Thursday, December 10, 2009

Pokemon Ruby Vbacheats


PERUVIAN FOOD RECOGNIZED Chilean newspaper El Mercurio

Fascinated. This was the Chilean journalist Ruperto de Nola with Peruvian food. In his article for the newspaper El Mercurio Lima appointed as the undisputed capital of American cuisine and emphasizes especially the safety of the Peruvians about their food.

"Not only the food is sublime, varied, new and old at once (the best of both worlds!), But there is something more: it has expired, finally, the culinary cultural inferiority complex that we affect the Americans against the United States or Europe or China, "he says in the article Lima en la Cima publicado en el suplemento Domingo de dicho diario.

El periodista recorrió los restaurantes Hervé, el restorán Mayta, el Madeira, el Raphael, Punta Sal, El Señorío de Sulco y la anticuchería Panchita. Tampoco dudó en elogiar al vino Tacama y al pisco sour.

El periodista agregó que en el Perú no hay el temor a que el extranjero mire en menos lo que se come en la ciudad: "Están justamente convencidos de que cualquiera que desapruebe lo que Lima ofrece sobre manteles no hace sino demostrar una vergonzosa falta de cultura y de buen gusto".

It urged Chileans to mimic this feature of collective psychology. "Lima should be an example for us (Chile). This is not to imitate the dishes and the time, you have to imitate is the extraordinary spirit, confident."

S i it is true there is more than 500 invetario Peruvian dishes, we can speak of thousands more, including the famous creations have breast those that pop up when there is nothing at home and our mother and invents that is worthy of a flag plate in order but recently we are feeling proud to be Peruvian and paradoxically we break through the stomach, so be it ................


Kinesio Tape For Bunions

Turismo Religioso


month of December is one of the seasons year when much of the world is focused on faith. The faith-based industries, however, are not a phenomenon once a year. The reality is that religion and faith are big business and have a great impact on the tourism industry. One of the oldest forms of tourism is a religious or as now known, faith-based tourism. The Bible tells of trip to Jerusalem at least three times a year for each of the Biblical harvest festivals. Similarly, the Islamic world is famous for the pilgrimage to Mecca. Other cities around the world have religious tourism sites such as Fatima in Portugal and Lourdes in France.

While there are many differences between the journey of faith to religious sites and a theme park, is quite interesting that there are many parallels between what might seem to be two different bowing. What is fascinating about religious tourism is that parallel much of the two. For example, today (and what we can learn from ancient texts, even in the ancient world) as religious sites such as theme parks produce secondary industries.


these, the memory industry or hospitality industry, a number of dependent industries are developing rapidly around the site. In the second one has to believe that the pilgrimage or the theme park sense. Therefore Temátic enter a park or a site of religious pilgrimage is an exercise in emotion rather than knowledge.

tourism religious or faith-based, however, not only about pilgrimages. The faith-based trip takes place in life cycle events, for missionary work or projects of humanitarian and religious conclaves and conventions.

AUTHOR: Dr. Peter E. Tarlow is the President of T & M, founded the Texas chapter of TTRA


Thursday, June 11, 2009

How Do You Talk With Someone In Mount And Blade



The Jorge Chavez located in the first place in the World Airport Awards 2009, by Skytrax Research survey

The best airport in South America in 2009. This has qualified for our first air terminal British consultancy Skytrax Research, according to a market study prepared by its experts in airport issues.

To convince the unbelievers, the news Andina reports today detailing the criteria considered in choosing the Jorge Chavez airport access, availability to the transit of passengers in the terminal comfort, atmosphere and cleanliness.

were also taken into account waiting times, service migration and signaling of the terminal, baggage handling, security checks, warmth and friendliness of staff, ease of connections and variety of product offerings.

Each year Skytrax Research carried out this study via online survey, more than 8.6 million passengers of 95 nationalities, as well as users of 190 airlines around the world, then reward the winners at a gala named the World Airport Awards.

In the 2009 edition, second place went to the international airport of Santiago (Chile), while third place went to the Ezeiza International Airport (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Denise Milani Wikipedia Phone Number

When you open that big cardboard box, a torrent of powerful white light blinded me, after so much time locked in this light it was unbearable, huge spotlights hung from a distant undulating roof projecting almost surgical clarity on me and my teammates. Until then my life had been dull, had virtually no awareness of my own being, from that moment, when was still lying next to many more like me, everything started to change, beginning the adventure forging my life, that I can give fulfilled story.

As I was saying, soon after the opening of the cardboard prison, approached an individual, bad-looking, two-hand that taking a huge bundle of us and making it messy bunch, we rose to the level of the third shelf of a bookcase bland and cold, where we dropped ruthlessly unbecoming a civilized person abruptly, momentarily leaving all of us lying on the platform in absolute anarchy. Soon, the author of the mess, dressed in a dull gray and sad, looked at one of its sides, where she went to another similar dress, green, who bowed respectfully and said hypocritical, lacking to the truth, he would proceed to the ordering of goods at that point I understood what he meant. Throwing their huge claws on we headed harshly, while muttering unintelligible phrases almost explosive structure.

In this place I waited patiently for about two days without knowing or seeing my own face, given the rigidity of my own composition. I saw pass by us, over that wide and long hallway, lots of people of different ages and conditions: playful children pushing each other threatens to topple each trip for which a participant did our shelf, hoarse scolding mothers and grandmothers previous shuffling half bent in a pitiable wanderings. Everything was new for me and I had so much fun learning movement and forced: "What fun is the human world."

hours Past
came to us a woman who did not pay too much attention, took her in his hands a number of us and slowly, watching one by one, was releasing the everyone except me. As if to ensure that their choice was correct to search again with his piercing look, I fear not being able to overcome such scrutiny. Finally I began casually over a large vertical nickel cage bars, down next to a transparent bottle containing a black liquid on many other objects as unknown to me as my dark neighbors. The cage began to move immediately, hearing the muffled sound perfectly their small wheels that did not have steady rectitude, but capriciously change their orientation towards either side of its axis, to remind the nervous movement of the needle of a compass. The movement will cause the fluid surrounding the bottle were moving steadily from one side to another, making serious feigned to escape through a red cap, through which could be perceived as a whistle perfectly rattlesnake, what was to happen soon, and at the precise moment when I heard a loud noise, water is blackened released, permeating all in sudden viscous bath with its sweetness. The driver of the vehicle yelled appalled as unpredictable catastrophe, came rushing to the bathroom to save the bread, chocolate and other traveling companions, which made me feel jealous for his apparent indifference, even disdain, toward me.

Our eventful trip finally ended on a black carpet and shifting, in which we were placed, I fell on the lateral boundary of the same, causing the movement of our transport a deep panic in me, because instead of continuing our move flippantly was broken, causing swings inertially I moved to the side, making me fear for my future if he finally fell to dark precipice could see from my position. It was fortunately well and finished my shift next to another lady who grimly boring and grabbed me, passing in front of a rope light blush, which immediately caused a high beep and the appearance of numbers on a prismatic and metallic mass in front of the woman monotonous.

not worth telling other movements that took place subsequently, when again I was immured in a dark and gloomy, accompanied by my former fellow travelers plus metal jaws threatening, moved any unrestrained indiscriminately, to the beat of background hum that sounded, as soon quickened his hoarse voice as the diminished, not knowing if I change the effect of both was the one who gave guttural rise to the continuous rattle which made metal objects fall on me, a fierce onslaught, as trying to eat. For others a pungent effluvium seemed to flood the whole compartment, causing me serious doubts about my immediate evolution. With any and many frightening experiences not long before we reach our destination, I thanked him greatly.

Within minutes, I was back in the hands of my constituents who, after a now shorter inspection proceeded to strip me of my suit transparent plastic, which when removed from my body made crunch of protest, such as wanting to be my second skin, but nevertheless was mercilessly thrown into a reservoir was on the floor. Already I could hear her white hands and said: "The new toothbrush that I brought, white and yellow list, for me, no mistake." I finally understand who I was, a toothbrush! How difficult it had been for me having defined before hearing her voice so feminine! I gently placed in a circle kind of bored by way of someone who knew what they call "drum revolver, with five holes incredibly equal to spaces regular. In front of a mirror so I could see my own face and body was slim, white and yellow with a cute line that ran vertically hair from my head erect, stout and white too, but with slight pinkish tones, to a small taladrito I looked proudly at the bottom. "Yes, definitely, I thought, had a graceful body." Put into place, I met two features are similar to me, who were on the opposite side of the wheel, I was able to inspect through a crystal bowl set in another large central cavity, it greeted me, probably jealous of my beautiful appearance of newcomers. I looked huge, amorphous by their heads unconscionable and stupid for their behavior, just as well, to know what the character is hosted by these monsters. Little by little I looked in the mirror next, making sure not to have been wrong in my initial assessment, puffed up by my new, almost glowing appearance.

The next day, early in the morning, entered the enclosure where I was the same woman, I could then, from my vantage point and with adequate lighting, to see her in all her beauty. I did not know exactly what to do, how to think, being as it was a brush teeth should not affect the presence of someone who was not of my own condition, but what was going on and a strange sensation fills my body and it was hard even ruffle my already insolent hair. Blonde and pouty lips counted the seconds that I introduced into their mouths, saliva enjoy sweeter than anyone could imagine, more sensual language that must exist in one place. She did not pay any attention, but rather began to undress in a hurry, carefully, neatly arranging his clothes on different parts of the room, then was introduced following a screen of frosted glass and semi-translucent, where a curtain of water fell on her body, while bleaching with scented substance that slid over sinuous body, refusing to leave, being suspended for the points at which it had cracks. From my position was all seen by me, without losing detail of the event, eagerly awaiting the moment it took place in my contest.

No sooner had he finished the operation described, turned, and seizing the body poured on my head a sticky substance, striped in red, which immediately gave me an itch indescribable in a horizontal position and subject to decision I was leaning slightly his mouth, which gave access a fortified white teeth, bright, located in perfect harmony and without noticing any shortage. In the background you could see a darkness impenetrable, for a second I remembered the fear I had felt in the path by which traffic shaky playing juggling, the blackness was like, you could only glimpse at the door of entrance to this cave one lump inverted stalactites as a bell, as I was I immediately transfigured sword of Damocles threatening. I had no more chance of vision, slurred my head got into the mouth opening by contacting the teeth, first molars, premolars after then ... upside down, sideways, stinging substance turned into fragrant refreshing bath, pouring out his heart in that mouth, artists dream. Slowly, I gently rubbed against all the pieces, ignoring no union or recess, my enjoyment was intense, the order was carried out to fulfill the mission assigned to me. Once clean, he took me, I stood under a cool stream of clear water and shake slightly after I left the place where it was taken. I felt so smug and proud that now it was me who looked contemptuously to the other, stupid cocky, it was I who enjoyed the pleasure of pleasant touch of that pink tongue.

For a long time I fulfilled my task with precision and efficiency, regular daily and feminine beauty that almost always appeared in the steamy room, morning, noon and night, and I waited nervously and undying desire arrival . His presence made me stir up my hair and after using me when he was placed in my strange bed, I tried as a sign of joy, light rocking motion to extend the dream that danced in his arms in romantic dance.

A grim morning she arrived, as usual I took it and looked at me strangely fixed, as never done, spent a long and hardened its index over my hair and then tone denoting disgust placid but said, "alas, was a good brush! . Suddenly my heart sank because I sensed what I expected, would be scrapped and thrown into a container with smelly food waste and packaging inert hexahedral finally crushed and destroyed my arrogant figure but I would die with dignity. In these thoughts I looked, begging without words a little compassion, a vital extension to the inseparable brush your teeth, which eliminated many bacteria and such a pleasant taste in mouth that spread unique. Me in his hand came out of my room and went to another, where he took a metal object and forked, pointed and shiny tips threatening, extremely sharp edges and whose end was a complete and closed loop. With that monster in his other hand he placed over me, and very carefully began to cut part of my head sharp, matching what time on account of my age range had become more than flat. Then I introduced in flooded container, which was applied hellfire until the liquid temperature became warm, peaceful feeling drowsy while I stood there was not much I can assure or less, then finally ended up succumbing to unexpected slumber.

My owner, after a while, I picked it up and rhythmic jerking me off the last water molecules that reluctantly refused to surrender, until finally I was released from my moist hindrance. I deposited in a kind of box or casket lined with deep blue before, where they had other occupants, all different, but where I felt quite out of place. I asked for the reason of my stay there and someone I do not know who for the lack of light, he said he had recently death had occurred eyelash brush and probably from the time that would be my new and strange work. All of this produced in me a sharp surprise, both as rewarding to extend my own existence, and the new direction that would take.

was known as the companion told me. Since that day my helping hand, my beloved owner of the casket take me, I pass lightly over his eyebrows, where I put military order, preventing and correcting defections indiscipline, until I get exalted and embellish it by itself. As if to reward me, sometimes I may arched and smooth caress her eyelashes, which deal with a velvet glove, and without her being aware of such blatant take this opportunity to lean out the balcony of his eyes, where I see my figure more clearly than see it in the mirror. Leo in his eyes and know she's in love, who is happy and he is loved. And when I die I just want to be reincarnated as one for which she sighs.

Juan Rodríguez wallers

Monday, May 4, 2009

Women Period Warmer Bag


Peruvian Airlines begin flying in July

New national airline travel initially to the south of the country

The Peruvian airline Airlines begin operations in July. Its general manager, Neto Jochamowitz racer, said that flights will begin in cities like Cusco, Arequipa and Tacna, and possibly also to Cajamarca.

The airline already leased three Boeing 737-200 with capacity for 120 passengers and currently define the destinations and flights to be made weekly.

"We will offer commercial flights and we want to highlight for a great service," said Jochamowitz.



Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Picking Gums For Pleasure


Apply to Lima as the venue for the award of 7 Wonders of the World Compete

Buenos Aires, Tokyo, Genoa, Rome, Las Vegas, Santiago de Chile, Rio de Janeiro, among other cities

New 7 Wonders Foundation announced that the city of Lima was nominated as the venue for the ceremony of declaration of the 7 natural wonders of the world for 2011.

Andina also reported that the Peruvian capital was chosen as a possible location along with other world cities such as Buenos Aires (Argentina), Tokyo (Japan), Shanghai (China), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), Seoul (Korea del Sur), Santiago (Chile) Las Vegas (USA), Manila (Philippines), Genoa (Italy), Monterrey (Mexico), Montevideo (Uruguay), Sofia (Bulgaria), Rome (Italy), Montreal (Canada), among others.

New 7 Wonders Foundation added that through its website users will be able to recommend other places and support their cities to host the mega event in turn.

In 2007, the crowning ceremony at Machu Picchu in Lisbon (Portugal) was transmitted to more than 170 countries and was the animation of the actors Ben Kingsley, Hillary Swank and Bipasha Basu, besides the participation of artists like the tenor José Carreras, footballer Cristiano Ronaldo and singer Jennifer Lopez.

According to the latest revision of the ranking, Lake Titicaca continues to lead in Group F, including lakes, rivers and waterfalls, "the Amazon remains in second place in Group E-groups forests, national parks, nature reserves, and the canyon Colca is the fourth box of Group D, including caves, rock formations and valleys.

Lima To vote to host press here.



Friday, March 27, 2009

What To Wear To Sorority Tea



Cancun began to lose tourists demanding in their desire for nature. Therefore, several companies were launched on the path of sustainable hotel.

CANCUN, Mexico, March 23 (Tierramérica) .- Antonio Moreno is banquet manager of a four-diamond hotel in the southeastern Mexican city of Cancun, but for more than a year his work includes binning.

Why? To confirm that the waste is properly sorted for recycling, said. The vessel "blue is for plastic, yellow cardboard, metal gray and green for organic waste."

With 213 rooms, Le Meridien Resort & Spa, where she Moreno, one of the more than 60 hotels in Cancun and the last to sustainable tourism certification awarded by the Australian organization Green Globe, notes responsible for human resources, Alma Quiñones.

Three other hotels are to begin their certification processes and completed nine says the representative of Green Globe in Mexico, Gustavo Ramos.

All are in a stretch of the southeastern state of Quintana Roo, including Cancun, Isla Mujeres, Playa del Carmen, Cozumel and Tulum. It is a sea line of 130 kilometers , Riviera Maya, known for its turquoise waters, white sand beaches and reefs. It has more than 70,000 hotel rooms and get some three million tourists a year.

the past three decades, this area is home to the Mayan culture and important archaeological monuments as the pyramids of Chichen Itza Tulum, has been a magnet for tourists from the United States, Canada and Europe. Here you can find sun, sand and culture. And in return leave 5,000 million dollars annually.

However, the lack of sustainable practices to the environment has led some of these visitors to give back to Cancun.

"There are groups of tourists who are investigating whether we are truly environmentally friendly before making your reservation," said Quiñones this reporter.

The hotel estimates that in 2008 lost $ 260 million for this reason. To their surprise, hundreds of tourists demanded the return of his money to arrive in Cancun, where they found what they had been offered in the brochures: reefs and extensive beaches as Hurricane Wilma was in 2005, leaving in place a few meters from sand and stones.

According to the director of Tourism the Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT), Gabriela Mercado, Mexico lost competitiveness due to the lack of sustainable management of natural resources, and in 2008 that was reflected in the fall of European tourism, which tends to select destinations with good environmental and cultural.

According to the representative of non-governmental Mexican Environmental Law Center (Cemda), Alejandra Serrano Pavón, Cancun hotels destroyed the mangrove forests to construct buildings without complying with the dunes and accelerating coastal erosion.

To reverse this phenomenon, the federal government wants to restore the beaches through a proposed 60 million dollars, which appears to be the solution.

authorities beaches which are thought to extract sand complain that removed to put the costs of those who preyed.

also criticized hotels indifference to the community. There are, no doubt that the economic benefits of keeping tourism in the region, as is acknowledged by official SEMARNAT, to the fact that Quintana Roo feel not own the beaches, especially Cancún.

Hotels have formed walls that prevent ordinary people access to the coast. "10 years ago in Cancun's hotel zone had green screens, you could still see the ocean. But not anymore," says Moreno, Le Méridien.

If someone wants to go to sea must pay the hotel, as the publicist José Uriarte. "I pay my $ 20 day pass and I can use the pool, restrooms, lounge chairs, towels," he says.

But if you install without paying, it can occur that the seller of crafts Jaime Garcia. "The guards are arrogant, they say that the beach is the hotel. Once I told them were public, but seized a hose and doused me until I left," he says. As a result, it is not "a Mayita who works there to go and put your towel out of the Hotel Presidente," says Serrano Pavón.

Maybe that's why some hotels are driven to improve their image voluntary certificate. So, install water treatment plants and with it water their luxurious golf courses, use biodegradable detergents and chemicals, decorate their premises with native plants and improve their relationships with the community taking care schools and houses, giving talks about sustainable practices and donating the money they receive for recycling of cans and glass.

But it's not just about image.

In one year, the hotel Le Méridien dropped five percent of their consumption of electricity, four percent water, 13 percent of liquefied petroleum gas and 24 percent diesel, notes manager maintenance, Gudiño Christopher Nava. Also, went from producing more than one kilogram of waste per person daily, to 520 grams . The next year should improve these figures to endorse the certificate.

In Playa del Carmen, the Mayan Palace hotel, also certified by Green Globe, "an area set aside for a crocodile and renovated an island within a lake to house pink flamingos. We also have an area of \u200b\u200bworm and nursery of native species, "says project manager certification, Erica Lobos.

"offer tourists a tour cycling in these areas and explain why protect these plants and animals that are recovering more quickly after a hurricane, "he adds.

But while these efforts are important, estimates Lobos, adoption of a sustainable culture is slow. "There is some apathy. We advise on sustainable practices, and have only one request a month or two hotels interested in working in this way "is not enough, he says. Meanwhile, Semarnat develops a national standard requirements of sustainability for tourism ventures in the region . It contains the criteria for determining whether a hotel is sustainable or not, and will serve to restore order. Its value lies in exposing those who are not sustainable, which will mean bad publicity.

Cemda For, although the standard is welcome, not enough, because there are hotels that do not meet the official plans and development system that already exist, and still receive the approval of the federal authority itself. Semarnat would not comment on those criticisms.

The indifference of some hotels, especially the newer ones, a real sustainable management of the business is due in part to not see the economic benefits of caring for the area, says Serrano Pavón.

It believes that "environmental issues" is "anti-development and job creation, and it is not. It's quality of life for the inhabitants, and will also allow tourism to continue to generate money," he adds.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Riding A Bike With Achilles Tendonitis


President Alan Garcia inaugurated the DoubleTree Guest Suites by Hilton in Paracas


Mercedes Araoz ministers and Antonio Brack. The investment was U.S. $ 15 million. According to Hilton, 30% increase in the number of American luxury tourists in Peru

Optimistic for a change. Such was the attitude of the president, Alan Garcia, during the inauguration this morning of DoubleTree Guest Suites hotel by Hilton in Paracas Bay , luxury building whose construction has required an investment of about $ 15 million.

The Head of State was accompanied by Minister Mercedes Araoz, the holder Environment, Antonio Brack, and the president of the consortium that owns the hotel, Ricardo Bracale.

"Victory will smile to Peru," were the words of President Garcia, alluding to the global financial crisis and the introduction of memory demand in Peru against Chile to The Hague. The first quarter of 2010 will be a "point of no return to the global economic recovery," said the president.

In that regard, he congratulated all those who continue betting on the country to build hotels and factories, and reiterated his call on employers to make this fact momentary blip, an opportunity to continue to build, for the time-consuming back the world of goods, service and tourism.

More luxury for Peru

As regional director said the DoubleTree by Hilton, Jeff Wolff, for the daily management , the percentage of American luxury tourists coming to Peru could increase by 30%.

Wolff noted that the idea of \u200b\u200bbuilding a luxury hotel in Paracas, with an investment of about U.S. $ 15 million, was carried out thanks to the cultural attractiveness of Peru and Machu Picchu incorporating as world wonder.

In the same vein, the hotel group has launched a major project in Cusco, but you must face some problems with the building permit. The Imperial City would be Hilton's latest project in Peru, he noted.



Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Tutorials Fo Derwent Colour Pencils

Battery Operated Parmesan Cheese Grater

Quechua and Aymara THE ENDANGERED

UNESCO placed the Quechua and Aymara languages \u200b\u200bin your list endangered

highlights the policies that have led to an increase of speakers of these languages \u200b\u200b

The Quechua and Aymara languages \u200b\u200bthat are part of everyday life in our major tourist destinations (Machu Picchu and Lake Titicaca, for example) are contained in 2.500 Atlas of endangered languages \u200b\u200bin the world of the existing 6.000. This list was drawn up by UNESCO, an organization that has launched yesterday an electronic version of the atlas in the city of Paris.

This atlas is an interactive digital tool. Contains updated data on endangered languages \u200b\u200band may be supplemented, corrected or updated constantly by the contributions of its users. Other options you have is that you can search by multiple criteria and classify endangered languages \u200b\u200bas different levels of vitality: vulnerable, endangered, seriously endangered, critically endangered and extinct (since 1950).

Although the organization said that there are favorable language policies have done to increase the number of speakers of those languages, there are still disturbing information. Of the 6,000 languages \u200b\u200bthat exist in the world, more than 200 have become extinct in the last three generations, 538 are in critical condition, 502 seriously endangered, 632 endangered and 607 vulnerable.

The atlas also shows that 199 languages \u200b\u200bhave fewer than 10 speakers and 178 more have a number of speakers between 10 and 50.




CEL: 991659178

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Friday, January 30, 2009

What Causes Your Heart To Beat Faster



The World Organization Tourism Organization (UNWTO) estimates that the current economic crisis is an opportunity to change the model of tourism, as Javier Blanco, Executive Director of Affiliate Members of the organization, "tourism is a key industry and now we have the opportunity to create something new. "

For White, that participated in the seminar organized by the WTO "Tourism: Responding to new global challenges of the global economy, held as part of Fitur, now it is time" to shake the fear and time of consensus and active participation and good work Indeed, it is time to merge the corporate governance and values. "

For his part, John Kesler, director of Market Research of the WTO has discussed the consequences of tourism in 2008 and predictions for 2009. As explained last year that the total international arrivals was 924 million tourists. "Last year was very changeable, in the first half of the year there was a 5% growth in the number of legacy over 2007, while the second half and recorded a negative rate of -1%. "

As explained Kesler, 2008 has closed with a 2% decrease in total arrivals and parts of Europe and Asia-Pacific have been the brunt of this decline. "It was a turbulent year," he explained, "the first of the year was marked by concerns about rising fuel prices and inflation, while in the second, it became apparent the crisis." Anyway there was still areas that have had positive growth as Africa and East medium.

Status for 2009

For 2009 Kesler says the question is "how much will last the crisis and its scope." It has also ensured that the estimates "are bad, our panelists believe that tourism results will be worse than 2008." In addition, economic forecasts are down, "according to IMF forecasts are for economic growth of 0.5% and from 2010 will see an improvement, with growth of 3%. However, explained that since the OMR expect growth will be between 0 and -2% and could be worse if recovery late. "

Moreover Meter Keller, Switzerland Tourism director and professor at the University of Lausanne, believes that now governments are implementing economic measures "of Keynesian, so you should know its these serve for tourism" . Also consider that what the industry leaders must ask is that no detriment to tourism promotion, "to invest in infrastructure and help SMEs to improve the offer."

Hosteltur • 01.30.2009 (thanks to my friends who love the network of tourism and agrotourism white Marvon its director)

cel: 991659178

Sayings Of 3rd Birthday

Amusing - DEC 2008