Thursday, November 4, 2010

Diabetic Granola Recipes

Mickey: History of a hectic night. (2) vs Marco

(TECO): - "Hello, good evening, I am the Local Police Operations Command. Who am I speaking, please?

(PARTNER-1): - "Good evening, I'm Felix. Who are you? "

(TECO): -" Good Night, Felix, I'm Balnero. We have a rather peculiar problem. "

(PARTNER-1): - "Ah, Balnero, tell me ... is it the monkey? "

(TECO): -" Yes "

(PARTNER-1): -" You see, is that we have a protocol to act pets, but not with wild animals. You'll tell me what do we do if we have to catch a bull, a lion or who knows what ... Besides that we have no place to accommodate that kind of bugs "

(TECO) - (Trying stay calm) "Man, tell you what you should do in these cases it seems out of place. But if you can you say to me that the police are responsible for catching and caging "cough" vermin escaping, I have to explain how, because Tarzan is not yet joined the staff of local police, and even worse, la mona "Chita" is the phone out of range. (A little something more upset and raising his voice) "So, Felix, or tell me how to catch the monkey, or as I say or how to hypnotize him love, to see if I can entice him to take him home. That none of this convinces you, then tell me what solution you give. "

(PARTNER-1): -" I, solution I can not give any. So you have to do what you see "

(TECO): -" We Felix, c'mon, I'm going to commit suicide by jumping from a matchbox But what nonsense is this? Do not tell me that. Do you have the phone number of the director of the zoo? Give it to me, that this is "pa" "Marcelo" to mourn "

(PARTNER-1): -" Yes I have it but wait, I call him and tell him to talk to you in the corporate. Is it still the 1142? But this is not going to be addressed. Also, I try something else "

(TECO) - (Reluctantly)" Okay, okay, yes the same, Adio Condi "

In a few moments I got to Avenue Carriage No 22, just when it also reached the officer, COPRA-ALFA and its companion, we are right at the door of the building and ordered to mine:
- "Perico, stay here, because up there with the swing to be riding us we will raise two hundred and something. If you need something more peculiar or some action you approach and I tell you, and monitors of our cars, this is "pa" long and already have three double-parked police.

(Addressing the officer): - "Come let pa'rriba"

Upon entering the block two neighbors went to the site, very dyed blonde, luscious red lips with two or three coats of lipstick applied brushstrokes fat. At first glance I thought they were cruising for wearing provocative clothing and naughty smile. Were older wenches, but they were good looking. Seeing the three policemen burst into the site stopped for a moment, as if trying to assess the situation, threatening to return to their steps, but a they pulled slightly from the other arm, whispered something in his ear and left.

The official driver said
- "The neighbors to see us have had to think: where are we going to party with the" binge "in here? Have you seen that did not know whether to leave or enter? Of course that is for me I'm still a kid and made good "pa" bust, which you do not think women produzcáis doubts. O yes, but if you are their parents or grandparents ... hahaha.

Both official and I did ignore the obvious impertinence was clear to us that we were statuesque models. As the driver continued with the string, so "bajini" trying to annoy, I said then:

- "Shut up and let's take or not the monkey you are staying on duty all night with him to have it located. So heavy. "
comments immediately ceased.
In two seconds, we reached the attic floor and from there via a metal spiral staircase to the roof, where was the police patrol and several COPRA-OMEGA neighbors.

- "Where's the monkey?" I asked
One of the policemen told me a point of the parapet of the terrace of one of the penthouses. About forty feet high and about four kilos, because I sensed that he was tailed was wearing a toddler's diaper. She was calmly sitting there and heard the rush of the new arrival, we looked at with disdain and disrespect grimaced mouth, showing a significant canines as a warning.

"I could not avoid the exclamation: - "But that's not a pussy marmoset, is a green monkey! And on top with its "pañalete" and "to". There's the guy, look, the more cool that an eight "Tumbao."
I was approached by one of the neighbors, who were on the roof, nervous, and said

- "Good evening. I am the owner of the floor and ... you see, I've fallen somewhat into the street, talking with a "buddy" and when I returned I met up with the monkey sitting in the lounge of my house. Was the "bastard" watching TV, I have left it on. (Drawing mobile phone pocket) Look, look, that I lie, I've taken a photograph, there ... "sentaíto" I think he has picked up the remote and changed the chain and "to". Thankfully, wears a diaper, if not able to shit on the couch and I bought two weeks ago, if you want to show him the bill. "

-" But that above, I call 091 and tell them that I have a monkey in the room and while I am explaining the situation I hear laughter, and non-believing it. Then I say, hey, I'm so and so of glasses, I live in that place and my phone is so and so and what they say is not a joke, pussy!, I have a monkey on my floor as well and "pa" more banter has a baby's diaper and put "abrochao." Joer!, And then I could not take it anymore and could not even answer me, that have been at least two minutes between laughter and without being able to hear, until at last I have been able to say, almost holding his breath: "Now require the premises. "

- "As I did not trust," he went I called the 092 and I told the story and has been the same or almost worse, and I did not let me explain, that an emergency situation .... "
aims to stimulate and happy, very formally replied

- "Understand that the situation is unusual and is not an emergency we said ... priority. The police, who are accustomed to see almost all, are people and everyone has their own ability to surprise and if something is exceeded, your reaction time is greatly reduced, especially when the wording of things that it did not are serious injuries or damage. Because ... (asking) you do not cause any damage or injured animal to anyone, right?

- "No, no, that is," answered now quieter
Leveraging its apparent serenity said with little conviction, I expect him not noticing, and jokingly misunderstood:

- "So you do not worry! Let us monkeys and see how to resolve the matter. One of two things: either we take the glove or you plant a few trees here so that you feel at the jungle. "

The officer and his driver were kept quiet junto a mí, y observaban la escena con cara de poca credibilidad. Los miré y les reproché en tono menor:
-“Hombres de poca fe”

Los dos policías de COPRA-OMEGA, que habían llegado primero, se acercaron a mí y uno dijo:
-“Jefe, jefe, que al mono lo cogemos nosotros, que yo tengo experiencia, que ya he cogido a alguno “escapao” y sé cómo se hace. Lo único que necesitamos es una manta “pal” compañero y otra para mí, pero le aseguro que lo trincamos”.

Antes de I could say anything, he approached another resident and proposed:

- "I have, come you to give them two blankets"

End of Part 2


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