Friday, April 15, 2011

Leopard Gecko Nightlight


Dear! with a post a little late (birthday) and a tiny surprise that comes just in time:)
First of all I thank you from the heart, life , the good vibes and positive energy they give to Blog, IT IS VERY USEFUL FOR ME! and without exaggerating, I have done this blog is one of the things I pride: D

My idea as a birthday gift was to achieve the blessed story .... but I have not spent much with that ... but I stick it : DDDDDD
But on the other hand, if I did something that I hope will bring benefits loooooooong. Inform me by mail, with Dr. Eduardo Dumas, the Department of syncope and dysautonomia and one of the architects of the page (link this to one side of this blog) asking us to write a post, something simple DO UD.DEBE wave .... what ijijijijijijij and this was your kind reply:

Nice write in your blog. Our concern in the past 20 years have been dysautonomias starting with the implementation of tilt test in 1991 in the U Hosp Clinical Catholic. There has been a wide dissemination of the subject and have trained several colleagues throughout Chile. To be an absolutely unknown, many colleagues trained to recognize dysautonomia and referral for study and management.

I agree to read the blog and establish cooperative ties . (I really liked it: P)
Dr Dumas
Dysautonomia Cardiovascular Laboratory, PUC

¿¿yyyyyyyy ??????? ????? What do you think? I find TOTAL, WONDERFUL, SPLENDID, BKN, Cool, Hairy .... etc ... The urge to PC. follow: DDDDD

I send a warm hug to everyone and we move forward to achieve the unthinkable!


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