Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Blood In Mucus With Sneezing

This Blog ... WE NEVER alone!

Today I want to talk about an issue that is the heart of the bad times that spent in this condition: loneliness.
I dare to believe me a "suedopsicologa" , But I assume the risk worthwhile.
We talked about the incomprehension of others, the frustrations, discomfort ... but we talked about how to deal with loneliness.
And I have not spoken before that advise on the verge of pedantry, because I've been there and know it's hard, but when you read will seem easy.
One suffers because others expect you compendran. Understand that you do not lie, that is not hipocandriaca, you're not exaggerating, I really do not know how to drive ... finally! a lot of things that nobody understands, but that one needs to understand!
I hope to true that all have a family that (I) supports, stalwart friends, life partners who are there! with you dear!
Why not see any other way than this, at times more bearable. Find the balance between what are and what they are with dysautonomia.
But on the way there are people who do not believe us, and is painful when those people who do not believe us is someone we love.
But we must understand that like all things we have not lived, I could not walk, can not see, no support, losing a beloved family .... I know no thousands of things that only knows that he lives. Dysautonomia is because the same thing. Do not know what living with this, the truth often or somo ourselves able to understand and explain the disease ... how they are going to understand others?
why I love the turn that I take this blog. When I started, I thought this blog would be a bridge to clinical information of dysautonomia, were we to know the latest research ... I appreciate that this has not happened. I appreciate having had the need for what it was like this. I appreciate that more windows were opened to people who never thought about, people from Mexico, Colombia, Spain, Argentina, Chile ... and felt the same need ... Only
why we must be calm, be patient, for that very cloudy to see, WILL IMPROVE!


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