Thursday, January 27, 2011

La Sportiva Nuptse 2010


comes a point in life you do not know what to do,

you feel alone, lost and tiny among the people,

and having to choose as many times as saturated.

Sometimes I think why humans are not simple,

q why God or whether we wanted that we were created to understand such complex ...

And do not tell other people which I have come to understand its essence,

but by my own spirit, my own skin.

Such are the times that hard to understand ...

understand the ways of life, signs that she can give, the difficulties ...

And I look in the mirror and ask me so many things ...

how I got here, how to be who I want to be,

how to deal with those who want to be ...

Yet I wonder ...

and I'm content with silly answers ... irremediable

and continue to live, walk for life thorny mountain and darkness,

trying to get ahead, trying not to look back.

just in these letters is what I try to let my soul speak ...

to see my soul as I look at my face in the mirror ...

and let my dreams fly, look my fears, anxieties, but my strength ...

just trying to understand or figure out who I am, who I be ...

trying to see that it is necessary to look back to move forward.


Thursday, January 13, 2011

How Doctors Check For Ear Infections

The use of computers in education ... Silences

When we speak of acts Alineación al centro ity and the progress that it implies is inevitable aside the many innovations in technology, specifically computer. The computer, which has developed greatly over recent years, has imposed a way into our lives that has produced new ways of working and therefore also new possibilities for development of knowledge and personality, we speak here of education itself.

computing has given us, and surely I will continue doing, "a multitude of benefits and resources not only useful but necessary to install our students used to this world" computerized "in an education that is very traditional but meets their youth and the society of his time. In this way information technology is integrated educational level, and is no longer seen as external, using it merely as objects of study but as a mere instrument or teaching resource. We speak here of those computer programs that have features and functions that support the teaching-learning process and in fact are necessary in the training of individuals responsible for the XXI Century, we call these programs: Educational Software.

We know clearly in its many forms that travel throughout the curricula and high school students ranging from libraries, typewriters, calculators, books, and even others who require more complex processes such as experiments, laboratories, warehouses, simulation of natural phenomena, etc., contain pictures, videos, music, numbers, letters.

Essential Educational Software Features *

"They intended to facilitate the educational process.

-orient the teaching-learning process, are interactive and their use not only involves the collective support among students, but a computer-pupil relationship important.

"They're easy for both teachers and students.

"They have specific learning objectives and information by topic to work.

"It's a motivational tool since its implementation in education is to motivate students not only on new topics to work in class, but also to learn more about computer science.

possess -assessment systems where students can learn to self-assessment (metacognition) to think about their mistakes and not to commit.

- these programs are adapted to the individuality of learners and different contexts in which they were implemented.

Features that meet the educational software in the teaching-learning process *

Among all the functions you use educational software on the one hand are complying with an innovative feature as the use of technology can be considered as an important update of education also serves as an evaluation function since it tracks the learning processes that are taking in students, as well speak of a function instructive and informative as the knowledge that circulates in the programs promote certain attitudes in students and targets, and motivating role implies that students are attracted to the themes given to the implementation of computers.

Critical view

The use of educational software in secondary school is very successful because it is an educational resource more motivating than a teacher can use. This motivation can occur in several ways, not only as an interactive resource, fun and "different" from what we are accustomed to see in the classroom, but mainly because it is computer science, computing and technology world in which found students. The use of these resources is thus not only a method of carrying out a topic high school students, but is an update of the educational act that many times young people are distant from them. A class that is based not only dictates, diagrams on the blackboard, traditional assessments, books, etc., but in addition to their daily work technology, specifically the educational software, the student is something closer to their lives outside the scope school, their interests. Something that is also very important is that with the use of software and computers in education is also taught, in addition to the particular subject that touches every teacher- to see computers in a different way that the students know today, the computer programs and applications are not just for play, chat or communicate, but they are also very useful to find information, learn, interact with them ... well, education.

This is very important to put the school in keeping with the society of knowledge ... but still must consider the importance of books and teacher's presence can never be replaced, as the warmth of the human encounter is unchangeable even by the most advanced computer of all time, and we must not forget that the brain is the best and only tool, to put it in a way, which is able to create a myriad of thoughts and equations without even the slightest need for the use of technology .

Let's be careful, do not young people of our time to leave their brains in their nightstands calm and confident to take a computer ... and we have given enough calculators to think for themselves or with the much used Google, that sort of "God" which is so easy going and just press a button to get their hands on all the knowledge of world without further investigation.

We must never forget the traditional teaching, the most sacred books, blackboards and even the hours of tired of complaining students to listen to the teachers make their classes .

Even so , must be aware of this world we live in world that can cost some people understand and may never finish to learn, but that after all this world is the reality that shapes and determined young people who are in our classrooms. In this way we carry in our purse or wallet teacher, chalk and eraser as has been done forever, but also keep in mind these new tools to address the classes such as computers, technology in general ... always use them carefully and cautiously, without undue or excessive use of them.

Stefanie Riani

* Data from Pere Marqués "Educational Software"

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Little Blisters On The Gums

dysautonomia could not be less this year ...

And just like that was. Tuesday January 4 in the afternoon began the first crisis of the year and went with Tutti, good average of fainting, dizziness hartooooooooooo (even if still in bed) and by a faint flower Cototo in the front!
I had to count on the new sticks (I month and a half) and of course, tired but understanding and concern ... It will be sustainable over time? I guess it is related to the amount of suffering crisis ... if I keep watching as he had done there should be no problems, as it has in these 2 years (yes, the fault was mine alone make me not time to go to my therapist.)
This time I lost an important chance to hit and it hurt enough. Saturday would have been the first of many Saturdays in a very good job opportunities in the near future and as it should enable me to it this week and could not go, I had to leave ... and I say leave (not that I left) that came a moment when, after trying to give possible solutions, I had to say: You know what? descartame am dysautonomic and truth I can not say with certainty that the more I watch that for more than 2 ½ years ago I find this muuuuuuuuy well, I'm not going to happen at any time.
This was actually said on a Wednesday and Saturday for I'm all right, but far from what most surprised me were the words out of my mouth: I AM dysautonomic ... and if all we know, did a blog about it, which in its presentation starts saying it, but I've never expressed that way.
all It seems so unfair sometimes, but I can not deny who I am and find the nicest way of presenting the world with this, is what, at least to me, it's hard ... but I seem to cost less as before: P I
Paulina, I have 27 years, I can be governed person, super efficient in my paste, friendly, have more defects, blemishes, and I'm dysautonomic ... how important is it for the rest?
Although the disease does not define me all the time, when a burst leaves havoc and must overcome them the best we can and continue ... to be only Paulina.

PS: I was forgetting something important muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuy! Publicly thank my cousin took me Soledad lunch on Friday), the Danny that I went to see friends I love you! and especially to you, beautiful child, I took care with love, you made me laugh (when I just wanted to mourn) and approved with 10 in support of your first crisis of this disease so rare right? : D to all of you. Muuuuuuuuuuuuuuchas thanks!