Friday, May 6, 2011

Free Printable Cards, Dirt Bike

Dysautonomia, talk to you!

yesterday I found this letter is dated June 23, 2008, had two sessions of acupuncture and only months with the disease ... this was my feeling .

I know why you came, but still do not know why you stay.
Sometimes I do feel guilty, because I feel that I give you instead.
Then I remember that I never invite you, you came alone and silent.
Sometimes these so quiet, I think that you're gone ... but come back.
Will it be easier to simply accept your existence?
But I can not ... do not find it!
always stranger than he was before you ... and I am outraged by the idea that you stay for long.
Want to walk hand in hand? You and I are not friends! Give me rage! You made me suspicious of! Make me prey of your visits!
....¿ how? ... ?...¿ Say what you say I call you ?...¿ why you say that? What is it that I'm not taking ?.... Let's see if you're right ... you arrive when I'm stressed when I have pain, sometimes anger, when I want nothing, when I leave ...
I'm going to take more care.
I'm going to want more.
I'm going to hear more.
And you .... You take a vacation already? A well-laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargas!
I'll be OK!


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