Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Rental Agreement Form Alberta

emotional guidance modest proposal: D

Thanks to a conversation with Agustina, our friend Argentina, reaches this post I hope you can help. When
us many disease diagnosis referred to a psychiatrist not that tell us that our problem lies in the STRESS and you think "stress?? but claaaaaaaaaro !!!!! who would not be stressed out with this? with all the consequences, "but (and perhaps many of us do) DO NOT WANT TO DOCTOR! with pills that we can dispose of even more. So how do we solve it?
worth mentioning (never hurts) that these recommendations are based on MY EXPERIENCE a. .. said, I continue: P
The Stress can have a myriad of sources that there is no post that supports it, but when the stress is emotional and this somatizing dysautonomic a body (which is already required) CAGAMOS!
According to Chinese medicine, if our energy channels are blocked by some unresolved emotion, the critical point is that, as we do not meet this signal or do not work that emotion, the body has no more than warn him loudly and as somatization. China Medicine has a map of this. Example: The therapist looks at you and realize your liver is functioning poorly, the emotion tied to this body is rage, then one must also clearing the channel (that's what makes the needles) as homework, work on solving the rage. Letter reads as simple right?
So I do not think the answer to that is a psychiatrist, that at least here in Chile, psychiatrists are not therapists to help you in that, for that would be a psychologist ... and that's never an easy road to take, to many (you) there is a resistance to receive help from someone so alien to one. My opinion is that it can be very helpful, because it is very easy to confuse emotions and verbalize not correct, sometimes we confuse anger with pain, grief with guilt, sometimes to a situation are all previous uuuuuuuuuuuuffffffffffffffffffffff how to solve!!
look at, analyze, think, clean, construrir, reconstruct, what we often do by instinct or family support, friends, couple ... but we're not super woman and the other either.
I believe that we learn to handle this the best we can, learn our limitations and we care little, but unfortunately not always sufficient.


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