Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Brazilian Music With Nature Sounds

Awakening The Giant Pacific ... PERU .......

Peru ranks as one of the most important tourist destinations of the world

Peru ranks as one of the most important tourist destinations in the world due to the constant international awards including four receiving awards presented by the Latin American Travel Association (LATA), said the Commission for the Promotion of Peru Export and Tourism (PromPeru). Peru

took four of the ten awards that gave the LATA in the United Kingdom, where Promperú won the award for "Best Office Tourism in Latin America. "

"This recognition, coupled with the recognition of the Country Brand Index, ranks as one of Peru's top tourist destinations in the world and also shows that when the public sector and private sector work together, success is assured" , said the director of Tourism Promotion Promperú, Mara Seminar.

addition, the Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica hotel won the award for "Best jungle lodge, which is located opposite the Tambopata National Reserve in Madre de Dios region. For

Meanwhile, Aqua Expeditions was awarded the "Best Luxury Cruise" for their cruise from Iquitos (Loreto) on the Amazon River and into the Marañón River to visit the Nature Reserve Pacaya Samiria in the region.

also Orient Express Hotels, Trains and Cruises, with hotels the Lima (Miraflores Park Hotel), Cusco (Hotel Monasterio), Aguas Calientes (Machu Picchu Sanctuary Lodge) and the Colca Canyon in Arequipa (Pocitas Canyon) won "Best Hotel Chain."

The awards were presented at London's biggest tourism fair in the world, the World Travel Market (WTM), the representatives of Promperú and tourism companies, thanks to winning the votes of operators, airlines, tourism media and cameras in the world.

LATA is a trade association working in the UK and was founded to promote travel to Latin America. This organization brings together 200 businesses, including tourism offices, tour operators, hotels, wholesalers, media, airlines and other members worldwide. Seminar

said that these awards are received in an edition of the WTM particularly successful, as Peru's participation has generated many positive responses.

also said that the opinion leader Simon Calder, editor of The Independent, received a massive response from the press and the general public as a seminar on "The Amazon and the top ten places to visit in Peru."

For its part, the exhibition "The Secret Life of the Peruvian Amazon, Peru displayed on the stand and opened by the Embassy of Peru in London, was one of the most visited attractions at the fair. __________________
waking up the giant Pacific ---> PERU

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Commercial Oxygenating Toothpaste


About eleven o'clock, after a short wait, I guess his face down the hall of that school that I was so familiar.

dates were close to Christmas and the students ran around, hungry for ratings, from one department to another, assaulting teachers, like heathen gods, they had not been conducive, discussing with them the goodness of their examinations and rigid spirit remedial teacher.

What little had changed everything! For a few seconds, turned as an invisible compass of time, I found myself twenty five years ago.
tried, unsuccessfully, to find the time this instrument had heart to reach me, so effectively, in a sentimental wave so powerful that I had blocked instantly.

could almost see me floating above the rest, observing movements, comings and goings. Unable to participate, not wanting to, as the succession prior photographic collection view, however, removes the heart every time he remembers.

Ella, Tina, in the meantime had come to me:

- John! Juan!

- Ah! Hi Tina. "I still semiausente. I came to see if you read what I sent you a few days ago. I have much interest in knowing your opinion. Also I did get to Carlos and I would like to compare your viewpoints.

now facing, I realized that, apparently, the time was not too wroth with her. His lively eyes molasses, with a nervous movement now known, seemed to get everything at once. His unique accent and his voice Granada as rattlesnakes, made I definitely longed install those as far as literature classes, influenced me so much.

She resumed the conversation: "Look

. The truth is I'm pretty antigongorina. - And in saying this I thought the bell was accentuated her throat. For me, it is more efficient, more transparent and comprehensible story when the reader does not have to ... "dug la palabra idónea-, desmenuzar el cerebro tratando de averiguar qué fue lo que quiso decir el escritor.
Debe percibirse una fluidez natural a lo largo del relato, para evitar convertirlo en algo que, más que una suave corriente serpenteante de belleza, sea un río demasiado caudaloso de palabras ostentosas, plagado de remolinos emocionales difíciles de transmitir.
Quiero decirte –prosiguió-, que, de lo que realmente se trata, es de captar inmediatamente la atención del lector; hay que hacerlo sentir en la disposición de aquel que se encuentra al borde de un precipicio. No va a poder huir; está siendo empujado a él por una espada tan afilada como irreal, una línea le separa del vacío.

That sword can not be other than the writer's pen, the line for a phrase, a paragraph. The death has to be sweet and dear, because otherwise you should feel that suffering has lost the enjoyment of something beautiful.

- my God, I thought. I did not expect such an avalanche of criticism suggestions in so few words. The blow had been stronger than expected and he felt that the collapse was imminent. Trying to calm down, as defensive apologetically, after a few seconds I could answer: "Well Tina

. You know. I believe that stupidity is an activity that is practiced in freefall, just commit to that, if no one makes you look your error, the second largest, is being incubated, and so one after another until, at last, you are plunged into a vortex of ignorance of which no one can get, because in the eyes of almost all the nonsense that will be noticeable to you contrary, we seem to be the most exalted expression of your imagination.
But let her talk continued: "I

I wanted to be cautious, and I tried not to be ignorant of two times, ie, be thinking that I'm not. That was one reason, among others already know, that prompted me to seek your support and correction.
As you will understand I would have liked my work I had fun, but, anyway, is a story very intimate, I have lived in a very particular and I have always doubted whether I should write, because he was aware of the difficulty that would entail me getting others could feel as I have done.
For a moment I seemed to sense a certain embarrassment in her eyes, as though he were guilty of discouragement, of course, had provoked in me the words. I'm sure at that moment would not have minded eliminate from your life those seconds immediately prior, during which they had been arguing. I, in the same way, I felt really uncomfortable in the situation. So, taking advantage that she tried to speak again I said "Tell me

. Tell me more and not think that bothered me at all.

Then, softening its tone continued.

"I never wanted to be, and I have not been hard on your writing. My intention was to make you understand that if you overuse of hyperbaton, the metaphor, interspersed with words we say ... unusual, or at least questionable in the context frame and also combine it with a story purely emotional, the result may be quite incomprehensible to most readers.
you get, and no doubt you will succeed, that after the first two pages, who have in their hands are tired of slapping the air to apprehend the track to guide you toward what you're trying to tell. If not captured, the brief will be to him a body of literature which, inevitably, end up in the trash. That's what me perhaps improperly, I tried to ask you watch.

Taking a deep breath of cold air continued

"You know that history itself is interesting, and I feel proud that I may have had on her. However, I think you should face in certain passages in a different perspective, so I've already said.
However I have to tell you something: to write is to be bold, almost reckless and even, sometimes, should not matter what you say a priori what really matters is that you feel identified with what you've done. If that's the case, forget everything we talked about, is a projection of you, your own personality and feel that you should not change, otherwise an exchange fund bastard form, of sensitivity to appearance, which does not always have result in something of higher quality and ever more sincere.

Neither wanted to prolong the conversation. She, perhaps out of courtesy, to avoid further cleaving with his insightful remarks, my battered soul. Me ... why? Carlos was over, how no, in similar terms, blamed the same defects and observed the same frayed narrative. For more similarity with great delicacy, he also had encouraged me in my efforts.

Tina and I said goodbye. As soon as we sincerely wish him well. I take from their hands the few leaves that are picked up my work and, crestfallen, I walked into the cafeteria of school itself.

After a table cleaner than suggestive, sipping coffee, very lonely, very bitter, cheap folder opened the wing containing the few pages of my grief. For the umpteenth time I started reading it ... They said:

Again, that between the hot sultry afternoons July, inadvertently, almost without thinking, like so many others went with him to end my boring wandering idle. The magnitude of the inertia that had caught me pushing my concern for some time. Their presence in our isolation eased many of my fears and there were many happy moments that I lived with him. Now
no sense. It was necessary to break the tie as it had been forged through everlasting ages, compulsory for me without it. It would not be a definitive break. Sure you would find the time, but without that need almost sick with that together we searched for a shared loneliness. He was not

but with whom I had tormented me most, sacrificed and funny at the time. I was obsessed with the slight imperfection. Knowing every inch of her slender plot, dragged my abstract thoughts about watery eyes always made him. It was an automatic movement, meaningless and wanted in unison could not count the times I tried to suppress it, or they could not. Although I always tried to reason why such strange and ravishing attraction never found it. It is true that together we had seen birth and death, rather than hundreds, thousands of hours, but could not find the absurd reason why they acted as ethereal magnetic flow over me.

At first it was not. Although I knew him, was another one for a long time, and it really was not the most perfect of all he had seen. It was as sudden and voluptuous love that stirs the soul and stuns. On the contrary. It was a costly and painful knowledge, arid and pitiless witness of frustrations and failures.
When I tried to express what I felt not heard, nor was my stand when I cried. I owed him nothing, not even daring to think, as if afraid to hurt who certainly can not, which should not be.

"This is mine for me. Perhaps he could help me? ... Of course not. Why, then, was both shelter near him? What reasons compelled me to go over and over again his sinuous and almost imperceptible meandering? ... None.

There I was, however, absorbed, mentally trying to heal their wounds Recent oval, gray and sad, interspersed with other notches deeper into your skin dry. It should heal quickly, before the disease spread their roots beyond the prudent thing and now my question was whether it would be clever enough not to damage their already look old.
In any case it is urgent to hide his obvious illness, invasive vile and fifty year its elongated silhouette. I had heard of others, of those who said she never suffered any deprivation in being until his death, despite being much more long-lived showed through his skin was anything but exquisite nature and natural color.
On line arteries, however, never circulated that same essence that he had done for these, aristocratic, vain, proud of himself. On the contrary, he always was what it could never change their internal status but because her forever marked their becoming proletarian. That
burnished sun drenched me with dull red storm, strong and invisible, with extreme tenacity and furious will and a desire bloody, unyielding. As always, we were face to face, five feet away and separated us obliquely angled profile absurd challenged me in mourning.

Her skin seemed more rugged and dying today than usual, and through the signs of leprosy ruthless, old scars could be glimpsed, inevitable and unwanted legacy of the action of willing hands, heal the unabashed actions of years.

tattooed Many times I thought about him, dreaming of living, as a kid was to watch the fluffy cumulus and cirrus aristados, believing strongly that he fleshings were reflections on the nerve always shadows of my own imagination, embodiment small pixies impossible immaterial.
But no, I never want to go over the line. He feared that the light of my pencil sharp slide on such delicate skin could alter its magic, breaking the thread charmer representation. Released

end of the inescapable duty that tied me he was giving birth to the story of our past experiences. Every paragraph, every line, my eyes were facing him again, with that instinctive motion of no interest to me and tired just hearing about it.
So while we looked without seeing, I tried to model ideas reports, restless, emerged as fast as swift to fade. He, not being as available nature, may well have known of them, because every doubt I approached him and, without sharing my frustration, also prevents shared with me. Just

forgotten was the last of the boisterous and scented Mays when jailer together from our window, we saw visitors spend cheering decked patios that sideways, looked at us like insects attracted by the warm white light that always brought us . Their laughter excessive
deepened with wheezing and painful edge in spite of myself, as every evening, from sunset until you turned the key hours of midnight and together they struck twelve recontábamos Far cante flamenco clock square. After much scrutinizing

in my deepest self, seeking the creation of what he longed to express, I was in the same spot. Not enough, then, to understand the confusion in the situation where I was. I always thought I knew with some accuracy what were the output that, in my mental labyrinth, the "Nature" authorized me to use.

also throughout my life I know of some closed doors, of which I was given a key, and could see other more. The externalization of my feelings was never an obstacle for me, the inability to align my experiences and perceptions about someone, about something, my inability to locate them correctly on a checkerboard grid are sensitive as I had just introduced a new limitation, a newly added.

tried to conclude what could be the reason, perhaps more than to understand it really hurtful to alleviate that had suffered stab my pride, seeing me facing similar tessitura.
Almost immediately I thought, calming down unnecessarily, how the temporal proximity prevented a correct angle of approach "is what they call lack of perspective," he said. "Certainly, higher-margin, opacity disappear and then I discovered the cause of the apparent problem. "
But the same pace as the positive development of the speech was followed by his denial, volatilizing its argument.
No, no, that could not be the explanation. After so many years together, waiting, wanting a break planned and agreed, did not satisfy me, I filled up, the idea of \u200b\u200ba distorted by proximity. It could be anyone else. That no. So what ...?

A second attempt, less rational, far flying the tattered paper in attempt to solidify. I thought

- "Really nothing should exist between us, everything is absurd fantasy, amazing child ... is an impossible event to reasonable person. " But there were clear signs that indicated the opposite: my wife felt a thousand times jealous, but their discomfort is influenced by me, all my family suspected that our relationship will be extended more widely than I was trying to imply, anything absurd conclusion, referring to my long absences of their environment of love.

not useful then ... my attempt to escape, the denial of the obvious was not a solution to the aim pursued. There

to take some time to understand the frame of the problem. Like many people, during various stages of life I had built what I imagined as a bubble protective, aseptic and transparent, from where I thought I could see without being damaged, which I thought I could be myself and including expelling it arbitrarily, without any accountability. In the end, it was my little imaginary sphere, impenetrable to the world. Such was my desire that one day I found myself far from the truth with you. You and I isolated in my ball. I had my pearl and fragile walls, had hardened the surface, blow by blow, layer by layer, wound upon wound, and so we were not stolen and the thoughts of others, but fenced in our invisible strength.

So now when I wanted to have a loud voice, to all our covenant relationship, the idiocy was more evident in me to describe my clumsiness prevented the formation of the expression, rewritten concatenating nonsense. That afternoon

definitely going to break my silence, screaming, to anyone who would hear you, my old friend, my silent partner endless failures, my dear "Study Corner", you became for me much more than I could tell. Partner wishes to move far away saw you scribbled notes jumbled collections, books full of theories, theorems, principles and corollaries that either come to understand and, little by little, began long ago tempering make color, like the two walls not less stale to you model.

Finally, having achieved my purpose, had wanted to get away from your influence. It was not pleasant bittersweet taste of the separation, indeed, a true taste of adultery came over me every now and then. I was ungrateful. Arrogant fool.

nothing Between you and me has died, probably will resume our contact later, but now forgive suffered "Corner", the effort has been huge and must breathe more than the glow of the mountain stale cigarette former examiners of yesterday. I know every day I'll seeing to yearn for more, but meanwhile I return not be sad, will try to rejuvenate and if any chance of new battles, if the need would require a broader effort, one more. In the space

commend you for the post of our "magical little bubble": not to open it, do not tell anyone what they should not know, if you feel hopeless or sad, as we often felt, and I have close to mourn with you, without words to our table mate and the rack so vigorously that endure. She, he, too were complicit in our dreams and will understand. The rest, what happened to us while we were isolated and only know it in privacy, is something that should be "two." FIN

The turning of the last piece of paper was a slight breeze, an imperceptible sigh, becoming the ineffable arabesque column of smoke rising from the freshly lit cigarette. Once more I wondered ... I hesitated on the moral permissibility of taking part in the rest of my innermost concerns, my useless thoughts. Also extended the shadow if, having decided it had taken the right way to vocearlo; a thousand other things ....

As Tina told me, I must be brave, but now I realize that I, who believed have reached the end of something, I'm at the beginning of "Nothing."

Juan Rodríguez wallers

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Starcraft 1990's Game

The tear

At the beginning of that First Wednesdays the week of Creation, God called Zadkiel, Jofiel, Gabriel, Michael, Chamuel and Uriel, his six archangels, more perfect beings and closer to Him all who had created and faithful guardians of their will. They reported that during the third day , intended to separate the waters of the oceans on earth dry, a distant planet and beautiful. To do so would retire to where you found the last of the galaxies, within the confines of the stars.

was divine foresight of the temporarily isolated bodies of angels, who, for the sake of praise about him constantly, swarming and hovering without end, looking stunned its unique presence.

wanted to enjoy in all its fullness the magnificence of his own creation , delighting not be distracted even for an instant. For this purpose, to communicate their intention to Angeles Maximum , ordered them, above all things, not to tell the point where they would find, that were not up there the other inhabitants of heaven and disturb your enjoyment.

the Supreme Creator is directed towards the chosen space, lost in the infinity of the universe recently. As was to be, stood to lee of the huge number of stars in the galaxy chosen, the pure light given off by millions upon millions of stars helped to slightly reduce that other insuperable issued by the Creator as its purpose was to escape inquisitive glances at the legions of angels.

sidereal body had not any in the nebula that resisted their presence would burst into uncontrollable desire to revere him, throwing huge tongues of flame to enlighten and cover you in your greatness. Then gave the orders to secede surface waters of the underlying land, differing from the salty seas dry ...

And all the invisible forces began to move immediately to comply its mandate. Seismic incredible magnitude shook the face of land, huge cliffs hastily erguiéronse water, heading toward the seabed, the sun glowing off heat to dry wet as the clouds above opened his heart to discover the majesty of the event. He looked ecstatic beauty of their work.

When this happened all the angels had already noticed the absence of God and had increased by hundreds restless comings and goings in your search. Asked each other, if anyone had known the whereabouts of his Lord, who happened to be without explanation, making for himself first and later in tumultuous congregations puzzled about so-secret cabal game. He missed the closeness, the ubiquitous irradiation love that fed them all the time.

The six archangels, by contrast, showed a grim expression, seeing nervousness that had been generated among others. They did know the whereabouts and why, but they were so strict instructions would be followed. However, despite their perfection and obedience, they could not avoid looking at each other and outline a knowing smile, because I certainly was fun to see how those others also wonderful disoriented struggled to conclude with certainty divination, while imagining the expression that would illuminate their faces when they behold the wonder of the Work Final.

Of all the inhabitants of heaven was a very insightful cherub that did not conceal his uneasiness, moving restlessly from one end to another of the sky to find who was the reason for their existence. To spend about six Uriel noticed how he directed his gaze slightly to a place in the universe, instantly concluded that could not be other than where God was. Jumping for joy at the discovery called the others shouted,

- "There it is. There is "- repeated uncontrollable," pointing Nothing bright.

An avalanche of angels rushed in reckless stampede toward the warm vacuum, into the galaxy hidden, passing the immaterial bodies of archangels, iridescent into a barrier, had tried to cover that space the view of others.

A silent incessant sound of beating wings spread around the edge of the sky as the crowd of immaculate beings going at incredible speed in search of God. In the scrum followed one another impetuous overtaking each other, to reach the first to the longed presence, the Thrones were the lightest and virtuous flying and almost always led the procession swiftly following him, Seraphim, Dominions ...

In the final positions were almost all Cherubim stubby little wings and that could not equally vertiginous flight. With them was the cherub finder, named Rafael, clumsy in flight, like the others, but so enamored with the Eternal and frustrated by their remoteness did not hesitate to climb on a throne that went with him, without his being aware of the innocent stratagem.

Conveniently located

directed his eyes to the room of the Almighty, with his piercing eyes peering space. While ... beaming with happiness.

The distance to travel was colossal, despite the lightness of the effort was being offset to the spirits of heaven to the limit. The Archangels, much better equipped, ahead of them, because once discovered the secret could only communicate the impetuosity of the Child and receive new guidelines. Finally, in the most thrilling and profound distance, began to glimpse the grandeur of God in their myriad exhaustion increased the speed, coming soon to the vicinity of the nebula chosen.

Rafael, the mischievous cherub, took a moment of confusion and buzz that took place in the heavenly army to see the divine glow in the distance. He had not worked in the movement, so your little wings kept his force intact.

Building the momentum that had the speed to the throne impelled to his career, he jumped, pushing boldly to the vicinity of the constellation to which the guard was the Almighty. Was placed at the head of all his companions beat a fast pace that seemed more like elytra , huffing and puffing his chubby face, squinting, suspicious, like the rest hurried to catch up, then stepping flutter speed of its awkward.

Por fin llegó al aliento del Ser que provocaba sus ansias incontenibles. Ya iba a poder disfrutar de su confortadora presencia; podría adorarle sin cesar, cantarle sin desmayo…No contaba el pobre Rafael con que todos los demás que habían conformado multitud incontable habían venido persiguiéndole con igual vehemencia de búsqueda; así que estando revoloteando ya, como mariposa gozosa, contemplando al Creador, llegaron los demás en arribada alocada , atropellando, más que empujando, con fuerza a Rafael, que imprudentemente se había colocado muy cerca del Hacedor.

Al verse desplazado de forma súbita, comenzó a agitar sus alas nuevamente, this time to restrain his career, trying to avoid touching the face in any way divine. In such a hectic situation, the restless movement of the cherub was a whirlwind of interstellar dust , one of whose spots had the temerity to land gently on the eye the All-Seeing One tear, the first and only the Divine Eye been expelled, was excreted .

It compressed all his goodness and his power packed, were also reflected in her full light of the Universe and loved by the Institute, whose essence was trapped in the mood. Then ... came off very slow, falling towards vacuum most unknown and began describing his path to curve downward spirals downright ineffable, without regard to any physical law. Their destination: a distant point in which God had carried out his most recent work and that he called Earth.

Angels greatly troubled, fearing having crossed the permissible limits, the most Rafael, whose face colorless, now pretending to fade into a faint to shame, overwhelmed by what happened. The archangels looked expectantly waiting the trial of the Lord. God, patient and understanding, secretly rejoiced with all that racket , enjoying especially with pardonable insolence and the scare of the aggressor cherub, hiding their views at all. Then

powerful voice, thunder raging, covertly snapped Rafael feigned affection and seriousness. Deep voice rebuked him for his recklessness, he had come to cause the first and only Holy Tear Eternity and also not knowing obey God's instructions, always hiding his already granted forgiveness, for I knew Him, advance, which would end all that festive adventure.

- Rafael! - First rebuked him, "and then continued.

The angel was not able to respond, hid his flushed face chubby between their wings and mumble unintelligible words even to himself Benefactor. That was a time, trying to articulate a justification for their action, remain so in the end impossible.

Again He spoke, then spoke:

- "You have been inconsistent, will have to take the result of your recklessness. You must pick up my tear where there has been arrested in Earth to give it back covered with your love and wrap secured with bonds of praise and submission ".- continued:" I will take into account your shock forgivable for my absence. Your work will be arduous, but should not return until you've accomplished. "

Now ... He commanded: "Go now"

The little boy. Propelling sharply immediately went in pursuit of divine pearl, as he walked away from the Origin, exponentially heightened the speed his fall. Rafael was struggling in pursuit, in swift thought he could fall to reach the desired object before posase on the planet, but always seemed to be the same distance between it and his pursuer.

meditated, meanwhile, if the reason would be as fruitless pursuit that God willed it so or perhaps, as his spirit still housed the spontaneity and playfulness of his own naughty angel essence, failing to minimize the the gap was that, from time to time, be entertained by a loop or indecipherable pirouette enjoying his disembodied lightness.

The Almighty watching all the events with the rest of immaculate beings from heaven, and everyone enjoyed the playful behavior Rafael while, he, continued follow-up frenzy.

For this moment God had already decided to shape the earth's surface, for the separation that had made the ocean water and dry it had created a completely flat surface without projections or accidents. Water and land differed in their constitution, solid and liquid, in color, but not in the smoothness of their surfaces because they were both total and absolutely flat. Thus, he introduced his arm in a huge conglomerate of clusters milky traveling freely among the stars, drawing from their bulging bellies a handful of golden rays, created with the purest and most perfect light waves. By removing your hand from the mass of clouds could see all the angels and archangels, except for Rafael, the rays moved and writhed vigorously seized the hand that, as a handful of Orovo "Entreluces between fingers Creator, with no possibility or desire to escape from his captor.

All this happened just when tears of God hovered over the parched plains immediately absorbed in her womb the precious pearl drop . Rafael was approaching the Earth about that had seized the treasure, while its gradual acceleration issued a sharp sibilant sound that crossed without difficulty every gaseous layers cradled the planet.

The avenue your mind was the time expected by the Almighty, that when contemplating Posted stop where the tear had fallen, and as he knelt in submission and adoration to pick, raised his arm and threw infinite force the beam against the face of the Earth , resulting in their release a burst of light obscured ravishing that emitted by all stars are created. As a massive rain of shooting stars each and every one went, by design and order of their Maker, to where Rafael was about to by fulfilling its mission. Light rain struck sharp and cutting solid surface without exception in the vicinity of cherub. The most powerful and terrifying of them fell through his hands, almost caressing the Tear.

As Earth hit by massive release of energy as an earthquake immeasurable what seemed unchangeable stone surrendered his tenacity and toughness, making fiery lava, transmitted to her through a ripple throughout the length and breadth of the planet, leading to mountains and valleys to the sword crashes, peaks, and marine depths. "The Tear", fertilized by the light, increased order volume without soaking the soil and converted into artery of life, snakelike and unstoppable, moved north and south.

It was because God wanted the droplet secreted from becoming a continuous uninterrupted flow of water and, later, humans called the river and that unlike the brackish water, the liquid was flowing so sweet, so that the whole fate of future ages was known source.

In one edge of that strip pristine liquid gathered in discrete gentle hills and dales, marl and clay soils, of various shades of ocher, simulating an ocean wave winding asleep in the arms of gentle aura. Fertile land and grateful to offer their fruits profusely when fed by the sweat of the farmer efforts.

The opposite shore is where the rocks were reconciled indomitable: roses and pearl granite, slate brittle ... beautified by trees hundreds of crusty, indomitable, and as tough and aggressive weeds in his own defense like candy in his offering. Wild and sullen serve primarily as a refuge and host of wild animals with which man and woman could feed her children.

prior Rafael was not aware of what was going to happen, therefore, to the initial confusion by the incident that took him to the place, had to add the stupor caused by the violent impact of condensed light on the strength of field. Even knowing that nothing disastrous would happen could not help fearing a huge jerk that took him, unconscious and scary back up beyond the blue.

When he recovered amounted to understand why this unimaginable scene. His fervent desire to please the Provider promptly returned, resuming his mission to the second, and then promptly returning to the place where he must carry out their search and discovery.

A renewed frustration came over him every last nook and cranny of your body intangible, as "The Teardrop " not only had become a river of life, the brutal fall of that divine arrow had turned into a myriad of other children who had little sphere dispersed without any reason, projected in all directions and deposited randomly. He was now the huge task of finding them in full if he wanted the precious jewel. Also would to closely monitor the river's current, if "The Tear" was there, if not one of the small droplets.

Rafael walked in such a situation for hundreds of years, shifting uneasily from all the sites in place, tracking, inspecting, weighing greatly and striving to please God in the workspace. Each century was going to Rafael became a burden hard to bear, not only could not find "The Tear", also missed the closeness of his "Creator."

While the place is embellished more and more, emerging in beauty above all other parts of the Earth. Colorful flowers oozing with fragrant scents of unparalleled spread their petals, opening to the sun in sacrificial death generates life, insects tireless libaban them, carrying seed to each other that reduplicated cross color and shapes that, in turn, were even more exalted than their predecessors. birds added their gaudy plumage of iridescent so unpredictable landscape out of nowhere, sweetening the spirited melodies morning breezes and sunsets with songs of nostalgia for the lost day. Many other animals were already incorporated to life and ran around in lazy and useless frolicking through meadows, valleys and streams.

But the bereaved Angel was increasingly depressed and sorry, so the time came when he decided to return to where they came, to appear before the Almighty to realize how empty your messaging, your maximum benevolence accepting his decision which, he feared could walk away from it altogether.

- "Eternally away from God, he thought," When a single moment without his eyes and is everlasting torment. "

finally returned and could see his image, after so long, could have blinded by love, if it were not for such absence recalled the image de Dios con todo su esplendor, que no disminuye jamás un ápice su intensidad. Al ser requerido de explicaciones Rafael no acertaba sino a tartamudear , tiritando ante el mero pensamiento de su incapacidad para realizar el hallazgo y exponer su falla. Poco a poco, con frases inconexas pudo dar cuenta de lo acontecido. Entonces calló…y esperó…

Dios dijo entonces:

-“ Rafael, mi querido y revoltoso querubín. Yo conozco lo Primero y lo Último; no hubo un Antes ni habrá un Después a Mí. No existe rincón en toda la Creación que escape a mi omnisciencia and desire. So especially when you reported has been accurate with my mandate to Nature that prevented you from finding " The Tear" was shed for you provoke her, and lover of Me. From today you will not be and angel, but Archangel Raphael, you will be the seventh of them, a place that you always booked. The color green is your own, because from now means hope, and get healing powers of bodies and souls for when people inhabit the land where the water came life that you saw. For you, Raphael, Archangel will be Custodio of that place, to call men and Guadalquivir Córdoba be your river will become land of tolerance, understanding and harmony where born scholars, poets and thousands of other people, all noble and loyal to which will protect with all your heart.

my design is that where you spilled my "Teardrop" does not spill over, where I cried will not do any human being.

overlap No more tears to mine the land in spring. You be the Custodian for ever and ever and stretch your savior mantle that afflict the evils. It must fulfill that, at every point where you stopped a splash of liquid from my essence, you pick up a Triumph, it was you my Envoy ... And you will be their eternal vigilance and caregiver. "

Archangel Raphael came to Cordoba, transfigured, wearing beautiful garments of incandescent brightness. Its elytra had become beautiful wings also shining light that radiated from his back as a huge range of ice needles. Rafael saw his transformation into the incredulous eyes of the Virtues, who looked stunned so much beauty, matched only by that of the other archangels and only surpassed by "He who is."

Since then not have heard it has felt like abandoning it.

I was walking, years ago, after hours of dawn on a street of my city, Córdoba, called "From the liner, lighted by a few lanterns savvy chandelier that looked more like poorly disguised ocher fire the rusty patina in some areas their voluptuous handles.

The Guadalquivir near his cloak stretched foggy up there, trying to colonize the whole city, sprucing contour in the loss of a sublime charm. When you get where this street is surprised by " La Candelaria," called my attention to something that has always been there and I knew, but that day, mysteriously, got me pulling me past that wall was hopelessly and absorbing my mood and disposition.

At that wall is a niche good size with a sculpture dedicated to the Archangel Raphael, escorted by two other smaller containing votive candles and undying flame. On the larger niche is a legend that reads:

"Good are the prayers with fasting and better to give alms to have saved the treasures "

I focused my attention in that entry when I felt someone was talking in a whisper, just behind me, or at least there you I placed . His voice was as clear as sunrise in my hometown, sweeter than honey itself rosemary, intoxicating.

Slowly I was telling the whole story, the same I've tried to tell now with the much more awkward than that which he spoke to me in minutes. I belonged during that brief, intense time, because every cell in my body seemed to be sewn around the chronicle that was offered me.

When everything finished as soon as I could, tried to see the narrator. I could not, or there was no one or, if there was, was not visible to me.

After all even now I'm sure you have really lived. If I lived and I tell, nobody will believe me. If even if delirium chimera or do not, lose the chance that someone knows of a wonderful dream. I just hope that my words are not used to offend.

I fail to know if angels are mixed in trivial matters of mortal men and women, but I'm sure of it, San Rafael would not have chosen another place to live and Cordoba Cordoba not another that he would have liked to deliver his devotion and love.

Juan Rodríguez wallers

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Lipoma On Stomach Of Toddler

When we started our journey little did I imagine the chain of events that were going to happen, especially me, over that weekend so eagerly awaited. The week had me eternal up to that Friday October 30th of last ten or twelve years now I can not believe how I could forget the year when events are fresh in memory, as recent footsteps in the sand from the beach. I have never counted as events happened, I have not too clear why, maybe the feeling of absurdity ... I do not know, but I feel the urgent need to do at this time, because I think if I do I can never maintain emotional balance halfway decent when I questioned about that amazing night later.

As I said, the days before I had been endless. My recent hobby of hunting had awakened in me a burning hunting with such vehemence that, before long, had grown from an old gun of a "pipe" and external hammer, a relic, to my recent acquisition, a shotgun blasphemously cannon straight, shiny, gold double trigger guard and brass, in front of the head was an area where white metal plated with artistic form contained the assault of a pack of dogs on a pig, under the gaze of the hunter and the entire scene in letters impeccable brand: "Laurona" , I had already decided would be their own name.

The price still remains high, it seemed to me not so much because fifty thousand pesetas of the old Castilian were nothing to my zeal exacerbated hunter.

However, before I had to give up buying many gifts, to save enough flow, and still kept serious dialectical disquisitions with my wife, who was very skeptical about such a spontaneous appearance of the crowd, thinking, however, I had been maliciously injected " The Rorro " and "pence " nicknames ineffable two childhood friends of mine who has always practiced this activity.

had wanted the destination, or the negligence of the seller that your weapon is delayed, so is expected to be collected in store for the Monday of the week, did not come until Friday, I come from saying.

The nerves I had not been allowed to sleep all night, I looked in superb game sets , killing a flight to flight partridge "bumblebee" that fell after receiving the shotgun until he found his massive chest on the ground ham .


When I woke up the slight drowsiness, do not dream that kept me semi-conscious, I hurried to close their eyes to see if it could concatenate the previous scene with another of more substance:

"Who knows? " " Could it be the fact that, for the premiere of my new gun, deer come out of a neglected who might set the scope of the lethal load and my legendary destination? "

Despite all that hustle I woke up relatively early, in order to do everything necessary inexcusably first and then speak to pick up the the double pipe. " Everything went according to plan until I arrived at the armory, where I had to wait over two hours until the employee of the Command returned from the Civil Guard , documentation and handing-over.

returned to my home at one and average of the past week, and had been with " The Rorro" Pedro Navajas, and "pence" , also known as "The Click ", whose real name was, and is, Miguel Serrano at two for our departure to Villaviciosa de Córdoba, a town in the Sierra Morena Cordoba, small and cozy , but boar. As time was pressing I sat at the table but did not eat, rather devoured a plate full of stew with a corresponding " pringá " and dessert, and immediately I climbed on a chair to catch the top of the bedroom closet the rest of accurate ammunition bandolier, wallet, cap ... finally.

My wife told me: "We are there yours, giving the note." Knowing Peter and Michael I quickly pull my chair, going over the bed and then ran to the balcony, but there was no need to get him to hear their voices and laughter, I sang some of the vile that they hum with accompanying devised other popular rhythms, with clear intent to annoy me.

From the balcony I waved them trying to finger hush, accompanying the action with a "pshiiiiiiiiii" which had the opposite effect, alienating even further.

Seeing that the uproar was that it came over, I chose badly grab the gun holster, backpack and a small catrecillo that I used to wait, down the stairs in a hurry .

No sooner had I left everything in the car went up, running, to by my dog, " Campanera " fine hound strain Seville, dressed in reddish-brown coat and white socks on his hands, his body was stylized as a gauge, its pointed snout, giving it a winds that allowed him to sniff parts for long distance the most beautiful thing my ears were animal, isosceles and " Envel " to the end, giving the feeling that at any time jump of their anchors on the head skin.

With this subject came up through the chain where claimants and after a brief scolding my dog \u200b\u200bgot along with the two in the trunk of his vehicle and mutual brief grunts were quite intimidating for permanent accommodation. Immediately set off to our destination.

According passed on our way by the different routes of the city, helplessly, seized the effluvia of those environments so dear to me. "New Gate " landmark known for having remained there a fight between the people and the Napoleonic , at the dawn of the nineteenth and in the context of the War of Independence , "Avenida de Barcelona "trade and bustling, with its tiny replica of the Power Chutes Barcelona, \u200b\u200b"Garden of Christ Grace," also known as "The Alpargate " meeting place for mothers attentive, enjoying the escapades of young among plants and flowers that survived the cruelty of oppressive heatwave agosteña and old storytelling, remembering with regret the last Easter, when I went to pick up the " Rescatao " to the Church of the Trinity, I almost seemed to be heard, one by one, the multitude of arrows The faithful sang their Christ inlaid in purple suit while everyone cried, seized by emotion; facade of the old "barracks Lepanto, a secular dwelling infantry regiment known as" Little Legion "thief men younger years dreamers, usurper of wills, at last ... "Avenue of the Ollerías , where after leaving behind the" Hunter's Bar "take the output of Cerro Muriano , where we were then diverted to take a secondary road that would take us to our destination.

The road we followed was semi-mountainous, narrow, winding up the boredom and, by other was usually wet and slippery in many places shady areas, they did not know the warmth of a sunbeam never received.

this route had the rare virtue or power over me to make mixture between the concepts and ideas characteristic of the brain and stronger stomach issues, I do not remember that time in having gone through so busy journey had not ended regurgitating the same ingested more than my life, such was the been through the dizziness that ended prior plunged.

This might not be an exception, so I caution, diverted his eyes to the horizon , trying not to think of anything, mind, spotless and useless, without observing or hearing, with intent to enter into a kind of vegetative state I would avoid the bad shot and than the two that came with me had been qualified as "cauliflower trance."

drove "pence" and I accompanied him on the front seat while "Rorro" traveling behind, since their situations were talking together screaming, things as useless as inconsequential, rancid and stale, as always smoked incessantly, and marimba and drum music on the radio competed with their throats to reach maximum decibels. The atmosphere was stifling and I opened my mouth repeatedly, like a fish , trying to catch a breath of air to make me believe that he would not die at that moment, my deep conviction that was seen suffering stunning .

Within seconds I would ask willful and faint voice: "Stop, for God, I'm going to die." They would see as I alighted from the car, or "Bugga " and also called him, staggered to the curb , to give a thorough account of the nature of the quality of food ingested, are thoroughly and then taunt the rest of the trip would make jokes about me. Already been approached so far and indicated a knotting in the pit of my stomach, which was the clearest sign of the arrival.

A sound like explosion did to the two charlatans and I immediately shut out slightly from my pre-death state , sure you have entered a battle of war unknown. The car lurched and went to the left, poking his nose on a dangerous precipice , then right incurring in sin with the gutter with that flirting, Miguel finally could stop by the middle of the road.

They knew what had happened, a burst in the left front wheel, "he rightly called" The Pinchas "too!". not looked at them and would be correct at this stage to say who's face was paler, if they or I fear the dizziness . - "I think I shit" - said one.

- Another remarked: "shit until crossbars."

Knowing their reactions soon deduced that they do not last long " funk," as they said, and then would spend to fix the problem. Indeed, "pence" gave orders to carry out the repair, adding: "this is two minutes, cheating masters."

We headed for the rear of the vehicle to remove the spare tire from its location in the trunk, in a hollow under the rug, only posed a minor problem was that the dogs were in the same wheel compartment that and realizing the stop should be understood that we had reached the hunting area also influenced probably by the smell of fresh pine forest and filled the room. The animals began to grow restless, jumping and rebulléndose in the trunk, barking and banging contra las paredes metálicas del mismo.

Mi misión consistió en andar lo suficientemente atento como para agarrar las cadenas de los tres chuchos tan pronto como la puerta fuese abierta, para evitar que, alegres y desenfrenados, saliesen corriendo a la menor oportunidad, con riesgo de perderse o sufrir un accidente y nosotros de perder alguna que otra hora para localizarlos tras su presumible extravío.

Como gatos a la puerta de una ratonera nos colocamos los tres, girando “El Rorro” el manubrio del portón del viejo trastajo, que eufemísticamente llamábamos “coche”, y con suma agilidad consiguieron ellos hacerse con el dominio de los animales, Although surgery was not as sterile as planned, since more than hold the bugs were the ones who jumped on the captors, knocking his head hard legs of Peter and Michael.

I still confused, the scene looked like someone who is learning what happens, but as I could see my face reflected in the glass idiotic transport anyone would have thought that understanding was one of my powers. With my limited understanding of reality held out both hands when one of them told me: "take" then I was put on them the tips of the three chains that served as a brake on canine fun. So who felt restrained by weak hand, unable to hold them firmly, began to pull me in different directions threatening to break off the arms of the shoulder joint, I was determined not to let them get away with it and courageously lent myself to my hard task, and finally, in the meantime I throw them and resist, I had moved to the area carpeted with moss wet ditch, where I could not keep balance, slipping and placing my backside and a half back on the hard floor and curl who drove me your marking painful.

seeing me in that position and the grimace of pain, the two began to laugh to laugh, crying and coughing like tuberculosis , so much so that had to rest their hands on the body not to fall they, too, because they loosened the legs on my unfortunate accident.

After a few failed attempts I get up, looking around with eyes enlarged, not so much pain as I felt ridiculous, and prayed for my himself that no one else I'd ever seen. They took the tools of their place between whispers and giggles poorly disguised placed the cat mechanical and remove the wheel. Meanwhile, with great excitement and eagerness to get away from my canine subject, the three chains went, first, from a position of uniqueness up twisted, and then a knot substitute for the one who called Gordian, which caused that the distances between their heads off in a few seconds shorter and the heads of the dogs touched.

At this point my dog, problems and rowdy as any other, do not hesitate to grab a sound bite on the ear one of the others, who screamed like a slowdown but much higher decibels, the remainder felt invited to the party and formed a sort of doggy ball , all snarling, biting and rolling. Mired in the fracas rolled to where the car was lifted by the cat, beating it, which immediately gave way to push hard against the floor leaving a good chunk of breaking front bumper, which jumped after mournful rustling.

"The Pinchas", owner of the car, looked at the other broken and he was returned glare tinged resignation. Then began the accusations:

- "The mother who bore me!" Said the owner, adding: "You're dumber than mea pa'rriba, see that you said that car CARCE er, pos na, Jase you as always what you serge the balls." "My move it kills when I will see that liao."

- The other replied, impelled by the prosecution: "But inginiero you, post if you wanted to have carzao carz you with the tripe." "What do I have CURP gelipollas dogs from fighting? . CURP der chuchitraca be the most Guanillo is that the host Saborio.

was my turn to laugh without mercy, while they were arguing I had to sit for the same reason they supported, I thought, moreover, that with all the moss-stained pants revenge would be double, because when I get back on the car was going to rub it on the seat to get a good memory in it for "Click-leaf" and not taunt more of my woes.

place not long before the wheel and still "enmohinados" resumed our march. Knowing, as he knew, the driver my problem with motion sickness began to accelerate, and if the first curve was taken last thread, the second was even worse and after a few and I was entranced again, such was his insistence and bad blood that soon I said, his voice on a string and pleading

- "Miguel for, for your mare, I'll Jech the asaura" "I'm dying for."

- said: "A shit jierva pa thy mouth, I'll parameters, if you want degorvé ... degüerve out the window, stick out his neck and done what you want. So sucker that TAS laughed when broken er sa bugger ".

option I did not following his orders took out the window not only the head, but half a body, so that should look like a turtle trying to escape from its shell. A geyser erupted from my mouth and the effect of the air was to give full against the side, penetrating to any appreciable extent through the back window on the same side where he sat "The Rorro" which, as a spring immediately jumped to the other hand and said:

- "ruling virtuosos, check pa'lla you're going to fill up the sojos. Pos go fabric viajesito going to gives us. Tas could. "

In the sorry state in which I found could not develop any thought, my mouth tasted sour and the incisors appear to have grown eight inches while the licking its edge were offered to her as the sharp edge of a blade. I asked for some water, but feared they gave me vinegar.

- "A cock like the sleeve of a fur coat I'll give you" answered "The Rorro" - "Pa to flood the car and make me lose, that ties one that looks like a boquijo Vorc " -and went on "If you get into TAS er bad ass stick. Hahahaha ...."

The other supported the laughter, the bitter swill forgotten earlier and confirmed the rematch. Fortunately in a short time off the road and entered a lane , would lead us to the cottage they had given to Peter.

We turn left and got to the road, which neither was nor ever had any intention, rather a goat path narrowed and partially overgrown, but I blessed as if we came to a highway, then at least not let the joys of "Click" on conducción, porque al mostrar sobre la superficie la angulosa silueta de las piedras graníticas que bajo él se encontraban, de seguro que sería más cauto. Bueno, ése era mi pensamiento e íntimo deseo pero no estaba yo muy seguro de que fuese a convertirse en realidad. Nada raro hubiese sido que, para fastidiarme más, hiciesen lo opuesto, y si pinchábamos ya me veía caminando hasta el pueblo con las dos ruedas a cuestas.¡Gracias a Dios, por fin llegamos!.

--¿Ésta es la casa de campo que te han dejado?,-inquirí al “Rorro”

--¿Encima le vas a poné fartas so mendrugo?-respondió

El inmueble, por su aspecto, muy bien pudo haber sido construido para albergar las partidas de bandoleros que en el siglo diecinueve hicieron de estas tierras campo inexpugnable de correrías sin fin. Seguramente, después, el dueño de la finca lo habría cedido a los guardeses, para que hiciesen allí vida mientras que vigilaban las propiedades del “señorito” y una vez que se marcharon aquéllos debió de quedar abandonado.¿Cualquiera sabe cuánto hace que el último morador salió from there. " Say

property to name what is an outrage, because it offered no guarantee of immobility for any of its four sides, its surface was a square six by six meters, perpendicular dubious and decrepitude evident, the turret of the fire is not known if pointing to heaven or hell and the door of wood eaten away by brave legions of insects, firmly opposed to the inclination of the whole pseudo frame building, they could not miss a couple of rickety windows that, not detract, not square with any of the other components of the mansion and the lime of its facade had long since died. It was an invitation to spend optimism night there because I was not so sure that the new day welcomed me into this world, what they were seeing before my eyes. When you insert the key in the rusty lock Miguel and tamper opening, split, staying inside, there was no problem, Peter immediately pulled his toolbox piled a hammer and chisel and took a couple of strokes studied and dry unable to open it but ripped the two sumps in which he was hooked, taking the road ahead and a good chunk of rotting door.

If outside the village Inside was indescribable was unfortunate, and later I'll positioning, saying the vessels that were there, because now I will say that what struck me most was the amount of dust we are.

was as if a playful genius he had maintained for a hundred years in a sandstorm of tiny solid grains, incredibly light, like atomicity ground up so that the slightest step in the room stood a tag able to swallow without thinking twice.

holy God, how much dirt!. We started immediately to rehabilitate the impossible, the "leaf" and I got two brooms to swab Tamujoso fact, so common in those mountains, but to which the alopecia had inflicted serious trouble, leaving them with just six or seven branches. The other took a sort of hoe, and I say that because there default sin that he had less than a ton of dust, to get to the door what we barriésemos. The first two brooms the storm cloud became, we all started to cough and allergy woke my sleeping, making you sneeze like a plague, while my eyes were reddened like a thirsty vampire vital fluid. If before my mouth acre knew now it was as if I had eaten a bag of rubble, trying to prevent the saliva in the certainty that would form a paste on my tongue would react like cement and end up welding the jaws, one to another, and wall up the throat.

In just over half an hour we had cleaned up things, enough to spend the night without fear of waking buried.

- "The Rorro" apropos of nothing said: "Oh, what a toy I put mailto compare!. Pueo not breathe, that masfisio. "

- What we need!, Thought I, to put this bad now.

I looked at "Pinchas" and he looked at me. We saw them coming and yes, Peter continued to complain and, thinking it might be something serious, Miguel became alarmed and said firmly:

- "Ar car, you took the ambulance der people." "When you fix this quickly vorvemos not worry macho" .- speaking to me.

is into the car and were ejected, and as well as the saw away I realized that we had not downloaded the food nor water ... nothing, just my shotgun, my backpack and the three dogs I ran after them shouting as loud as I could, stumbling a few times with the animals, who claimed that this was a game, but after the grueling race could not do it, panting and sweating I retraced my steps to the shack trying to figure out why of both "malfario." The afternoon sun yawned and seemed closer than usual, standing just above the tops of the seedlings were proud that crowned with diadem golden.

guessed As the night came collapsed on me and my fellow clay had not appeared. It was a new moon night, profound darkness, and the heat of the day was struck by the shadows in few minutes. I had observed, while neighborhoods, the hearth of the fireplace was a pile of oak wood and a few sheets of newspaper that appeared to be suffering from jaundice. Curiosity ojeé I could and a cover: I do not know what talking about atomic bombs accident in Almería! ... I wanted to see the exact date, but this and the name of the copy had been tortured by rodents, which no doubt had taken on board without income shelter and the village. Carefully set fire to a wastepaper and managed to make some slight ardiesen twigs, which I could build a fire in that hole enhollinado; satisfied with my achievement blond lit a cigarette that I took a few deep puffs, which immediately caused a spasm of coughing and choking is that the body had not yet recovered from the amount of dust ingested during the frantic cleaning. Gradually, the room was becoming a bearable temperature, in this uninhabited area and abrupt cold note was left with much more intensity than in the city.

had long since given up hope that the patient and caregiver back and I had no means to communicate with anyone, so, gathering lessons learned my time spent in the army, I stopped for a few seconds to think carefully about the cold and next steps from now on as a strategist consolidated logistics. Already lit the fire began to inspect in detail the small room, appropriating what would understand me useful.

was a rocking old, dry wood back and seat with a kind of woven hemp as a lattice, which immediately went to the fireplace box, placing it about two feet away, I'd sit there to rest as soon as you finish snooping. In a nail in the wall was a small bunch of dried jaramagos I thought might be of pennyroyal, rosemary or any other wild plant that the residents of the place away long ago you use to make teas and home remedies for minor ailments, but it might involve herb a deodorizing, I took it and inhaled their perfume, Surprisingly, still maintained. There was a rectangular table made of wood, not very big, filthy and take one of the legs that had undergone an operation and supplemented with an olive branch tied with wire to keep a precarious balance, the upper level was packed of cooking pots and junk blackened zinc, threatening to fall over each other in an avalanche. I left the dogs outside and called out "Campanera, which came obedient, and closed the door barred oak tree with a heap of firewood, then, very carefully, I dragged the table in the place of wood, I returned to its Instead, the animal placed its chain and tied it at one of the legs of the table, giving application to a leather loop on end. I sat comfortably in a hammock in front of the cozy fire, rocking slowly. Outside ... a soft breeze began to rise.

I looked at my watch, it was zero hour and ten minutes of the day thirty October 1, to my mind came the memory of that date is holding Halloween in the Anglo world, which I do not know if it is a holiday of witches, spirits or other excuse consumer more. I liked our party: Day of the Saints on November 1, All Souls' two. "Where will it stop?" "No comparison!". When I was growing around the world went to the cemetery at that time, making it a lively and colorful show, different tones, yes; purple, white and pale pink.

stairs was rented to the niches of the upper floors were paid gratuities for altruistic helpers and even some unscrupulous honored their dead with flowers stolen from grave outside. In every house families small bowls or cups filled with olive oil, putting on a few small candles viscous liquid they called "butterflies , which had a small cardboard circle around the wick and floating, remaining lit for many hours. Neighboring families would get together around a table heated by a brazier humble "lapilli", and everyone had described his collection of stories and tales of death, ghostly apparitions wandering souls that made it gave me goosebumps. "How awful!". Thankfully, my mother then counterbalanced fear with a succulent dish of porridge flour and milk, cinnamon candies and tanned, with coscurrones few fried bread embedded in them, forming an archipelago of pleasure for the palate.

The wind strength had increased significantly, the door is not closed and the table as the only impediment to restrain alternative beat and loud against the obstacle and the frame, the roof timbers the old house and contract on cooling, recreating a song of crunches at times seemed to sing a certain melody of lament. The flame of the candle sometimes stretched beyond measure, and soon after he withdrew on itself, reducing and came upon a hit of smoke to the interior of the housing caused tearing and itchy eyes, realized that such behavior had been caused by the obliquity of the turret of the fireplace and the changing direction of the air that it sucked wantonly making Shooting work either revoking the smoke, reversing its function, flooding the room. Adding the flood of memories with the solitude of the place and adding groans and crackling, the mind began to play me a trick, and I felt a deep pang of fear. To try to divert my attention grabbed the gun and went back to sit.

drew it and started

assemble them carefully, the coupling of the guns first, then the forearm, thumb drives the lengüetilla the top of the throat of the rifle butt and opened with a concise and perfect metallic click, "clack" being willing to enter projectile. In my former profession was an ardent admirer of any mechanical device, so I scanned the gun brimming with satisfaction, its flatness, its polished, its burnished ...; immersed in watching the barrel went to where the plugs were burning oak , scandalized by the sight of the bore of the tube rectified, acting as if it were a mirror reflecting the bright reddish-orange own incandescence. To bring the check to your maximum expression I picked up a cartridge of the holster and let it slip through the chamber of the weapon, to get into position, fit the flange ring of the sheath in its location, a new sound resulted in onomatopoeic regrowth me another pleasant, there was a "clongggg" serious and prolonged as interpreted by the body of a church. Then I faced the deadly object, pointing to the fire, trying to gauge if the length of the head was right for me and if the focus could clearly outline an instinctive shooting situation, so that no piece had a chance to be faster in their escape me in my aggression, "Perfect!" I cried aloud.

hardly anyone who has not been a hunter can appreciate the pleasure to sit with all these maneuvers I am describing, who understands them, agree with me that without much exaggeration located on the step immediately behind the sexual climax, so much so that I never tired of repeating the actions: open, enter, close and face ..., open, enter, close and face ... and again, over and over. And thought he had reached the mechanics of the operation, reducing it to three or four seconds, but of course, among so many sensory obfuscation, I had to go a point of reflection always important for anyone who handles weapons, not playing safe, and one of the time, obviously the latter, in firing position, pulled the trigger.

are right who say that "guns are loaded by the devil and fires an asshole." The crash was brutal and a whiff of boiling lead was a very violent impact against heart same red logs, who in turn returned enraged a myriad of tiny pieces of burning embers and sparks that quickly reversed rain rose toward the ceiling. "The Campanera, hearing the shot thought, if they think the animals, the hunt was underway and that lending and gorgeous as always, in less than a blink had rushed to where she knew she had led the coup, dragging in their frantic race to the table that was attached to what caused the collapse of pots and pans all over the place, caused an infernal sound. To be me sitting in the rocking furniture moving around slightly, the decline of the shooting coincided with the wobble of return, added to the same effect as wills vector was unavoidable physical effect increased rocked, such that there was a moment my eyes focused on roof but I also saw my two legs in "V" in natural movement who try not to do a cartwheel.

Despite the mess I was still lucky, as well as the reversed reciprocating tried to hold my dog \u200b\u200band the other two, who had entered the door to be expedited, and the three "throbbing" in search of nonexistent prey, running and jumping mad, searching frantically in all corners of the room, in the alleged movement of retaining my seat leaned sideways and fall not see how I used to stick the gun, resting his head on the floor , which was facing the dark muzzle my nose long enough to, to have had another bullet, blow my brains out.

An irrepressible tremor took over my whole body, barely held my legs on the floor flooded with kitchen utensils, but within unexpected situation so I think I behaved more calmly and reasonably than it would have been expected, and leaning here and there, lit only by firelight, chain could unleash the dog dragged the table, pick up a number of scattered objects and place them at their point of origin, bringing again to the cabinet behind the door, allowing, however, a slight opening, such as agitation and nervousness had sharpened my urge to smoke another cigarette.

While rearranged the room, I realize a niche as one meter square side had not seen before, perhaps because they were partially obscured by a bunch of dried reeds stacked vertically. A piece of blanket or covering her breeches. I pulled the cloth cover and saw that he had three of Madrero repisitas on one of which was a glass bottle, square base also with cork inlay containing a honey-colored liquid with a small small sphere immersed in it. At the sides two or three glasses of liquor of those that were used once and were decorated with a red horizontal line, indicating the exact volume of each unit of beverage. The grabbed and pulled the teeth cork from its mouth and smelled the contents, my intuition had failed, that were dry cherry brandy, as did my father to give some sweetness to drink so hurtful, smelled wonderful well.

After flight arrival and vomiting savages who attacked me had not eaten anything, hunger had long since pierced through his claws into my stomach, it was as if I had a frog jumping vigorously into endlessly. I did not think twice, wiped my mouth of the bottle with his forearm and gave two good shots to the substance

immediately tore my esophagus "aaaaagggggg, so strong", with a stick poked several balls inside and ate them, they were hydrated by liquid continent, but not as aggressive as I turned the two drinks, "at least it's solid", I thought .

The warmth and euphoria of alcohol were not slow to manifest, I gave it all a bit alike and, happily, without shelter from the cold, went to the door to burn cigarette pending. I went from a chaotic situation to one of cautious optimism rapidly induced only by alcohol. The first puff was sublime, deep, long ... and contributed to my peace of mind. Using the light cigarette again consulted my watch, "forty-five minutes past twelve o'clock at night." I looked at the sky jet, the carpet of stars was clearly visible, was open air and could imagine a trip to the very womb of the Universe. Something caught my attention on my left hand, a small luminous object, a "fat point", which ironically would my art teacher, the same white color of the stars slightly bluer but moved slowly toward me, sped up and stopped. I do not believe in objects strange flying, but I could not feel a jolt as I questioned what that could be. The question did not answer, when I look inside I saw that one of the beams , located on the fire, showed a bright red scar "hosts, that burns snack!. - I cried hurriedly went and got the biggest container I could find, which was a " cacerolón " enough to feed half the regiment, and rushed to the rear of the house, where, during the cleaning process was had the opportunity to prove the existence of a large parallelepiped ocher stone, suitably drained, must be a gross cattle trough, and that recent rains was full of liquid.

I dare not draw water to the contents of that container, because when I looked for the first time and saw that its constitution was rather pasty, a sort of muddy soup in the amount of sediment accumulated there, the joy to all the contributing countless mosquito larvae, which rose and fell through the stock as if dancing a waltz " of twisted and monotonous steps, surely that was the cradle of all mosquitoes of the world since Noe's Ark freed.

definitely took the pan and ears unmercifully introduced in that "caldibache", removing the sediment rose pestilential stench penetrated my nostrils, so I accelerated my return to the point of loss, running with water to douse the fire. I placed myself in the exact point that I understood to dampen the hot stick and after a rigorous and fast calculation of the printed record my arms hard enough to end the problem the first try: "I got it!" - "It's thought fleetingly true that chocolate stinky had reached the beam accurately, as it is also true is that the stock returned in the fall with more tact which had risen, falling the surplus, or nearly all, directly to the face , reaching extent to waist. The lips that were full of nasty mud, eyes with a ring of dirt, I dared not to swallow, for fear that make me giddy infection die right there.

Soaked to the bone and oozing with bad blood in all perola pores threw the ground and started kicking distribute all were lying still, my kicks were also directed at the dogs, who fled fearing worst evils, I dragged the table and placed it again by closing. With one tug pulled the threadbare blanket covering the cupboard, causing the fall of all the reeds, and after taking my clothes enrollármela the top and in the body, the swing went further to the fire, grabbed the bottle of brandy and I sat down, trying to mitigate the impending freeze. In one twist of the finished container remaining liquor and ate all the cherries, As they roll into my mouth.

The of my body odor and soiled clothing was unbearable, burning ocurriéndoseme if some of the aromatic twigs hanging from the wall, could stand the stench. That's exactly what I did, throwing into the fire contemptuously not certain, but the whole bunch, which began burning giving off a dense, viscous greenish-yellow smoke, which invaded the entire volume.

From this moment I must clarify that I can not say if that story happened or not, it might well happen that the inhalation of those fumes from unknown plant, combined with the intake of liquor friendly causes me a reaction of intoxication or hallucination that transports me to an unreal dimension, and although I swear that I experienced, as surely as I write now this incredible story, I should not rule out the idea of \u200b\u200ba simple drunken dressed by the "fumata" .

I spent some time trying to dry myself, staring at the candle and slowly came to my mind the vision of "fat point" few minutes before: " And if there really was intelligent extraterrestrial life? " "And if I now appear to be little elves urgently and green, with trumpets for ears, nose and face holes chopped as smallpox?" I thought if it was not my misfortune that day a move some witch malignant which to celebrate the conclusion of the "Halloween Santos" had used a spell with me. I do not know anyone with these qualities but I am not persuaded by the argument, because obviously there and that their powers secret. Could not help my mind went wandering down the trail recently opened, the tongues of fire seemed to me in the shape of tiny beings and unknown, nervous and amorphous that took shape as well as disappearing before my eyes stunned.

Fearing loneliness and the chain of events I would balance, I decided to turn back the seat, positioning heat back to the wall in front of me. The views have not disappeared, changed its format, the red glow cast on the opposite wall of lime badly injured a game of shadows and unexplained backlights, in coalition with the peeling of the surface, causing the same effect on me trying to avoid . They were, however, more raw and vivid, deeply realistic and this time I could not keep my eyes wide open and my attention from what was taking place there. I started at the same time, a dialogue as dumb as comprehensible to me, no words, no one understood element which could be inferred contact between a body and substance of unknown composition and me, but it is clear that there was a one-way interaction of I was the only receiver. Thunderstruck

I found that strange shapes began to dissipate, not because they just disappear, but because it is reconverted into something three-dimensional as if they were being absorbed by the vitiated atmosphere of the place by leaving the plane of the wall itself; finally offered to me a silhouette contour anthropomorphic fuzzy and subtle facial features that seemed to levitate a short distance from the ground between the nebula of smoke in the room.

The unexpected be placed in front of me, right into the middle of the wall, I think we thoroughly analyze, extended what appeared to be his right arm and, despite the low light on the makeshift screen appeared something like a giant leaf of a book written in perfectly aligned rows on its margins and parallel each other, writing characters were unknown to me, I can not describe. The unrecognizable language of that writing was not an obstacle to my understanding, I interpreted the meaning of each line and captured the idea that entailed.

sequences were different all my life, represented succinctly that included not only the fact but my feelings and intentions contained in each individual case. Everything was clearly intelligible and one by one he recalled the moment and the exact circumstances. A sense of calmness took me, were passages of joy, good intentions and happiness, was pleasant to me reading esoteric. As

was nearing the end of the page spread the other arm and on your left side there was a new of the same features as the previous one in terms of its composition. It was much more compact in their writing and alignment and perfection of what we would call was much smaller. With haste, seeking the beauty of the former began intrigued by the first paragraph: "My God." "How much pain, how much anger and selfishness!".

an invisible noose gallows gripped my throat, I had trouble breathing and pain and darkness engulfed me. I began to mourn bitterly remorseful heart the same pain not physical, but torturer, I plunged into its icy cavern. I understood immediately that this strange book contains my life story, which was shown me x-rayed when I used as a projector of my own conscience to judge my behavior and past behavior as reflected in the two different aspects that were to my knowledge. My actions filtered in the inner sieve honest prosecutor and accused me without me judge condemned without undue harmful heinous ... that made me look more of a beast that an intelligent being. It was long time in which there was no interruption in the sequence were many more times I felt ashamed that those in which I thought I had acted honestly and fairly, always believed to have been a consistent person, good and consistent, but found the bias in my perspective, shown in that grotesque and dramatic summary of my existence. The agency went backdate upon itself, into a seamless point of light that is dissipated. Exhausted I should fall into a deep sleep from which I have no reference as to when it started.

A metallic roar made me open my eyes, just an affectionate slap on the cheek. " Quillo , what do you cock? "- Were the first words of Miguel, the second," the whore Jieda wimp has died here. " Sitting in the rocking chair with a blanket Morelia in the body and shivering stammered with the tongue stuck to the palate and I said nothing, he was sleeping, not knowing if he lied or not because I did not know whether he had returned from a different reality or even was immersed in it. I asked the reason for my strange wrapping of the pale of my face, unbearable stench. Talked incessantly, in our jargon and Andalusian accent, telling of his transfer to the village and then to the city, where he was admitted Pedro by an anxiety attack, that being the reason for their "no return". I was still shocked and preoccupied, not knowing what to expect or what to think about my experience. He must realize and, contrary to what you might expect, was silent and do the trip back on a sound silence. For the first time in that way I got dizzy.

"The Laurona" was placed in a trunk corroded, at my mother, where it will accumulate until at least the same amount of house dust field, and even then it will to be destroyed, no one living object by pointing it at all. My dog, "Campanera, has kept her silence, she was the only one who could report on that night and I know that loyalty, never will.