Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Why Is My Net10 Service Disabled

And we DAY! : D

Thanks to the initiative of DIME Etiel AC that passage Congratulations!, May 12 is the day World awareness of the Dysautonomia what you think? I hope you all receive many questions and so many others can know about this disease and why not? empathize a little more with us;)
These days have been very entertaining to me about the Dysautonomia, also not physically has been, if it has been occupying my time happily, as I told you on Facebook and here too, I have wanted muuuuuuuuuuuuuchas an article in a magazine, hopefully with good diffusion and female target audience (I know there are men dysautonomic, but are the least and finally as the Lord will bring the doc: P)
And this visit on Tuesday by Dr. Jaime Bravo for interviews, as well as thank him for his excellent disposition and time, I'll try to transcribe the responses of more interest to us, here it is:)

1 -. What are the causes of Dysautonomia?
Most problems are caused low pressure and this may be due to
-Falla collagen tissue of the veins of the legs, one stops and the blood is in the legs or if you eat too much left in the stomach, if you have sex is blood in the genitals and every time this happens, little oxygen reaches the brain (impaired venous return) producing poor concentration, dizziness, headaches, fainting or near fainting and falling blood pressure .
-Altered autonomic nervous system (Sympathetic-vagal imbalance), which is the system which automatically controls many important body functions like pulse, blood pressure, temperature and breathing.

2 -. One of the remedies prescribed for this disease is Fludrocortisone (Florinef), how this drug works in patients with dysautonomia?
Fludrocortisone Minerocorticoide is that through sodium retention raise blood pressure helps, ale v clarify that although it belongs to the family of steroids is not a glucocorticoids, which is what produces side effects, weight gain, infections or osteoporosis that most people fear. This remedy is intended only to raise the pressure.

2 -. Why misdiagnosed disease?
Because the medical community and people feel that low pressure is beneficial, it is more to the dr. going to congratulate, but have low BP produces but all the symptoms of dysautonomia, the majority.

3 -. What happens with dysautonomic pregnant?
When a woman becomes pregnant will lower the pressure, but the Florinef can be taken in this period, gynecologists are afraid, but I've tried many times to dysautonomic pregnant Florinef without problems, as a minerocorticoide.

4 -. What relationship has the natural abortions with dysautonomia?
I do not know if the Dysautonomia which produces the abortion or the problem of collagen and connective tissue disease that can cause infertility. Now this can be avoided by taking folic acid. It is very important that any woman who wants to take 3 months before pregnancy folic acid (1 mg)

5 -. One of its recommendations for dysautonomic is consuming 9 grams of salt a day ...¡¡¡¿ HOW?! : P
you take a teaspoon (the youngest) and rasa are 3 grams and take three times a day, you can also dissolve in water and take it in brine. It is important to know that these are independent of salt in foods. The other is to take tablets of sodium chloride by the 9 gr.

6 -. Does Dysautonomia is a chronic disease?
Yes, and if the person is not going to have chronic fatigue, low pressure, cold etc is. Over the years the pressure is increasing and may be decreasing severe disease symptoms (fainting, dizziness, cold)

7 -. The time that you . disease known how much do you. progress has been made in investigating it? Shortly
and ignorance is universal, I think this is because doctors generally believe that low pressure is normal, being that most people have low pressure and very tired when they think of vitamins or the pre-teen girl is weak and does not repair low pressure that should be addressed.

___:) ___

Dear, I came to literature that he gave me to give 5 post more! so we have info for a while:)
This Friday will visit the Dr. Eduardo Dumas cual me tiene muy contenta , aquí tendremos la información de un cardiólogo que será muy interesante también.
Espero que este post les haya gustado y haberlas representado con las preguntas lo mejor posible :)


Friday, May 6, 2011

Free Printable Cards, Dirt Bike

Dysautonomia, talk to you!

yesterday I found this letter is dated June 23, 2008, had two sessions of acupuncture and only months with the disease ... this was my feeling .

I know why you came, but still do not know why you stay.
Sometimes I do feel guilty, because I feel that I give you instead.
Then I remember that I never invite you, you came alone and silent.
Sometimes these so quiet, I think that you're gone ... but come back.
Will it be easier to simply accept your existence?
But I can not ... do not find it!
always stranger than he was before you ... and I am outraged by the idea that you stay for long.
Want to walk hand in hand? You and I are not friends! Give me rage! You made me suspicious of! Make me prey of your visits!
....¿ how? ... ?...¿ Say what you say I call you ?...¿ why you say that? What is it that I'm not taking ?.... Let's see if you're right ... you arrive when I'm stressed when I have pain, sometimes anger, when I want nothing, when I leave ...
I'm going to take more care.
I'm going to want more.
I'm going to hear more.
And you .... You take a vacation already? A well-laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargas!
I'll be OK!