Thursday, June 3, 2010

Nutritional Consultantsalary

Sex Education ... What is it?

The working definition proposed by the WHO guide the need for education and human sexuality that is important to recognize sexual and reproductive rights, among them are the right to sexual freedom, the right to autonomy, sexual integrity and security of the body, the right to sexual privacy, the right to sexual equality, the right to sexual pleasure, the right to emotional sexual expression, the right to reproduce, to form a family, overall health, the right to information based on scientific knowledge and the right to sex education as a trainer of the autonomy and on the basis of citizenship, emphasizing sexuality with its primary role of identity formation and personality of the subject and establishing links with other people.
Sexuality should be viewed as not only enjoy the intimate contact of intercourse and education as a mere transmission of content information on prevention and sexually transmitted diseases, but it should be viewed as enjoyment in the relationship and bond with the other and consideration of it. Then we show in the sexuality education that covers all areas of life of the individual, since the formation of personality, enjoyment of the bond, affection and communication with others, the reproducibility, intertwining all the human dimension and even contextual framework of values \u200b\u200bthat determine the individual.
Teachers must evaluate their students as sexual persons, we must incorporate sexuality of which we speak in the practices to enable the exchange and relationship of the group in the classroom, we know the process of development of the students to identify what stage of evolution meet and promote the stage they are living, we promote students to reflect on sexuality in every one of the areas we talked to foster students' moral development. It is essential to promote reflection of the problems that brings about sexuality, as well as those found in sex with the problems of homophobia, violence against women, discrimination, gender inequality, sexual orientation and gender problems as bonding partner violence, jealousy, control of the couple, the eroticism and problems such as sexual dysfunction or sexually transmitted infections, and problems with reproductive and fertility disorders, abandonment of children, violence and abuse child.
Teamwork, cooperative, in an environment that generates trust, invited to interact with others, share experiences, communication, dialogue, to think, reflect, discuss in good faith, want to discover, involved, interested in learning and knowledge, encourages the encounter with oneself and with others, is revalued the importance of affect in the life of the person listening is achieved primarily peer, tolerance and mutual respect so important for coexistence in society, for democracy and individual autonomy
Sex education-as well as any of the materials of high school-should aim to develop human beings capable of assessing the living world and themselves, as well as express themselves fluently and creatively and carefully to others. Reflecting on any issues regarding sexuality, young people ask themselves, identify themselves and give meaning to their life issues not previously understood. Students are open to dialogue and reflection and feel of the consequences it brings about being discriminated against by race, sexual orientation or even think differently, reflect on what is fair or not, what is good or bad and well developed concepts and different attitudes-especially a critical attitude towards life-or to human relations in a present where these are so disqualified.

So while some of the biology, sexual urges, a device that handles a hormonal reproductive tract, can not explain all of the individual human sexual behavior through instinct. The culture, values, norms in which we are immersed from birth, the links that form in society, each and every one of them involved in what we call human sexuality. The complexity of human sexual behavior is a product of their culture, their intelligence and complex societies, and are not governed entirely by instinct, as in almost all animals because its form and expression depend on culture and personal choices.
a child's sexuality is not the same as that of an adolescent or an adult and therefore every stage of life and education it is imposed should address specific needs in human development, it is necessary then to recognize the child as a sexual being, in relation to himself and others, in order to build their own sexual identity. Should be encouraged to make children aware of your body parts, who can care for and defend it, should be taught to children are different but they both deserve the same rights and opportunities, they must learn to love, to win and lost support, also look of the smallest (future reproductivity = pets or puppets.) As adolescents must be shown that they can live their sexuality freely, should be taught not only refers to the sexual act but a multitude of reproductive and emotional conditions, and although it was not to be afraid to talk about it. They should be taught the importance of reproduction, the values \u200b\u200bof affection and ties, teach that we are all equal, there should be no discrimination and basically taught to be autonomous and free ... my sexuality, my decision to play, my affections my sexual choices are just mine and nobody else.
Sexuality is a broad concept that covers everything related to reality, is a way of life and so each person has their own way of life being a woman or a man, his own way of being in the world, appearing as is. Sexuality including sexual identity and is manifested through gender roles are aware of being a gendered person, meaning that each person of this fact. Demonstrations
Then you have your own sexuality are constructed along life, and to the extent that sexual rights are recognized, upheld and respected, we sexually healthy societies.

school then, and of course the family- must promote a genuine sense critical thinking and action and should teach students to be free, to know themselves, to enjoy the pleasure of emotional ties, must educate the feelings or emotions and human tendencies, including that love has vital importance. Affective-sexual education, is a necessary cultural framework that enables creativity and encounter. Stefanie R


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