Thursday, April 22, 2010

Wake Up With Stuffy Nose Every Morning

nothing happens here.

Neurologist, ok we seek. Advancement I went to 5 different. The first is the diagnosis and tells me not much to do, which is a chronic disease and I take this medicine for life: Gutron, a hyper tension, half hr. before getting up and 4 hr later.

I spent nothing, absolutely nothing to Gutron! At this point I could not get up until 17:00 hr without fainting, I was licensed, and could not stand most of the day.
He returned to the doctor and he shrugged his shoulders and said he could not do anything because that was "the" cure for my disease.
other hand moved a little product of frustration depression, economic problems dragged by the same disease, ISAPRE me back each license that had failed to recognize the disease, the Lucas fell behind in my work had recently been promoted and not enough to be one month and the wallpaper to leave ... there were several reasons to be depressed, I think.

After spending 2 weeks with Gutron, no results, the neurologist changed again to redisplay shoulders shrugged and looked at me with a face that they could not do anything more for me.

spent 4 months
since my diagnosis and no better, until one day, on msn, talk to the husband of a cousin who studied medicine, China and tells me that you see. I remember thinking that more harm than it already was, he could not and at this point, if a Shaman chanta had offered me help, I am sure there.


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