Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Benqcable Not Connected

Hey Doc: When you plan to upgrade their skills?

As I told in previous post, I am with a health situation that was becoming more dense and urges which operate then and for me I have joy and date (end of month), so I had to deal with allopathic medicine frentón and thus back to misunderstanding or mostly complete ignorance ...¡¡¡ NOBODY KNOWS WHAT !!!!!!! dysautonomia
of 11 doctors I've visited in the course of almost 2 months, absolutely none knew whereof he spoke.
I do not know if I've had bad luck ... p ut account is:
- 11 doctors, 6 asked the question.
- 6 doctors, 3 really heard my answer.
- 3 doctors, 1 recommended me to go to the office of my neurologist (a specialist who leave 2 years ago and now I return to find: S) and to take a report, to know that care should be for the operation and the postoperative period.
- 11 doctors, 1 asked me how are you? and is so shocked that I had to say, may I repeat the question? ... as is a candidate for Miss Chile.

I do not like dealing with demigods (except Dr. Vasquez, who asked how I was: D), weakens me having to ask three times and even having to face them out in that, although they do not seem, I am a customer, which requires out informed and he has a duty to devote the time to explain how I will open and close.
I do not like having to listen to such nonsense;
"there dysautonomia, a disease that was invented to get money, to you dearest called for a review, right?"

He has taken many turns the desert to the dysautonomic we face, because, if doctors do not update their knowledge, means that "we must report to them?
Being in this situation reminds me of the beginning of the disease, the hard road made of pure ignorance and then when you are diagnosed, we have to sit on the resignation of a daily medication for the rest of your life.
am grateful to have obtained results with acupuncture, thank you for accepting the invitation of Antonio, I appreciate having ceased to live with frustration every day and have reached a solution.
Having to deal with this world is easy for me, why I usually give a great will to send them to much, but I have now is not relieved by acupuncture dear, and misinformation from them about it and in many cases their arrogance, does not help me come to terms with them.


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