Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Cheeks Swollen After Tooth Filling

The entire road

Days pass without you noticing ... spends half his life. Look back and see everything that has been overcome: the happy moments, tragic moments, days when you do not stop smiling and days you would like to erase from your memory. But all this has its reason. You had to mourn a day to be as you are today: with a smile from ear to ear. You see a figure by your side, where once there were empty. You see your hands and yours are linked, but have no fingers. A knot of roots are gradually taking the other's body. No choke, give shelter in cold weather and let the air cool in hot weather. His mere presence makes you feel better, you stabilize, you feel more secure about yourself. You lived many things together to explain in words would be foolish.
And now you give you a step in the same direction. Smiling and united by your roots. know it's a long ride, but do not mind, you have a lifetime to go the whole way.

Friday, March 30, 2007

What Is Dog Lip Growth

With fingertips touched the sky and the toes touching the ground. I rose to infinity with closed eyes and open them in the light blinded me. Where
thought I was going to go?
No one could cover everything. I risked off the ground and climbing like a helium balloon.
not easy to take my hand when my steps are so unpredictable.
All I do is say no and wait in a city in flames.

empty tables.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Lighthouse Resort On Fence Lake In Wisconsin


I like to spend the hot hand on the pillow, because I know you've been with me all night. Waking up with your scent in the sheets and your soft hands touching my waist. The first rays of sun coming through the window will illuminate green eyes bright. You're looking at. I feel your breath beside me and your lips glued to my shoulder, receiving the first kiss of the day (or so I believe).
I know that every day that start well, are special. All day with butterflies in the stomach and an unforgettable smile. The ties that bind our hands will not melt in our mouths all the time and neglect to take advantage of the lowest found anywhere.
The best part is I know so well as you, that after that day will come another, and after that, another and another and another. Because even though sometimes we feel as much distance between your skin and mine, we know we walk the same way, using one set of signals that lead to the same end: us. I also know that when you finish walking, you'll be there waiting for me, as your eyes when a new day dawns.

Monday, February 5, 2007

Casio Portable Tv Digital Tuner

Days ...

You dedicate yourself to make a cylinder the role that you had pulled out of the water bottle. Sitting on the bed staring into your hands and my feet, listened to each of my steps between the closets and suitcases. I picked up everything I owned. After so long, everything was going to be a simple "goodbye", that was sure to resonate in that house for long. On the radio interference only heard about any song. The sound of the closing of the zipper on my bag last trip we awoke from the dream that seemed lost in chemical analysis at hand.
- Are you going now?
You seemed excited about it, I guess you did not think too much sentence. O yes.
I did not open his mouth. I pulled on my brown coat, picked up all the bags I could and left. He would never walk down that aisle in which a lamp is lit and extinguished continuously. Got in the car with a thousand tears. I knew some of the blame was mine, but was too proud to return.
After two laps around the block, my feet traveled this corridor in the opposite direction. The "sorry" he had in his hands fell. Now I understood that it was too late.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

When Do Tv Prices Drop Superbowl 2010

Happy Birthday, Diego

will not say anything that has not said. You're not special today, only it's your birthday and you are always special. I would like to congratulate hugging, kissing and whispering, but I can not and all I have left are words. I

one hundred texts, I tied a thousand words and I've said dozens of ideas, thoughts and feelings, but today I realized that nothing gets really express what I feel. Those "I love you" to resound, sound only "I love you" and we're much more than that. We are the eyes that stop time, entering through the pupil and lost infinitely until a cold wave covers us making it impossible for us to talk. We are kissing they close their eyes and are lost by the body. We do not see, but we feel. The beat and tangled tongues in knots that never melt. And when you open your eyes, it is night.

Now I can not look, or kiss you, but I can tell you that your hands have formed who I am, because I am now. My smile just came to see yours and my tears are dried lips. You're all I want, You're all that I give, you're everything I am. One can only thank and as I hurried to tell you repeatedly last night

Happy Birthday, Diego.