Friday, December 29, 2006

Super Boxxi Online Game

Sorry, I mourn today only ... The stabbing

Today I just want to mourn. I have no desire for anything, because I have nothing, because you you everything and you're by my side. I want to change many things and that everything remains the same. I know I can change them, but I do not. I do not know why. It is impossible. Other I can not move and it hurts when I try to stretch too. I take all the garbage around me and smell her away. I grab her hand and bring me. I'm not where I belong, I'm not where I want, I'm with whom I want to be, I'm not how I want to be. And all that hurts me.
I ask too much, but everything is within reach of my hand. Everyone tells me where to go, but few people actually hold my hand to accompany me.
You are my middle and my end. My happiness. You are everything to me, but today, instead of smiling with her eyes in the last 7 months now, I only mourn. It's not you, you know and I know, but I'm apathetic and that hurts. It hurts. Sorry.
I love you.

Friday, December 1, 2006

Air Bumps On Sand Rail

I stab the mirror, see how it is breaking from the center until it is completely covered with strange lines that run around like rivers on maps. Then watch as she cries, how my image is part of a thousand and falls violently on the ground. I want to feel how piece by piece, that whole world disappears, there's nothing left behind the mirror.

Raise your fist and blood flowed from me as prisoners escape from jail in an open day. Remove lips with tiny crystals that have been embedded in my flesh and let the drops flow in the hand until they finish on the floor, mixing with my tears.

red eyes watch me from the long dark hair that covers my whole face reflected in the world that lies at my feet.

Still, white, naked. With feelings between hate, resentment, fear, cold, anxiety. I feel violent. Scars run through my wrists and cradled my eyes dark circles albinos. I do not speak, even I open my mouth. Press hard the wheels, I think at some point they will explode.
I stab the mirror.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Sayings For Sesame Street Invitations

miss ... Worlds

flooding is that feeling when you're within four walls, dark and a certain song playing in the background. The head is not there, is to him. That
feels empty inside that lets you play echo.
uncontrollable desire to mourn Those who feel when you see a photo.
That look lost in the letters of the notes while you're trying to study. These cravings
the days go by like shooting stars on a summer night. That

know the other person feels the same. These
you want to rumble for hours in the room. That
wake up and feel the cold bed.
No kisses, no caresses.
no eyes bright.
No smiles.

Go to bed eyes closed not to see that you are alone.
sleeping This attempt falters between the hole that it feel to know that tomorrow will open your eyes and he be there. Both

miss you ...
... finally open my eyes and see you.

less ~ or ~ unless someone or something.
1. (From port. achar least find less). frs. caution, noting its lack.
2. frs. Having feeling and sorrow for his fault.

Friday, October 20, 2006

The History Of The Chef Uniform

One night a few months ago, I was talking with a friend of our worlds. Of those places that each person constructs his taste, decorated with their favorite vases and where your favorite song is repeated over and over again without getting tired.
The place to make your secrets to the walls of soap, where people are fits for long-stay, where you have to kick someone who is not well received ... Worlds to live what I really want to live, keeping track of everything that hurts you, so try to burst your bubble, which wants to breathe the polluted sky lies, hatred and falsehood.
This is my place, on the walls I have to whom I can be in person. Not great, but can fit all people that interest me: my family, my friends ... and himself. Each placement is accurate. Each with their world, but inside the mine.
now retrieve this conversation that winter night and give him another way. His world and mine, and only one. Our bubbles are joined and now we have a bigger one, to let more people and always looking to the sky, now, is no longer contaminated.

Monday, August 14, 2006

What's Under My Bathtub?

soap ... I guess ...

Leyendo las palabras que no se escriben.
Escuchando las palabras que no se dicen.
Imaginando caminos sinuosos por donde es difícil respirar. Atado con cuerdas que no dejan avanzar, mientras una risa se oye al fondo del pasillo. La lluvia intentando abortar mi plan de saltar, saltar ahí de donde subí ayudado por manos que parecían soltarse en el último momento. Caer con los ojos cerrados y la esperanza de que algún día alguien notará mi falta. Ni una lágrima, ni un sorry, only one hand on the bottom of the dark pit. Wherever worms are the most important part of life. Where are those who are not. Where I am when I'm not. In the bottom left, past the stage of ground black and white and red curtains, after the chair that left forgotten forgotten the day he left. In the darkest depths I am still waiting for the wind to lift me.
I sit and feel the roaches on my feet. Something unpleasant to what I'm used, apparently, no one notices my absence yet. I'll keep waiting. Someone will come ... I guess ...

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Shiseido Optimal Cover Concealer And Ebay

As mourn no tears. As
laugh without joy.
Play an ace up his sleeve.
Cover your eyes and look through a crack.
Remove the pen leaving the grooves. Breaking
a photo without pulling the pieces.
go out barefoot.
Speaking without words.

As he hides behind his back a bouquet.
As someone who reads a blank book.
A newspaper with yesterday's news.
A kiss goodbye without.
A kiss without you. Smiling

knowing you're together.
Look in the mirror and not see anyone. Mourn
knowing that you are alone.
two-word messages.

Daydreaming. Sleep
you. Sleep
awake. Dream

I, me, here.
You, you, there. Far
to see the world built for two.
Where everything is possible.
A world without you
Es ..

As mourn no tears. As
laugh without joy.
As you without you.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Congratulations Messages For Pregnancy

Contigo without you I dreamed ...

... and when I opened my eyes I saw that everything was true, that you were here, which takes time here. I felt your warmth, I felt your hands close to mine.
And I cried, because you're you and I love it.
Because you're away, but I'm close, so close I close my eyes and I have to dream. You are here.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Will My Epson Ex70 3d

One day I dreamed ... Elements of the road

... now I no longer needed.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Samsung Dynaflat Quit Working


cold feet on the grass
Feet Feet Feet in the clouds on the sand

Steps Steps Steps to tiles over heels

Steps on quiet roads

Footprints Footprints Footprints
from ropes on the bed Traces
on memories

Steps Barefoot naked
indelible mark recalling

Walking Walking Walking without looking back

Dream Run Fly

Laughing Screaming

Feet on the trail of my footsteps.

walk together. Absent

Friday, June 9, 2006

Littlest Pet Shop Cannot Connect To Server

between smoke and study
between notes and you,
bright windows where the sun never shines.
Red Eye and headache.

few hours of sleep and many dreams between yawns.
dream about tomorrow, tomorrow
lines for writing,
lips for kissing, I do not
Líneas de sueños,
Escribir y besar,
mañana sin mí,
mañana contigo.

Sunday, June 4, 2006

Imagine Bar In Punta Cana

My puzzle

Después de ver mi corazón arder,
de no sentirme nadie,
no entiendo qué hace alguien como tú
recogiendo mis pedazos y uniéndolos de nuevo.
Tarea complicada el encajar
cada pequeño trozo con los demás y soldarlos,
haciendo que no se separen más.
Como algo que sueño.
Como tú, como yo.
Como los días que cuento,
Como el reencuentro.
Tengo ganas de respirar tu aire,
de mirar tus miradas
y de llorar tus lágrimas.
Escalofríos que se llevarán your arms, your hugs
Words will take your lips, your kisses
Everything fits,
you, the last piece of my puzzle.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Letterrequest Community Service

Anything to add?

I see what I dreamed closer. I think
reach out and get to touch,
and if I do not play, sorry.
reflections of yesterday I have in me,
on my walls in my lyrics,
on my goals, my memories.

I will tell 3.
Starting with the 1, I want to hear as you open the door.
By continuing with 2, I smell your scent on you.
And at the end with 3, I feel like you kiss me.

I will not feel disappointed if you do not, I just
know you want it.

Until the day comes,
may be complicated, but you keep on looking

and missing your gestures,
your touch, your hugs and your kisses

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Party Places Bangalore

In the limit ...

into something that I hope that everything changes,
I can not say it, but must be
(somewhere for me).
Just ask one
know that something will go well, why
has to go wrong?
why I never get anything right?
maybe that's ... Nothing
all decided!
will see that game after ...
I trust and I will not stand still, I'm
the limit.

-> Collaboration blogueril posted on the blog of Diego

Friday, May 12, 2006

Panasonic Toyota Cd Charger Install

next thing will go wrong.
A race that never got started.
With the sound of raindrops on the hood of the car,
count the days you can not hear you say my name.

mixing cold and heat in a bottle of rum,
I drunk with the fear of not seeing.
My hideout revolves around me like the carousel horses
Whose dream of flying on a rainy night.

my worlds collide, Dreams
the ground. Everything is broken

And the only thing I can do is mourn,
And expect my tears
Glue the pieces I have not yet lost.

I do not know where I am,
If I was or awning.
smoke mixed with ash.

My World And I die with him.

Tuesday, May 9, 2006

Using Usb Flash Drive Xbox 360 Save Games

All My world dies at 23 ... Difficult and strange

Shhhh ... Quietly
on any word,
no matter what is said now.
begins to spin.
Look anywhere and see everything,
bet the only thing left to 23 red.
should not leave everything to chance,
not have to remember only the words, even the facts
Nothing matters not what's inside.
Listen, sometimes not paying attention,
continuous and repetitive sounds
eventually get tired and bored.
But this is different,
know only what I hear,

although some people make it sound different ...
heart is a spinning roulette
... yet.
If I lose, hard dream.
23 again.