Saturday, June 19, 2010

Pearl Jam Official 2009 Bootleg

Dysautonomia, China medicine and other things:)

Dear dysautonomic, have hoped to avoid this, but given that I have no choice and that is not so bad either: P I tell them that in spite of me disappear from the blogosphere for a while. I have thyroid cancer and must have surgery as soon as possible thyroid toitita me out, then I need to do a treatment with iodine and take the rest of my life, a hormone that replaces the function of the thyroid (Eutirox is common). I imagine that more than one of you. knows or has heard of this, it is more common than you think and has very good prognosis.
I'm a little sad to leave even launched some time this space, but I hope I did not linger much in return:). Les
I have a gift, I asked my Acupuncturist to explain the simplest way I could on how Chinese medicine can help and here is the dysautonomic.

Enjoy! : D

The Dysautonomia is a disorder of the autonomic nervous system (Sympathetic-vagal imbalance), which is the system which automatically controls many important body functions like pulse, blood pressure, temperature and breathing. Against sudden changes as an emotion, standing quickly after lying down or standing long time (tails) or walking slowly or abruptly changing temperature, there is a decrease in venous return from the lower extremities, thus that low blood pressure suddenly and little oxygen reaches the brain. This is due to poor regulation of the autonomic nervous system. In the case of Dysautonomia the body is unable to compensate completely and symptoms appear.
China Medicine has a way of diagnosis that we are not at all similar to those of Western medicine and has different causes the same symptoms "the same disease," according to Western medicine.
Dysautonomia symptoms may resemble a systemic collapse. Taking into account the clinical manifestations of this disease causes could include four different types.

1 .- Qi disorder mechanism, external emotions like anger or fright factor becomes Shi (excess) that can clog the circulatory pathways of the brain Qui Yuan usual failure, usually associated with sadness, fear and extreme tiredness, until the failure sinking Qi, nutrients can not rise to nourish the brain. 2 .-

Disorder blood: Qi and blood deficiency: chronic diseases, hemorrhage, and excessive worry consume Qi and blood. Because of insufficient nutritive Qi Yang develops, for lack of blood, the brain lacks nutrition. Both cases lead to dizziness or collapse. 3 .-

Tan: A diet too greasy and plentiful, and the abuse of alcohol and wine, moisture and heat generated is metabolized Tan Phlegm obstructs the flow of Qi, when the Tan matches any emotional disturbance, amounts carried by Qi, clogging irrigation steps nutritious brain.

4 .- Power: It usually occurs in children. The irregularity causes food retention within, altering the activities of Qi. Sometimes, the shock attaches to dietary factor to cause the collapse.

All these causes (according to TCM) can cause the brain to not irrigate in good shape and cause problems in the nutrition of the brain and therefore a collapse or dizziness and general weakness in the system either by physical weakness or altered autonomic nervous system that causes an imbalance in the vagal nervous system.


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