Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Starcraft 1990's Game

The tear

At the beginning of that First Wednesdays the week of Creation, God called Zadkiel, Jofiel, Gabriel, Michael, Chamuel and Uriel, his six archangels, more perfect beings and closer to Him all who had created and faithful guardians of their will. They reported that during the third day , intended to separate the waters of the oceans on earth dry, a distant planet and beautiful. To do so would retire to where you found the last of the galaxies, within the confines of the stars.

was divine foresight of the temporarily isolated bodies of angels, who, for the sake of praise about him constantly, swarming and hovering without end, looking stunned its unique presence.

wanted to enjoy in all its fullness the magnificence of his own creation , delighting not be distracted even for an instant. For this purpose, to communicate their intention to Angeles Maximum , ordered them, above all things, not to tell the point where they would find, that were not up there the other inhabitants of heaven and disturb your enjoyment.

the Supreme Creator is directed towards the chosen space, lost in the infinity of the universe recently. As was to be, stood to lee of the huge number of stars in the galaxy chosen, the pure light given off by millions upon millions of stars helped to slightly reduce that other insuperable issued by the Creator as its purpose was to escape inquisitive glances at the legions of angels.

sidereal body had not any in the nebula that resisted their presence would burst into uncontrollable desire to revere him, throwing huge tongues of flame to enlighten and cover you in your greatness. Then gave the orders to secede surface waters of the underlying land, differing from the salty seas dry ...

And all the invisible forces began to move immediately to comply its mandate. Seismic incredible magnitude shook the face of land, huge cliffs hastily erguiéronse water, heading toward the seabed, the sun glowing off heat to dry wet as the clouds above opened his heart to discover the majesty of the event. He looked ecstatic beauty of their work.

When this happened all the angels had already noticed the absence of God and had increased by hundreds restless comings and goings in your search. Asked each other, if anyone had known the whereabouts of his Lord, who happened to be without explanation, making for himself first and later in tumultuous congregations puzzled about so-secret cabal game. He missed the closeness, the ubiquitous irradiation love that fed them all the time.

The six archangels, by contrast, showed a grim expression, seeing nervousness that had been generated among others. They did know the whereabouts and why, but they were so strict instructions would be followed. However, despite their perfection and obedience, they could not avoid looking at each other and outline a knowing smile, because I certainly was fun to see how those others also wonderful disoriented struggled to conclude with certainty divination, while imagining the expression that would illuminate their faces when they behold the wonder of the Work Final.

Of all the inhabitants of heaven was a very insightful cherub that did not conceal his uneasiness, moving restlessly from one end to another of the sky to find who was the reason for their existence. To spend about six Uriel noticed how he directed his gaze slightly to a place in the universe, instantly concluded that could not be other than where God was. Jumping for joy at the discovery called the others shouted,

- "There it is. There is "- repeated uncontrollable," pointing Nothing bright.

An avalanche of angels rushed in reckless stampede toward the warm vacuum, into the galaxy hidden, passing the immaterial bodies of archangels, iridescent into a barrier, had tried to cover that space the view of others.

A silent incessant sound of beating wings spread around the edge of the sky as the crowd of immaculate beings going at incredible speed in search of God. In the scrum followed one another impetuous overtaking each other, to reach the first to the longed presence, the Thrones were the lightest and virtuous flying and almost always led the procession swiftly following him, Seraphim, Dominions ...

In the final positions were almost all Cherubim stubby little wings and that could not equally vertiginous flight. With them was the cherub finder, named Rafael, clumsy in flight, like the others, but so enamored with the Eternal and frustrated by their remoteness did not hesitate to climb on a throne that went with him, without his being aware of the innocent stratagem.

Conveniently located

directed his eyes to the room of the Almighty, with his piercing eyes peering space. While ... beaming with happiness.

The distance to travel was colossal, despite the lightness of the effort was being offset to the spirits of heaven to the limit. The Archangels, much better equipped, ahead of them, because once discovered the secret could only communicate the impetuosity of the Child and receive new guidelines. Finally, in the most thrilling and profound distance, began to glimpse the grandeur of God in their myriad exhaustion increased the speed, coming soon to the vicinity of the nebula chosen.

Rafael, the mischievous cherub, took a moment of confusion and buzz that took place in the heavenly army to see the divine glow in the distance. He had not worked in the movement, so your little wings kept his force intact.

Building the momentum that had the speed to the throne impelled to his career, he jumped, pushing boldly to the vicinity of the constellation to which the guard was the Almighty. Was placed at the head of all his companions beat a fast pace that seemed more like elytra , huffing and puffing his chubby face, squinting, suspicious, like the rest hurried to catch up, then stepping flutter speed of its awkward.

Por fin llegó al aliento del Ser que provocaba sus ansias incontenibles. Ya iba a poder disfrutar de su confortadora presencia; podría adorarle sin cesar, cantarle sin desmayo…No contaba el pobre Rafael con que todos los demás que habían conformado multitud incontable habían venido persiguiéndole con igual vehemencia de búsqueda; así que estando revoloteando ya, como mariposa gozosa, contemplando al Creador, llegaron los demás en arribada alocada , atropellando, más que empujando, con fuerza a Rafael, que imprudentemente se había colocado muy cerca del Hacedor.

Al verse desplazado de forma súbita, comenzó a agitar sus alas nuevamente, this time to restrain his career, trying to avoid touching the face in any way divine. In such a hectic situation, the restless movement of the cherub was a whirlwind of interstellar dust , one of whose spots had the temerity to land gently on the eye the All-Seeing One tear, the first and only the Divine Eye been expelled, was excreted .

It compressed all his goodness and his power packed, were also reflected in her full light of the Universe and loved by the Institute, whose essence was trapped in the mood. Then ... came off very slow, falling towards vacuum most unknown and began describing his path to curve downward spirals downright ineffable, without regard to any physical law. Their destination: a distant point in which God had carried out his most recent work and that he called Earth.

Angels greatly troubled, fearing having crossed the permissible limits, the most Rafael, whose face colorless, now pretending to fade into a faint to shame, overwhelmed by what happened. The archangels looked expectantly waiting the trial of the Lord. God, patient and understanding, secretly rejoiced with all that racket , enjoying especially with pardonable insolence and the scare of the aggressor cherub, hiding their views at all. Then

powerful voice, thunder raging, covertly snapped Rafael feigned affection and seriousness. Deep voice rebuked him for his recklessness, he had come to cause the first and only Holy Tear Eternity and also not knowing obey God's instructions, always hiding his already granted forgiveness, for I knew Him, advance, which would end all that festive adventure.

- Rafael! - First rebuked him, "and then continued.

The angel was not able to respond, hid his flushed face chubby between their wings and mumble unintelligible words even to himself Benefactor. That was a time, trying to articulate a justification for their action, remain so in the end impossible.

Again He spoke, then spoke:

- "You have been inconsistent, will have to take the result of your recklessness. You must pick up my tear where there has been arrested in Earth to give it back covered with your love and wrap secured with bonds of praise and submission ".- continued:" I will take into account your shock forgivable for my absence. Your work will be arduous, but should not return until you've accomplished. "

Now ... He commanded: "Go now"

The little boy. Propelling sharply immediately went in pursuit of divine pearl, as he walked away from the Origin, exponentially heightened the speed his fall. Rafael was struggling in pursuit, in swift thought he could fall to reach the desired object before posase on the planet, but always seemed to be the same distance between it and his pursuer.

meditated, meanwhile, if the reason would be as fruitless pursuit that God willed it so or perhaps, as his spirit still housed the spontaneity and playfulness of his own naughty angel essence, failing to minimize the the gap was that, from time to time, be entertained by a loop or indecipherable pirouette enjoying his disembodied lightness.

The Almighty watching all the events with the rest of immaculate beings from heaven, and everyone enjoyed the playful behavior Rafael while, he, continued follow-up frenzy.

For this moment God had already decided to shape the earth's surface, for the separation that had made the ocean water and dry it had created a completely flat surface without projections or accidents. Water and land differed in their constitution, solid and liquid, in color, but not in the smoothness of their surfaces because they were both total and absolutely flat. Thus, he introduced his arm in a huge conglomerate of clusters milky traveling freely among the stars, drawing from their bulging bellies a handful of golden rays, created with the purest and most perfect light waves. By removing your hand from the mass of clouds could see all the angels and archangels, except for Rafael, the rays moved and writhed vigorously seized the hand that, as a handful of Orovo "Entreluces between fingers Creator, with no possibility or desire to escape from his captor.

All this happened just when tears of God hovered over the parched plains immediately absorbed in her womb the precious pearl drop . Rafael was approaching the Earth about that had seized the treasure, while its gradual acceleration issued a sharp sibilant sound that crossed without difficulty every gaseous layers cradled the planet.

The avenue your mind was the time expected by the Almighty, that when contemplating Posted stop where the tear had fallen, and as he knelt in submission and adoration to pick, raised his arm and threw infinite force the beam against the face of the Earth , resulting in their release a burst of light obscured ravishing that emitted by all stars are created. As a massive rain of shooting stars each and every one went, by design and order of their Maker, to where Rafael was about to by fulfilling its mission. Light rain struck sharp and cutting solid surface without exception in the vicinity of cherub. The most powerful and terrifying of them fell through his hands, almost caressing the Tear.

As Earth hit by massive release of energy as an earthquake immeasurable what seemed unchangeable stone surrendered his tenacity and toughness, making fiery lava, transmitted to her through a ripple throughout the length and breadth of the planet, leading to mountains and valleys to the sword crashes, peaks, and marine depths. "The Tear", fertilized by the light, increased order volume without soaking the soil and converted into artery of life, snakelike and unstoppable, moved north and south.

It was because God wanted the droplet secreted from becoming a continuous uninterrupted flow of water and, later, humans called the river and that unlike the brackish water, the liquid was flowing so sweet, so that the whole fate of future ages was known source.

In one edge of that strip pristine liquid gathered in discrete gentle hills and dales, marl and clay soils, of various shades of ocher, simulating an ocean wave winding asleep in the arms of gentle aura. Fertile land and grateful to offer their fruits profusely when fed by the sweat of the farmer efforts.

The opposite shore is where the rocks were reconciled indomitable: roses and pearl granite, slate brittle ... beautified by trees hundreds of crusty, indomitable, and as tough and aggressive weeds in his own defense like candy in his offering. Wild and sullen serve primarily as a refuge and host of wild animals with which man and woman could feed her children.

prior Rafael was not aware of what was going to happen, therefore, to the initial confusion by the incident that took him to the place, had to add the stupor caused by the violent impact of condensed light on the strength of field. Even knowing that nothing disastrous would happen could not help fearing a huge jerk that took him, unconscious and scary back up beyond the blue.

When he recovered amounted to understand why this unimaginable scene. His fervent desire to please the Provider promptly returned, resuming his mission to the second, and then promptly returning to the place where he must carry out their search and discovery.

A renewed frustration came over him every last nook and cranny of your body intangible, as "The Teardrop " not only had become a river of life, the brutal fall of that divine arrow had turned into a myriad of other children who had little sphere dispersed without any reason, projected in all directions and deposited randomly. He was now the huge task of finding them in full if he wanted the precious jewel. Also would to closely monitor the river's current, if "The Tear" was there, if not one of the small droplets.

Rafael walked in such a situation for hundreds of years, shifting uneasily from all the sites in place, tracking, inspecting, weighing greatly and striving to please God in the workspace. Each century was going to Rafael became a burden hard to bear, not only could not find "The Tear", also missed the closeness of his "Creator."

While the place is embellished more and more, emerging in beauty above all other parts of the Earth. Colorful flowers oozing with fragrant scents of unparalleled spread their petals, opening to the sun in sacrificial death generates life, insects tireless libaban them, carrying seed to each other that reduplicated cross color and shapes that, in turn, were even more exalted than their predecessors. birds added their gaudy plumage of iridescent so unpredictable landscape out of nowhere, sweetening the spirited melodies morning breezes and sunsets with songs of nostalgia for the lost day. Many other animals were already incorporated to life and ran around in lazy and useless frolicking through meadows, valleys and streams.

But the bereaved Angel was increasingly depressed and sorry, so the time came when he decided to return to where they came, to appear before the Almighty to realize how empty your messaging, your maximum benevolence accepting his decision which, he feared could walk away from it altogether.

- "Eternally away from God, he thought," When a single moment without his eyes and is everlasting torment. "

finally returned and could see his image, after so long, could have blinded by love, if it were not for such absence recalled the image de Dios con todo su esplendor, que no disminuye jamás un ápice su intensidad. Al ser requerido de explicaciones Rafael no acertaba sino a tartamudear , tiritando ante el mero pensamiento de su incapacidad para realizar el hallazgo y exponer su falla. Poco a poco, con frases inconexas pudo dar cuenta de lo acontecido. Entonces calló…y esperó…

Dios dijo entonces:

-“ Rafael, mi querido y revoltoso querubín. Yo conozco lo Primero y lo Último; no hubo un Antes ni habrá un Después a Mí. No existe rincón en toda la Creación que escape a mi omnisciencia and desire. So especially when you reported has been accurate with my mandate to Nature that prevented you from finding " The Tear" was shed for you provoke her, and lover of Me. From today you will not be and angel, but Archangel Raphael, you will be the seventh of them, a place that you always booked. The color green is your own, because from now means hope, and get healing powers of bodies and souls for when people inhabit the land where the water came life that you saw. For you, Raphael, Archangel will be Custodio of that place, to call men and Guadalquivir Córdoba be your river will become land of tolerance, understanding and harmony where born scholars, poets and thousands of other people, all noble and loyal to which will protect with all your heart.

my design is that where you spilled my "Teardrop" does not spill over, where I cried will not do any human being.

overlap No more tears to mine the land in spring. You be the Custodian for ever and ever and stretch your savior mantle that afflict the evils. It must fulfill that, at every point where you stopped a splash of liquid from my essence, you pick up a Triumph, it was you my Envoy ... And you will be their eternal vigilance and caregiver. "

Archangel Raphael came to Cordoba, transfigured, wearing beautiful garments of incandescent brightness. Its elytra had become beautiful wings also shining light that radiated from his back as a huge range of ice needles. Rafael saw his transformation into the incredulous eyes of the Virtues, who looked stunned so much beauty, matched only by that of the other archangels and only surpassed by "He who is."

Since then not have heard it has felt like abandoning it.

I was walking, years ago, after hours of dawn on a street of my city, Córdoba, called "From the liner, lighted by a few lanterns savvy chandelier that looked more like poorly disguised ocher fire the rusty patina in some areas their voluptuous handles.

The Guadalquivir near his cloak stretched foggy up there, trying to colonize the whole city, sprucing contour in the loss of a sublime charm. When you get where this street is surprised by " La Candelaria," called my attention to something that has always been there and I knew, but that day, mysteriously, got me pulling me past that wall was hopelessly and absorbing my mood and disposition.

At that wall is a niche good size with a sculpture dedicated to the Archangel Raphael, escorted by two other smaller containing votive candles and undying flame. On the larger niche is a legend that reads:

"Good are the prayers with fasting and better to give alms to have saved the treasures "

I focused my attention in that entry when I felt someone was talking in a whisper, just behind me, or at least there you I placed . His voice was as clear as sunrise in my hometown, sweeter than honey itself rosemary, intoxicating.

Slowly I was telling the whole story, the same I've tried to tell now with the much more awkward than that which he spoke to me in minutes. I belonged during that brief, intense time, because every cell in my body seemed to be sewn around the chronicle that was offered me.

When everything finished as soon as I could, tried to see the narrator. I could not, or there was no one or, if there was, was not visible to me.

After all even now I'm sure you have really lived. If I lived and I tell, nobody will believe me. If even if delirium chimera or do not, lose the chance that someone knows of a wonderful dream. I just hope that my words are not used to offend.

I fail to know if angels are mixed in trivial matters of mortal men and women, but I'm sure of it, San Rafael would not have chosen another place to live and Cordoba Cordoba not another that he would have liked to deliver his devotion and love.

Juan Rodríguez wallers


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