Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sunpak Tripod Head Removal



The increase in purchasing power and cultural level of most developed countries and the current management of information over the Internet and many other media have created a more demanding and sophisticated clientele to the holidays. For the past few years many countries have also begun to prioritize the development of international tourism as a necessity for economic growth especially in Asia, Eastern Europe, Africa and Latin America. Today there are hundreds of worldwide destinations that are struggling because their supply is increasingly attractive and have access to greater market share.

Moreover, frequent occurrence of short-term events that affect the flow of international tourism in general or locally, including economic crises, epidemics, terrorism and war. To conclude with these threats to international tourism, you can add the effect of globalization on tourism, for which the most important tour operators in the world have become powerful international groups that dominate the core value chain in tour packages.

Among other adverse effects on tourism destinations, now stands a clear trend towards concentration : In distribution network, the few international groups have absorbed the occupied territories and grids travel agencies in major emitting countries; Tenders distributing , which flow north-south tourism focus on Sun and Beach ; In operated destinations, which tend to be reduced to those who actually provide the best value, especially in air operations; In seasonal tourism, which tends to concentrate only on the months of peak clients reduction in average length of stay of tourists , growing ever more short vacations and weekend trips; In reducing the distance from the destination to be visited , becoming stronger the law of proximity in the current tourist flows.

This international context imposed on tourism entities the need to adapt to new rules of the game ... and adopt new paradigms. One of the biggest challenges is related to the need to achieve a diversified tourism, sustainable and customer focused, which also helps to ensure a fairer distribution of income territorial generating this activity in less developed countries.

Meanwhile, most of the existing technical literature in business management and marketing, are focused generally toward the activity of consumer goods industries, and therefore the methods and procedures set must be " interpreted "for application in a specific service sector such as tourism. For this reason, not many methodological work to guide successful management of destinations and tourism businesses.


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