Monday, October 25, 2010

Testicular Cancer And Bedwetting

Locke's argument against innate ideas-Stefanie Riani

Locke part of the argument that "in understanding are innate ideas" such as the principles of identity (which is s) and of non-contradiction (which is not can not be), then to defend the opposite idea. To do so presents four arguments: first, that innate ideas should have a universal consent not have and secondly it is not evidence of innate ideas to say that we know in the use of reason, that the consent of a rapid test that proposition is innate and ultimately that innate ideas should appear clearer in people uncorrupted by society and this is not true.

For my part, I shall explain the second argument, but for this I must return to the argument that part, where nativism is true if there are universally accepted principles, Locke will say that no such universal principles, concluding that there are innate truths. Thus Locke will argue that no innate universal principles, and to deny it even that they are known in the use of reason. Locke said that if it's true what they say, the nativists, the man would know to have innate ideas of reason or training exercise and this is one that helps to discover such principles, but to deny it, we shall certain points. With regard to the exercise and training of the reason we come to the innate principles, tells us that mathematics to be innate because no need for demonstration and testing consent innate ideas would fall naturally without any effort of reasoning, therefore it would be absurd that innate ideas to be as natural and perfect, just be perceived by the exercise and use of reason as needing a lot of effort. With regard to men known innate ideas in the use of reason, would also be false because even in this supposed time children are able to understand and consciously accept certain "innate principles" such as non-contradiction, but processes that require much more complex and higher. All this would imply that if we accept the two points already mentioned in favor of nativism, would claim that man has printed unfamiliar ideas at once, and I think this would violate the principle of contradiction that they defend as innateness innate idea.

complex process discussed above, is that give rise to ideas, that are not innate, arise because the senses apprehend foreign ideas (Cartesian representation of ideas as things in our minds) . These objects of experience are installed in our minds empty to be with them through a process of abstraction general ideas and principles. But have the concurrence of these principles does not mean that they are innate, but I have a clear understanding of particular terms such as: black, white, and form numbers ... principles such as equality (3 +4 = 7), identity (white is white and not black).

So Locke introduces the notion of time that was absent in Descartes, ideas not being innate, are born, pass, succeed in time, change.

2. Develop what points do not make your argument.

As we saw, Locke makes an attack on innateness, but without convincing too, to start we see that but denies that ideas are innate, is over-understands that it is innate ability to know, to gain ideas, and this does not explain. But how do you know Locke that ideas come from experience and still is so heterogeneous? Locke does not explain too that defines nor experience, but his only form of attack is to take opposing ideas and then deny them.

Another criticism is important that we do that and have tried authors as is the case of Scruton [1] , it's not clear what relationship exists between understanding and the outside so that makes them so compatible to the body of that which "serves" to get ideas from abroad. We clearly see here the causal theory of Locke, where the world and feel my mind become important in such a way that is determined, thus displacing the reason for the privileged place for knowledge. We ask so how the relationship is merely passive part of the understanding, wherein the independent foreign places me in my mind and it simply gets to form ideas naturally? Is there a particular selection of objects from which to form ideas? Seems the world is not reduced to a subjectivism total, as each subject as "ideas" of things in your mind? ... These are questions that remain unresolved.

[1] Scruton, Roger: History of modern philosophy. From Descartes to Wittgenstein.

Critical Bibliography:

Herder Dictionary (CD): Locke, John

Scruton, Roger: "History of modern philosophy. From Descartes to Wittgenstein. "

Text source:

Locke, John: "An Essay Concerning Human Understanding

Sunday, October 24, 2010

How Do I Make A 3-d Shingles Virus?

Mickey: History of a hectic night. (1) The Holy Innocents

DAY: OCTOBER 3, 2009
TIME: 23.10

My radio issued distinctive beep indicating that a statement would be radiated:

- "Care for DOUBLE-H TECO . Do you copy? "

-" Forward TECO DOUBLE-H, you get 5 for 5 "

Slight hoarseness, and throat rinsing my partner, slipped through between the waves before giving way to its radiation. Then ...

(REPORTS DOUBLE-H): - "You see ... we have ... a call from a citizen who says in his home on Avenida del Carro n º 22-4 º -2 has been found (slight mute) in the living room of his house a "prffffff, prfffff" (interference), and do not know what to do to get rid of the animal, if you can go there and help in any way. "

(RESPONSIVE TECO): - "DOUBLE-H, I received the statement in its entirety, except the kind of animal to that information relates. Could you repeat? "

(DOUBLE-H):" Yes TECO (giggles are heard in the background of communication), the animal is a ... (slight doubt) "titi" monkey little of those, it seems that has put this man in his apartment and walk around "salturreando" furniture in furniture, and can not get it. "

Before I could answer, a colleague stepped careless communication with its transmitter and was heard clearly how imitated a monkey:
- "Hi, hi, hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. Ugh, ugh, ugh. Ah, ayayy. "

As serious as I could, I replied:
(TECO): "Received DOUBLE-H, I am aware."

The statement came from the National Police who had received the call at first instance and that, as a competence of local police action, passed the request to through a common grid of radio transmissions. Immediately I ordered:

(COPRA-ALFA): - "Forward to COPRA-ALFA"

(TECO): - "Commissions on patrol for you to go to Av Carriage n º 22-4 º -2 and see what happens exactly there in connection with the entry of an animal on the floor. As soon as you point to give news of the situation. "

(COPRA-ALFA): - "Received." "Care-OMEGA COPRA, go immediately to the address provided by TECO and reporting information."

(COPRA-OMEGA): - "Received." The mesh

silence was restored, but not for long, and then followed a new statement from our central police:
(CENTRAL): - "Attention CENTRAL TECO."

(CEO): - "CENTRAL Forward."

(CENTRAL): - "We called a citizen and tells us that in his flat has been cast a large monkey and now it is sitting on the couch of her living room, watching TV, the apartment is located on Avenida del Carro n º 22 ". (laughter are heard in the background.)

(TECO): - "Let's see CENTRAL. Are you not aware of communications? And called us from Double-H National Police communicating that, but said it was a "marmoset", no large "

(SENDER UNKNOWN): -" Yes that vitamins have given the monkey. " (Laughter).

(CENTRAL): (A bit dazed): - "TECO, because the caller said it was a large monkey. I have "ask yourself" how big that, lest we find there a chimpanzee than 70 kilos and he said no, not so great, that as of about forty to fifty centimeters tall.

(TECO): - "Received." "Central, you go telephoning Animal Control Center (ECSC) street cleaning company (LIMVI) to see what help can be given if the situation is real."

(TECO): - "COPA-OMEGA TECO Have you already reached Av Cart?"

(COPRA-OMEGA): - "No TECO, but before we are there."

During eight ten minutes continued my work at headquarters, collecting meter readings and service orders to comply during the night shift. Then I told my partner to prepare the patrol car and soon we were monitoring the city. Then I instructed:
- "Perico, strip where this monkey has a face, lest at the end in" lol jijijises \u200b\u200band "end up doing a stupid thing that you go learn what kind of monkey is on the loose there.


(TECO): - "Next"

(COPRA-OMEGA): - "TECO, we on the roof of the place you sent us and there's a big monkey, well not so great ... but bigger than a "squirrel", green and not get caught and is pretty aggressive. Now sits on the grill in the attic, but it runs "and pa'bajo pa'rriba flechao." Tell me how we proceed "

" My God, I thought immediately, and we mounted the circus "
(TECO): -" Remain in place and do not act in any way, on my way. Worry only, to have the animal permanently located and that no harm ..

(TECO): - "CENTRAL TECO. Have you phoned you and the CECA? If so tell me what you have answered.

(CENTRAL): - "Yes TECO, I phoned and said they have not qualified" pa "get monkeys."

(TECO) - (Pretty obfuscated) "How? What personnel do not have "pa" catch monkeys? Then back to phone and tells you who has no specialized police in catching monkeys me that the cops we take criminals, so if they, who are responsible for Animal Control, they have no personal who seek it, paint it or do that they see fit. If you do not attend tell me the corporate phone number, which I call the person responsible for LIMVI "

(DOUBLE-H) :-( Jaleándome)" Well, TECO, well, to be them. "
was three or four minutes when the screen remained silent and expectant, I imagined all the cops with his ear to the transmitter, waiting to hear the least to get a closer.

(CENTRAL): - "TECO, and I phoned back to the ECSC and I say no, they do not have personal" pa "catch the monkey." "The No corporate is 0135, if you want to talk with them" .

(TECO): - "Received."

phoned 0135 and quickly established contact with the head of LIMVI.

(to be continued ..)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Pc For Animation Configuration

Ni "Strong" Ni "Poor." Frustration

In recent times I have taken many turns in my head crazy, attitude to what it means to be sick, obviously due to recent events: P.
I find it extremely complex to define how I feel, but I think in the absence of the right word, define it as not "strong" or "Poor."
Many times it happens that some people tell me to find a mine Fuerte, and I do not know if it's because I have self-esteem on average below normal, or what ... but I rarely feel that way. I think I've just been adapted as best as possible to the new reality. Begin to faint or feel very bad overnight, it was very surprising, but mostly LIMITING and when you feel limited by your body, they feel so close "Poor thing, why your body acts as if he were defeated, then it is very difficult to have a posh attitude with a body that betrays you: S. After
to lift off the head of the problem itself (it takes a while) you have two options (as most of the time in life):

1 - Or you get your new reality lamented that it seemed what your body wants, it does little to get out.
2 - or want. Looking with all your strength (which you are) a possible solution, and drag the body not attached, but for your decision, we feel He has no alternative!

is very difficult and time when you wanted everything is solved, they have nothing to do with the time it takes to adapt and find a solution that allows you to return to some "normal."

I truly hope that the new people coming to this blog and feel the anguish own when suddenly everything changes, manage to go as soon as possible to "normal" and trust that that day will arrive. Now
as delayed, is a very personal:)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Reading A Triple Beam Balance Worksheet

know it "right?

In Chile circulated a detergent commercial where a little boy asks his Mom, Mom, what is frustration? and she replied that was what I felt before I met the wonderful detergent ... Is imagine the response if the Mom (and) have been dysautonomic? : P
When you have a disease like this, in which the control is not something which is included, to handle the frustration is muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuy requetecontra difficult. I do not know how many of you. has had enough to support her. Some have family support, partner or / and friends ... but where the shoe pinches stronger (usually) at work, and try to explain complex that even a very good understanding , that simply is (low pressure, dizziness, fainting etc.) and one has to forge a better attitude as well. Is
have asked them both to function changed the way this disease? I pass by anger, anguish, then some line and now (because it is controlled with acupuncture) to the peace ... but a strange peace ... because I know I should be aware well, that nothing will happen.
I remember when I was diagnosed and I remember the feeling of wilderness, where no one knew much and uncertainty. Today that feeling is gone, but the feeling of frustration comes and goes ... Does it go one day?
When this problem appeared, it was not very fond of psychotherapy and recently went to the first session and guess what? so far, my opinion is more than positive ... have a foreign view is not bad, someone who tells you it's normal to feel that way, but the important thing is to get out there and give you tools, right now is fine ovbiamente for me and I was not only dysautonomia, I have more material of crazy: P.

and PC. How does it help? : D