Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Cheeks Swollen After Tooth Filling

The entire road

Days pass without you noticing ... spends half his life. Look back and see everything that has been overcome: the happy moments, tragic moments, days when you do not stop smiling and days you would like to erase from your memory. But all this has its reason. You had to mourn a day to be as you are today: with a smile from ear to ear. You see a figure by your side, where once there were empty. You see your hands and yours are linked, but have no fingers. A knot of roots are gradually taking the other's body. No choke, give shelter in cold weather and let the air cool in hot weather. His mere presence makes you feel better, you stabilize, you feel more secure about yourself. You lived many things together to explain in words would be foolish.
And now you give you a step in the same direction. Smiling and united by your roots. know it's a long ride, but do not mind, you have a lifetime to go the whole way.


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