Thursday, November 18, 2010

Good Beginner Audio Receiver

The reason I chose to be a teacher ...

some time now I wonder if humans have a goal or predetermined sense to play in our lives.

At times I thought that maybe, on the other I think that every day we build our destiny ...

Whether one or the other, I'm sure that from small either in games or the imagination it was clear what I wanted for my life, then eventually I was feeding that innocence comprendiendo lo que sería mi mayor sueño... así decidí ser docente.

Quizás no tengo claro cuáles han sido los motivos que dieron lugar a decidirme, quizás tuve buenos profesores y maestros, materias que me gustaron y marcaron por supuesto.... pero si de algo estoy segura es cómo hoy tengo suma confianza en ella, confianza en que educando se puede cambiar el mundo en que vivimos, o al menos contribuir con un granito de arena para transformar nuestra realidad...

Es un sueño, lo sé… un sueño que a veces o a muchos pueda parecer no más que una utopía, una confianza tal que ve a la educación como la solución a problemas sociales y creadora de un futuro mejor de our societies. But the important thing is that beyond to be or not, what I feel to stand before a class is immensely inexplicable, some might call it a vocation, I love, others may not even understand.

education for me it is one of the most important tasks that can be the man, beyond which I can only speak from my admiration for her, education is leading to much of what we are, to we will be tomorrow.

teachers and teachers they crave for their students-good course, "left in the classroom as self-important ... not the time or knowledge, but all their hopes, their dreams, their whole heart and soul commitment ... It is true, I speak from my limited experience and from the beginning of my career full of dreams and expectations, but that teaching is not just a job for me where the important thing is to meet schedule, proofreading, delivering notes ... for me is much more than that, you respect what I do, to those for whom I work, I teach respect and respect for all those possibilities I also I have to learn. Thus, in the classroom we will not only teachers and students quiet and attentive listening, we will be equals, willing to learn from everyone, including me and themselves, and I of course, each them. Perhaps society

finish ever being fully aware of the importance of being a teacher, choosing education is not just being a man teaching certain knowledge that is already predetermined and programmed ... is dedication, reveer plans, programs and objectives, is to stand in front of a classroom with thirty unknown beings, all different, each with their tastes, their personalities, their problems, is facing difficult situations every day, fighting for their rights and those of their students, is the knowledge re-explain and not repeat, move down a new road hundreds of times until their youth traveling on what it ... Education is not only impart knowledge, but also values \u200b\u200bsuch as friendship, tolerance and respect. Therefore

for me education is the most important thing is to let a bit of themselves in each classroom with each student, every group, every new year begins ... with only the hope of forming new, young, young people better suited to this and good men of tomorrow.

is a challenge I know, but the risk it motivates me, it motivates me a hope, a goal, a goal that seems unattainable but I know it may be feasible. For my part I want to do that is of importance to education, to what is taught, to whom we teach, those who receive education; need to work on this world that creates inequality on equality, treating all as equals, working on the differences, include all social classes, sexual preferences and orientations, and even put emphasis on people with disabilities would be so interesting ... eg teachers learn sign language, Braille and new techniques to become skilled in working with people that after all are equal to us but we qualify as different.

Anyway ... maybe it's a dream I know, a dream that finally recognizes the value of education and the work of all those efforts together with our hands every day for education. Sometimes it may seem no more than a utopia ... but it was, anyway worth the fatigue of an endless struggle to make education a real right to respect, perhaps fighting against the whole world for her, and try leave at least mark on the souls of children and young people, worthy to society of tomorrow. Stefanie



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