Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Cervical Mucus And Cramping

A lifetime

long ago, a friend asked me to read the book by Miguel Delibes entitled "The Holy Innocents." It was to help text to comment on it, a little help he was teaching become a job for me, then, no doubt, would be me who started and finished writing.
I was not sure of finding nothing in that story, because I had seen the movie made about it and apart from a situation determined in a particular context, yes, played by some actors immeasurable, no glimpse of a closer reading of that at first highlighted in the film. I noticed, to my fellow applicant, that everything was more than likely not arise at all, because I understand short and apparently seen no more sharp edges perceived that tell a story ... no more.

not spent days before he had opened the book, sure it would be a drag, hoping to end it as soon as possible to give my response. The first thing that caught my attention from that script arbitrary score was used by the author: commas and asides, lines cut for no reason ... finally a series of literary tricks, which by dint of superb handling understanding of English ancestry are writers, took it for good without understanding why. Still, feeling obliged to help the "alleged text commentator" I tried to explain, at least, the reason for such a strange way to write, did not stop to think, rewind, reread and ponder ... nothing. As a last resort I went to see a second time, the film, so I went to the video store and started ...
was my eldest son, then little boy, there, as they always do the kids, scrambling, screaming and, ultimately, preventing me from doing what he wanted. Occasionally, very last, watching the TV and went to his own. There was a moment in a scene where "Paco El Bajo" sniffs the ground to follow a trail, it stopped and asked, "Dad, is a dog with a human face?". Instantly there was light, and suddenly I could understand the whole framework of the work, I was surprised and delighted at once, because it seemed a small victory to have given chase to the double proposal in the novel.
not my intention, and I intend to make this quite explicit, or disturb any person claiming that the conclusions that I will describe below are unique, even true-indeed, probably no more a product of a pressing need to help someone, so much so that I wrote so many years ago few people who have read a few paragraphs, and that since the death of Miguel Delibes has been assaulting me doubt whether they ought to do this, right now, I'm doing. Once decided, I press ...

From my point of view and my interpretation of a literary work, the author, Don Miguel Delibes, use an extreme situation of subjugation of a family of semi-slavery, that I, personally, I was not strange or unknown, if only by hearsay, and not long ago. There is nothing strange in appearance in the presentation, two families, one subject, leading the other, with different units each, differentiated from one another, living a certain relationship, which depending on the observer may be more exaggerated or less, and even unrealistic, and that after successive vicissitudes concludes dramatically, with the death of one of the protagonists and the detention of another. If seasoned with a masterful performance at the time of his transfer to the cinema, it is easy to dazzle and the settlement: "No more than seen." But ... there is not really?

The Writer permeates each of the characters in his work very peculiar characteristics, it does not casually. Delibes presents "Paco El Bajo" as a human with animal connotations, hence the smell, pursues hunting down like a dog. Has feelings, but no intelligence, no will, is a "bug" that needs to be careful and sent, of course, by the ruling family, because he can not do it himself. It represents or is condensed lowest social group, less valued and less able, always in the eyes of those in the stratum superior. His wife, "Regular" is simply the female of the beast, it is not necessary to characterize it, it is evident that it is just that partner.

The Marquise is in the opposite segment of the social. However, it also appears with the same or almost the same ability to sniff that "Paco El Bajo". Is it possible that two people of such extreme sense of smell have been brought together by coincidence in the novel? Do we know someone who is capable of such virtuosity? Obviously it is not random or unexpected event. For the author, the aristocratic class is irrational class, so close to the animal as the other, although opposite ends of the same reality, it follows its own instincts of predation rather than a rational explanation for coexistence and solidarity.
The protagonist of the novel lies with those who apparently are more "innocent." Azariah
is abnormal, the fool of the family in a first impression and sticking to the surface. Nothing is further from the truth. Azariah is socially, the misfit, the rebel, is not cowed and constantly doing what is most annoying to the oppressors, "urinates on his hands" makes their physiological needs everywhere, preferably where more annoying to the "gentlemen." He faces the situation with the means at its disposal, but there are times when the trance overwhelms you, can do no more and the pain and injustice he grasps the heart, you must leave to "run the owl" to vent screaming to heart torn by the mountain, in a final return flight to, scratching and bruising in his desperation to return, but no less tormented submissive to the harsh reality. He barely gets Azariah enter vassalage, but it is a precious asset: their dignity to which shape of a bird. Indeed, the dignity of Azariah has, twice, a bird, in the first place an "owl" who dies in the second a "jackdaw," no "dove" one and that any hunter knows, and Miguel Delibes was. The "milana bonita", and called on both birds, is the symbolism of the dignity of the rebellious, the "abnormal social", his most cherished and perhaps only asset.
The "Master" is the new capitalism, wild and usurping all when I can be of benefit. It is a new, more aggressive tread, emerged from a stale and outdated aristocracy. This new and recent social stratum is to get at the will of the subject, stripping them and disable them as people. The lower class is composed of many products, not human beings, or even reducing them to a minimum. No opportunity to demonstrate their scorn and contempt intention, as demonstrated in the work with the serious injury suffered "Paco El Bajo" who is still recovering again been required by the despot, falling back into the wound, with fatal consequences. There is no middle, anything goes, everything is mine. Appears
foreman average between them, which, how could it be otherwise in charge of taming, handcuffing and deal more directly with the lower class, a "face wash" of the wealthy that I see, represents that class of such high aspirations as a few possibilities, professional hangers and convenience upstarts who prostitute their principles for such to enter certain selected cores. As happens to the wife of the said foreman, who does not hesitate to engage in adultery, more or less accepted by her husband, which she knows. The marriage
"Paco" and "regular" of the situation and conditions in which they live, they and much of a social group, can come only one thing: a fervent desire to "justice." In case, in the abstract, "Social Justice" and that "justice" must be represented in the novel, Miguel Delibes what does this through "the girl child." Is that the reason that hardly see his face, no matter it is deformed, so amorphous, crippled and brutal realities posed. Only is aware of it through their piercing screams, giving notice that he is being trampled. Screams and moans, his horrifying screams stop, calm down and she is appeased when one takes into arms the rebels against the "injustice" Azariah.

In this state of things the Master tries to seize the "dignity" of the rebel, try to tame, knowing still have not gotten it, so he kills his "milana bonita" and the misfit is coming ... taking his life. The "class struggle" in one literary passage: "sublime."
Now I know the reason why the writer uses so unusual form of punctuation, wording was not intended to provide a pleasant and digestible, on the contrary, its aim was to grind our imagination in the reading that we unconsciously percatásemos the malfunction of a social machinery which brings deep, cruel, heinous injustices.

Juan Rodríguez wallers


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