Friday, December 29, 2006

Super Boxxi Online Game

Sorry, I mourn today only ... The stabbing

Today I just want to mourn. I have no desire for anything, because I have nothing, because you you everything and you're by my side. I want to change many things and that everything remains the same. I know I can change them, but I do not. I do not know why. It is impossible. Other I can not move and it hurts when I try to stretch too. I take all the garbage around me and smell her away. I grab her hand and bring me. I'm not where I belong, I'm not where I want, I'm with whom I want to be, I'm not how I want to be. And all that hurts me.
I ask too much, but everything is within reach of my hand. Everyone tells me where to go, but few people actually hold my hand to accompany me.
You are my middle and my end. My happiness. You are everything to me, but today, instead of smiling with her eyes in the last 7 months now, I only mourn. It's not you, you know and I know, but I'm apathetic and that hurts. It hurts. Sorry.
I love you.


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