Sunday, January 3, 2010

Purpose Of Gel Electrophoresis


The goddess Athena / Minerva, q born from the head of Zeus, which is why the ratio d goddess, patroness of Athens, chose q an owl (others say the owl, the same genus) co mo companion to the night guarding the Acropolis. If the owl is a symbol d philosophy, it is because their eyes represent the intellect, symbolizing wisdom and knowledge, it is when you lift your flight at dusk, lit only by moonlight, reaching a problematic knowledge, imperfect ... This bird you see at night, like a wise man is nothing but disguised hides x q seems, is always half-vision, revocable, q always required to look again, open perspectives, expand horizons, beyond appearances, to reconsider things to acquire less distorted knowledge they can .. . and "as well as the bird is hidden and withdrawn day in dark places, away from the conversation of the other birds, the sage with the desire of speculation is retracted into the wilderness, because the familiarity and frequency of people still stand there to philosophize, and because the look and consider is stronger at night than by day "( Juan PĂ©rez de Moya-1585 )

Does the owl and philosophy are not similar?
compare the above with this quote from philosopher Uruguayan Carlos Vaz Ferreira: "What is essential is that the effect of learning philosophy is so broad, complex and irreplaceable open minds ... widen them, give them wide horizons, open windows. On the other hand, penumbra put them ... do not end up on a wall in a closed limit ... to look beyond what we know, what we understand ... glimpse, a glimpse ... and still felt beyond those distant horizons and apenumbrados, the vast immensity of the unknown. Taught to distinguish what is known about what is not, teach and even learn to ignore ... "


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