Saturday, January 2, 2010

Hp C6180 Envelope Printing

What is Philosophy?

Philosophy is not just a doctrine, a matter more in education or a simple term which etymologically means "love of wisdom" is so complex and extensive than we sometimes do not realize that she is part of our lives.
Because the issues that troubled the great philosophers, they are still thinking about us: what is life?, Why we die?, What is love?, What is justice?, There is reincarnation?, It is possible reminiscence ?. By
philosophy is where teachers must intervene in a present where students are in a computerized world trade covering all your thoughts and projects. Teachers are the only ones to encourage these young people reflect on their values, attitudes and projects, thus demonstrating that philosophy is not taught, but somehow we carry within ourselves. Learning philosophy is then
cultural base necessary to understand the world we live in, understand their problems, know how to face, be critical and reflective, to respect different opinions, listen, and create valid arguments to defend my thoughts.
The "Love of Wisdom," "Love philosophical, not merely the" Love of Life ", since that is when they philosophize, so ingrained is the man and the humanity that unites PHILOSOPHY and deep life. Stefanie


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