Friday, February 4, 2011

Biggest Cup Size Country

Failing ... : D

Hello beautiful! How are you? I hope that super !!!!! here we are with dysautonomia the edge, but ... and is controlled with the heat you're doing, does not help much, but so good:) tired magnets, needles and liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitros Chinese water ah: P!

In recent weeks the idea that this blog will create a chat; Paloma kindly offered to do, which I appreciate greatly, because right now I am little bit full of paste (me change last week to cover shifts and get other people's rental, plus my hours of work: S)

For while this is happening, I propose the following: send me your internal mail testimony, questions, reliefs, etc. and I will publish as input, so all can review, comment, give words of encouragement ... in order that they happen!
I am committed to seeing every day the mail (albeit late) and publish their words.
The mail is:
muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuchos I look forward mails!
A big hug to all!