Thursday, September 23, 2010

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Trying to understand ... Ready to take

Hi my esteemed dysautonomic !
I hope all are very re against you well: D and you had a 18 well celebrated!
I'm fine. Or, to say truth, as best I can.
The surgery went well, I took completita thyroid and a little more (there were more than the echo showed) I look 10 cm scar on my neck, still look to face what you doing there ? but really bothers me little. Then came a session of radio iodine, which far has been the most unpleasant of all this process, and the lack of thyroid hormone, I have a burnout, which is like dysautonomia but multiplied by 10! Although it is expected that this situation should change soon, because I'm taking a pill that replaces nearly a week ago ... I have not felt or a change, but perhaps soon ... and I'm very anxious to get back to feeling just dysautonomic PLEASE! ... wave attack one by one ... okay? " porfissss ?

you . know that my thing with allopathic medicine is - 0 and this week I had the peak ... or rather my mom did, so what I say I was glad to be there to witness and realize that not exaggerating. Area Chief of Endocrinology, was giving me new indications (new and had been wrong, and while he was with the wrong dose was to regain the rhythm of my life "Christmas") and my mom asked a question, I do not remember, but I had to do with the dose and he strongly challenged, saying that what the mind to complicate things, then I will stop the car and told him if she asked was that I did not understand! ... I can understand that might be bad luck, but generally , one the doctors do not call into question anything, just one is a "patient" and must comply with their orders, for so many years studying and you do not ... pity that neither respect nor consideration the pills sold in high doses that were required to take for life. As the pill should I take me a lifetime.

And therein. when I start to look for alternatives. This time, acupuncture has helped me, but it was not enough. So in my quest comes to two alternatives, a more expensive than the other though.
The most expensive is the Anthroposophical Medicine , which in broad terms, in addition to treating the symptom, seek to treat and eradicate the source of this. And went to a query, before the radio and I found very interesting, I explained that in the case of cancer, is a cell which is isolated and start playing against the harmony of body, but that sounds weird, is the cell which is isolated, is one. I left two recipes here, one with 4 books to read and others with patterns of food more naturists.
The other therapies are Bach Flower suggesting that diseases are a source of emotional conflict and from there should be treated with different flower essences. I owe
seem crazy, but I think one should try to find a treatment that makes them feel and not hear one only. As for me, there are no absolute truths, always try to see what other alternatives beyond. Therefore, clarified (or I get the patch before the injury: P) so that you . works well for me may not, or vice versa, but no I will not lend ear or even consider.

So in that I'm now looking for a treatment that takes me away as much as possible to go through this again, because I believed that this issue ended by removing the thyroid and could not be more wrong, waiting for my turn to the doc , a girl sat next to me who was in her third operation (4 years) of malignant nodules located in this area and I will not come to that! or at least not with the agreement that saw her.

I'll tell you how it goes in search and obviously, I accept suggestions ;)!