human beings, but to talk to us and that is our world, because we no longer serves to open the window and watch what happens ... have to leave, included, encouraged to look at the outside be aware that I too am part of it!

To all this, I realize that all and each of us are part of a system, a system that sometimes or some included and others that many times I get back to me or others ... how many times we feel that the world gives us the spathe or we put stones in the way forward! The problem is that the world, the system that I call, no more than a world created for us all, we feed and harvest every day without even thinking ... And thus exclude many right? to think differently, the color of skin, very young or very old, being or too fat or too skinny or too tall or short, for not knowing about or being unable to see because you are a man or woman, determinadaorientación sexual, ways of dressing ... to bring certain type of blood in the veins ...

Now, who are outside of it? Is there a perfect and better than all of them having the right to exclude others? ...

We, each and every one of us who create differences who feed them and give them the power to follow established in society ...

With all of this together and hand my great interest in education and philosophy is the fact that motivates me to help others, ie to contribute to what is in my power to those who every day we do feel different, lonely ... so I began my interest in learning sign language.

There is a world apart to "us" that we hear and issue oral words of "those" who can not, our world is ours, there should be no difference and boundaries that separate us between one and another, as well as who is ...

That's how I began my biggest dream or rather goal-no sleep as I like to call it seems almost unattainable and distant, which is education, education, philosophy and more specifically, which I I've driven this year, the idea of \u200b\u200bspecial education philosophy. How I said before, I think I have a big, long and difficult road ahead to meet these goals that are just surfacing in me and I started step by step in my career, but I think worth the effort and the hard way but important for me to wait ...

Join special education philosophy and it seems of utmost importance in every way ... Not only help make the world more as we cover new differences every day but as I've said, we know that p ara thinking and philosophizing spoken words are not needed, but simply a human being is understood, accompanied and included a world that although he belongs, yet he refuses to do so confident and free use of his reason.



Tuesday, December 7, 2010

How Do I Draw On Bamboo Pad

Mickey: History of a hectic night. (7) vs Marco

ordered all foreign staff to residents march to the streets to end management and elsewhere and fulfilled. The one with the monkey and the brother stayed together to me with two policemen and the head foreman of the ECSC, the front door of the building, until you decide what to do with the monkey, as they knew them and they were informed, if not, that the possession of such animals was absolutely prohibited. The foreman said to be impossible to move to municipal offices, as put a new animal at night, in cages with other unknown would be a safe war with some low. So I chose to extend an act of intervention with a clause that allowed the temporary holding of the animal by his master, until the administrative authority came from the seizure and subsequent delivery of the institution macaque appropriate. By going to sign the document, the owner gave a hand to it and the monkey, I think that thinking they were going to leave, began to scream in despair, while trying to jump on the "wedge" that was next . As there was loose on the other hand, the monkey was hanging in the air, held by one of his arms, making spring up and down, until he held it with genius said:

- " do not be scared pussy, that does not happen ná "

And pulling it forcefully put it under his jersey, which was quiet and still.
I said then:

- "Come all and, before it later, still worse than the thing
and contacting the owner:

-" While he decides who delivers you to Marco, you please buy a combination lock that needs opening, monkey, solve a differential equation. When I tell this I need to do by hand on the Bible.

- "Goodbye"

We retired there were three in the morning of October 4, 2009.

The night continued with occasional performances with jolt and several accidents, fights and common things. Although nothing comparable to the previous episode, which left us all exhausted by anxiety.

was time to leave and took in my release with unusual joy. He asked whether there had been some relevance in the turn and I said no talking, everything was solved, but did not think or say "mu", that "cachondeítos" and would be best. Add he left the city in quiet and ill besieged by police, to try to stay well and quietly for at least three hours, which was calculated as I was able to sleep after coming home followed. Then I handed the telephone, radio and the summary and walked briskly from the office.


On the way home, at seven twenty, at the height of the entrance to Avenida del Campo de la Verdad by Plaza de Santa Teresa, I stood, as usual, to buy chocolate and churros boiling it warm. He did it often when working in third shift, "five chocolates and two and a half servings of" needles "which is what we call here the wheel-shaped fried. The clerks, neat and dressed in pure white, with cap and apron included large circles cut up groceries with a skill and astonishing regularity of segments, introduced the "horns" in a large paper cartridge, which then were stained with oil and chocolate served in a small plastic pot with lid red, then put everything in a plastic bag. So I gave the purchase I would run to the car, which always left up at the door, hook bags on the handle of the passenger door and went whistling to home, in order to reach it before it cools the "needle" because in doing so loses much of its flavor, while the chocolate keeps the temperature much.

This morning my stomach was ravaged, the affair with Marco, which began just begun the turn, it allowed me to take a miserable coffee, after midnight and used in his capture everything that happened was done by spoil your appetite, get hoarse throat and disrupt the entire body. Now, back to my house, newly acquired, with the satisfaction of my job well done, hunger beset me, so instead of going to all get caught in the grocery, I went slowly toward the vehicle, hooked up the bags and start driving before I caught and ate in two bites, a good piece of churro. I put him in the mouth, holding it with his teeth and hanging out of her mouth as six inches, engulfing with relish as a pig rude, oil soaked my lips and mustache. Imagined the face that I must have the food in that position and wide-eyed and red from lack of sleep and overdose of emotions. To establish my own joke went down and grabbed the mirror another piece of syringes, even bigger, I placed in the same position, then looking in the mirror.
was right to represent me in my mind, an anteater was much more pleasant to look at that myself, so I started to laugh at myself and the laughter, dream and buttery hands for oil churros are I slipped behind the wheel of one another and I almost give a header to a stoplight. All
and I did not care if I come crashing colleagues, I would test positive for alcohol and give a "churro excess blood, and as aggravating uncontrolled intake of" psychotropic olive oil. " Great, how I was having nothing but thinking about it.
Of course, while still eating at a fast pace. On the sixth piece began to feel heavy, the food seemed to sputter in my stomach as if she were saying again and unexpected burp was about to break the cervical vertebrae. I did not mind too much, when he came home all this would go down to the basement with a glass of chocolate.

Soon I reached my street, parked and went promptly to prepare the quotas for chocolate and clubs and take them to the bedroom, with lots of paper napkins, then stained beds and I blamed myself. Had to please the mother, which had invited a few days. I opened the front door and ...

My wife was there, standing behind the door, and waiting. It was cold now and had the shoe removed cloth left foot, holding his right hand menacingly as if to send a mandoblazo zapatillero; that foot, the left, on tiptoe to avoid stepping on the ground with the plant. Still had on her nightgown, which had been with slight twisting slightly to one side and a quilted coat over it. The hair had been an attempted hairstyle, but for what I could see, had been a failed coup, because some crepe rebels on the hairy protruding general hairy surface. As she looked, without speaking, a profound grief is taking over from me was not sorry for anyone but myself, because that had all the earmarks of having octave.

I looked at the face, to see if there was signs that relieved me a bit ... Buffff, glasses subject just the tip of the nose and tilted, tempered glass and red-eyed and sleepy, all with the mouth "engurruñía" and trumpeters, while he could take a knot. I went as meekly as I could and instinct advised me, speaking softly and showing me this chocolate and kissed her and said

- "Good morning, honey"

"She responded with the stream and the aggressiveness of an explosion.

"Good morning, good morning? Pos will be "pa" you that "pa" Not me, I've been since half past five standing here I can not sleep. "Ea."

He stopped and left me staring at her stupid face numb. Knowing her, I knew I was hoping that he asked him about his troubles. I did, with more delicate still, and my suspicions were confirmed prewar.

- "Tell me precious. What happened? "

(Next week ends this funny and exciting story ...)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Fireball Travel Trailer Information

Mickey: History of a hectic night. (6) vs Marco

I asked the foreman if those were the specialists who were on their way because the man had in his hands a loop they themselves used to collect stray dogs, asking whether I thought with that contraption to solve the problem.
I said no, that Fermin CECA chief foreman had gone for the owner, because he had found out where he was and that there would come a short time. Then I asked him why he had come to him, if he really came to help or just to snoop. He looked at me winking at me and I understood.

not to like the monkey must have been what I was seeing so many people wearing colored agglomerated and hallucinogens, and decided to go where I feared most, the roof with two slopes that could not get, although some of the police asked me to let him go after him, to have controlled, to which I refused flatly as we already had committed many atrocities for three short hours.

and were approaching two o'clock. The night was very dark, new moon, and as he left the animal was trying to find his cubicle, I suppose, because he never stopped to inspect all of the roof dormers. Off the pace, down to the terrace, looked, and, not recognizing it, rose again, to get away from something else.

In the second of the attic, as the animal walked in their flight, they really are tricked urban zones to be used as a bedroom, came out two women, probably attracted by the circus that had assembled, and looked where we were us to investigate what happened.

primate At that time amounted to the roof from the first and was shocked to see them, giving a shrill wail of fear without pause was answered by the like of the ladies, who took a huge leap, hugging while screaming. So the monkey ran away from there, but later returned to continue his exploration.

About a quarter of an hour later came Fermin, the head foreman of the ECSC accompanied by two men in their veintantos years.
was presented and asked if any of his companions was the owner of the macaque, nodding and saying the other one was "cradle" of the owner.

I told the police patrol COPRA-ALFA (fellow officer), which proceed in the data collection and Fermín owner to give a thorough account of the facts. Both gave their ID to police and asked the owner:

- "Let's see, how can you explain me where you live and how you got that monkey up here?

He told me a bit bewildered:
- "Absolutely ... is that what brought me the monkey France, with documentation and everything, of course, since then I have locked in a cage to which I have put a lock up those who use a combination of four numbers to open.
But Marco, who is his name, has learned the combination and opened the lock, because a few days ago I saw him messing around and I realized what I wanted, so I thought to change the lock but between one thing and another I have not had time today, I've been a longer time away from home, has done, because I remember perfectly well that it shut after feeding, and put the combination lock. Once
has escaped getting here is not difficult, all the roofs are connected in my house is two streets.

- "We will talk in greater detail" - I said. "Now let's see if you can catch it."

We approached, the owner's brother and I, to the edge of the roof with the roof and said pointing:

- "There is"

- "Where?" replied in unison

- "Do not you see? They do not see the white diaper trying to get into the attic? Do not you see, pussy? Pa'rriba and pa'bajo moves.

- "No, I do not see" - said one

- "Well, me neither," said the other, "

my God! With the night so dark I did the only thing missing was the monkey not identify them and were not able to attract. I told them at least speak and call him if recognized their voices and deigned to come to put an end to such a horrifying story. So began, in turn to call.

- "Marco, Marco, Sue, come little one," encouraged one-

"Come to Daddy little, walk Marco, do not be evil"-requiring the other

As night I was teasing, a group of neighbors said aloud
- "At this rate did not you catch or" p'al "next year. Let's see If you hear that Marco was the kid that called Amedio mono and you have to speak with a South American accent that were "pa" Argentina a "season."

The thing gets out of hand in the crew and the decibels of laughter went up to the maximum. Bicharraco owner asked me, please, that would separate the group, who left the roof to the attic floor and I withdrew to the door of the roof itself, because Marcus would be stressed and not seeing much closer fuss . That's what I did and grumbling about missing the outcome, residents obeyed me all the policemen accompanying them except me.

The owner did not seem to do much if the monkey, but the brother continued persistently calling again and again:
- "Marco, Sue, come, oh my Marquito, how beautiful and how cool it is. Come "over here" bully "

And a hundred times with similar phrases.
Finally, after about fifteen minutes, the monkey began to walk towards those who require very slowly, suspiciously looking around at each small step that was upturned.

They gave me a hand signal telling me that I come down from the roof, by the spiral staircase to the mezzanine floor of the attic, as they followed my direction as ten meters and monkey with them. When I came down I found that this was a fair, everyone who had been on the roof there were now awaiting the outcome of the parody.
I could not but that scare me, thinking about what could happen to the animal trapped there and all those people doing bulk. So I said, very quickly and without further explanation, that the monkey was following his owner that he will not scare him.

Then the door opened and two men appeared, one of them down while the other held open the door, which entered the monkey following them, lowering the three into the corridor. Everything was calm and all expectant, the animal continued his distrust of the environment, but not about them, which seemed to submit without a doubt. Missing the peak, ie physically arrest him because, although the rough seemed delivered not approach within a meter and now there was no escape, he was cornered.
So the brother, talking, tried to lay hands and the beast jumped like a spring, soil halfway up the wall of the gallery, gathering momentum, to move against the opposite and coupled to a wall light electric community that immediately gave the shank with an explanatory "craaaack", leaving dangling wires.

Just thinking that might have been a short circuit and the blackout at the time, made my pupils dilate. The next move was from the point of light to the rail of the spiral staircase and from there to the general steps of the block, all in hundredths of a second with a remarkable agility and vigor and without even a diaper moviese him at gave us no time or see the manufacturer's brand.

railings on the second sat. Except the owner and his relatives were all dumb, some, police and other guests in the middle of the gallery, the residents of the house with the body inside the apartment and heads leaning out, as in vertical series, through the door, the child, ie child, higher, adult. So the bug is moved to one side or another abruptly along the rail, their heads they got quickly to their homes, accompanying the movement of escape to close the door of the house, a few seconds it opened the series again and poked his nose stubborn.

The brother, who curiously had obeyed before the beast, preferably the owner, made two or three scores to put his hand on the monkey who, each retired a little more, jumping to ground and walking away to a corner of corridor, increasingly on the defensive, the owner, suddenly said:
- "Let me wedge" - taking from one hand in front of himself,

and marching decision to the animal, with sharp voice, high pitch and an angry face, addressing the animal, spoke

- "I shit on the mare that gave birth to you Marco, I have already" cabreao "today "so" asshole. Come with me and so cocoon

And immediately extended his right hand, grabbed the monkey on the left and the animal jumped him and clinging to the raft sank, giving some signs of affection to her caregiver that we humans struggle to understand, brushing his mouth against the cheek of the fork and then crushing his face against him.

The hall burst into loud applause, as a happy epilogue uncertain work, while I uttered a sigh of relief, so profound that it seemed to me the soul collapsed after so much tension.