Friday, November 12, 2010

How Often Do I Have To Have My Bladder Stretch

Mickey: History of a hectic night. (3) vs Marco

Without giving me time to refute the nonsense out of three running from roof, by the spiral staircase to one of the houses. Progress and almost screaming that they had warned them very careful that I did not trust that bite them, those nodding his head, without looking back and running. Just then the phone rang of service.

(TECO): - "Tell me

(Questioner 2): -" Good evening. Are you the Local Police Operations Command? I Herranz, Andrés Herrera, director of the Municipal Zoo, is that it has named Felix LIMVI foreman, because you seem to have a monkey out there loose and do not know how to get it. Could you tell me what it looks like the animal? To see what is and what kind would be the most appropriate way to catch it, because I now find myself in Sevilla, I am studying, and I can move to Cordova.

(TECO): - "Good evening. Well, what I can say is it's a monkey, that's for sure, from what I see in TV documentaries, and green color, without a tail, about forty feet high and three or four kilos of weight and has considerable fangs and freshly shaven face and go. "

(Questioner 2) :-( By the tone of voice denoting a disproportionate airs) - "Ah yes, then it is a "rhesus monkey" or "macaca mulatta" family of "guenon" native Asian areas and ... blah, blah, blah and more blah, blah ...

science continues his dissenting opinion as I, as I noted what I said and I withdraw the handset, not having to hear all the perorrata. Although at the time I do not know how to write I have to do a report and it will look on the internet, so when I get tired I interrupt:
(TECO): - "And all that information that you are giving me how I use it to lock the animal? "

Before answering, I appear at the door of the rooftop terrace (I continue on the roof), the two policemen who had come down, take each of them, a blanket remind me that I gave in the military, and gray to brown with a green and white horizontal list and breeches or similar tissue. Each one holds his own with both hands at the corners, like a cloak, and teach me as if quoting a Miura. Cry believe the future success of the company:

- "Chief, we already have, and we have!".
I make a gesture with his hand, telling them to wait a moment until you are finished talking on the phone and by the grin on their faces seem to bother them, but remain quiet, even eager, to a distance of about five meters from the monkey, which has not yet moved from the site.

(Questioner 2): - "The best way to get to such type of primates is to use a butterfly net or something similar, try to corner it and act quickly. Do you know what I speak? But be careful because they are very aggressive animals, which can cause serious injury by biting and transmit all kinds of diseases, including rabies ...

new monologue continues with a scientist who not attend, so I hope what I say goodbye to the handset a fourth of the ear, which is already so hot telephone conversation. While the vet goes on and on, give you hit, make a police signal to blankets, to engage in hunting, and the officer says:
- "Take great care to see if you will to attack "

Almost simultaneously just the telephone conversation and the police, seeking a strategic position creeping go to macaca, each on one side. The animal looks at each other and made a new gesture with his nose, as if he were laughing. When police found about two feet away, in a swift movement, rush trying to wrap the blanket. At that time the mammal has given him time to jump into the turret ventilation of toilets, from there to the roof, just one meter in front of me and from there to the roof of the house next door.

The police, in spite of being slow compared with the movement of the persecuted, have been employed full speed, so hard that one of them striking the elbow against the wall and the other, reaching a fraction of a second after the meeting point, the action ends with a violent shove on the partner, who can not hide the pain and broken yells:
- "Ayyyyyyyyyyy. Uncle Host , you're going to kill ten cuidaíto! Monkey bitches this, what I have to swipe their guilt "

Encorajinado encourages the other cop:
" Let's Cook, you will see how we are aware "

The other two jump seats and the separation of the attic the roof of the apartment block annex. My heart gets to see the maneuver, as they are up to fourth floor with the blanket reminds me of a valise jumping a fence to fight bulls at night, fear comes over me a few seconds, when he saw the blanket semirreliada between the legs and all police equipment embedded in the waist. Swiftly end the jump and start running behind the fugitive on the roof adjacent to the blankets spread, it leaves them forever to come, when they have relatively close, with incredible jumps and spins some unbelievable climbing the towers to escape the box ladder, drying and all who find useful in its path. At this point I do not even flinch, I just see the dramatic pursuit of the two young actors who are gradually losing energy, for a moment stop to catch his breath and macaque are insolent stares from the top other of the vents in the bathrooms, which are, apparently, his favorite place. Again, cautiously approaching the two policemen and blankets and take aim again ... failure. Not even enough to touch.

The things do not look any good, so I take the transmitter and call the Environment Service:


(AVG): - "Go to PROMA TECO."

(TECO): - "Tell me if you have a butterfly net in Headquarters or similar device, strong enough to catch a monkey without causing damage and without any shred us. Tell me also if there is a cage or trap or whatever that may be useful to us for this that you are capturing and radio transmissions. "

(AVG): - This refers you to monkey Av Cart? Because if so I do not know if the butterfly net that we will resist, but we have no cage, the last we had ripped us a boar lost boy caught in the middle and a butting mess with "toa" she, bursting the door and let "unusable."

(TECO): - "All right, then whatever, go through Headquarters and bring what you caught, ribbons, butterfly ... or whatever is there that will give us the four o'clock running behind the monkey. Do not delay. "

(AVG): - "Received, and we're there."

While all this is flowing the roof is still filled with curious neighbors, willing to contemplate the spectacle is nothing normal. They all whisper and give advice when there is consensus.

continued ...


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