Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Smoking Lymphatic System

About us Develop

Somos seres tan aberrantes y egoístas, vivimos midiendo el tiempo y nos atamos a la vida no por su belleza sino por las bellezas que ella implica, nos miramos al espejo continuamente y no vemos más allá de nuestras narices más que para quedar anonadados por instrumentos que casi no entendemos y por bellezas circunstanciales.

Apreciamos un tipo de belleza que premiamos, admiramos y queremos imitarla, pero olvidamos, que la piel se arruga, el pelo cae, el caminar se enlentece... and live and appreciate many things, but seeing that the essence of them is worth q.

live bound by time, the phones, vulgar commercials and one million of bonds, without stopping to think that as time goes by so many ties does nothing but leave us there, but not live.

When we take a minute to think about what really matters?

We got up, had breakfast, try to dress trendy, wait for the bus or light changes the light, we come to work, study, think what to do for dinner, we took numbers to pay the bills, and become to lift, breakfast, work, study, get bored, have fun, take a couple of drinks to forget the problems, we partner and we fight, we got married and we divorced, children, grandchildren, accounts, laughing, crying, etc, etc. etc ... Uff ... and yet we still lack: "Time."

And so life goes ... almost entirely in front of our noses without us even being able acariciarla.Y never take that time we have to ask ourselves what we really need q, we complain about lack of money, love, prestige, time ... when we see people who have everything are unhappy or are they due to the unhappiness of others ...

A whole this ... I wonder about us? Seem mere puppets, or things worse than wild animals because they envy, hate, we destroy and even kill ...

Life is not measured by all these things we have or just see, but we have porq herself ...

only if we stop even one minute to think about us ... Stefanie



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